Author Topic: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?  (Read 968778 times)

Offline Sandy Hawkins

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1200 on: March 26, 2014, 08:09:44 pm »
People are saying Cake is dying it! Please tell me this isn't true...

how can cake be dying while it runs an event every Friday that is streamed and successfully fills up under 60 seconds, that parallels the dev games which offers prizes where the iron fork does not, A clan that is still recruiting faster than any other clan in the game,

This forum post alone is one of the most viewed and commented on, cake is probably the most famous clan in the game and the biggest, yes not known for competitive but known for the spirit of the game the spirit of fun and the spirit of fire,
some of my best memory's of the game where when i was with cake and some of the people i would call true friends are still or where part of this clan,

This clan proved you do not have to compete to be the biggest or famous not to mention have some of the best and experienced players in there ranks. its about making friends having fun and helping new players. AND Burning everything...Always haha

I hope the issue of competitive cake will get sorted out for those who want it, but as i learned perhaps if you need to compete cake might not be the best clan for you hence the perfect rule of duel membership, even though you compete with a diffrent clan does not mean you can not put that Cake tag on and have fun with some of your friends or nicest people in the game ^^,

EDIT: wanted to explain the gif. In context that could possibly mean a lot of things, in the case I was using it to say I agree completely and you wrote it in such a way that that gif fits.

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1201 on: March 26, 2014, 08:23:38 pm »
People are saying Cake is dying it! Please tell me this isn't true...

Short story: It isn't. At all.

Longer story: Yes, there has been a bit of division, and I'd be lying if I said it was all sunshine and flamethrowers in the inner-workings.

Everyone's been civilized and we're coming to a solution that we're all mostly happy with.

This most likely won't be affecting most of you in any way, as it's focused on our competitive group.

However, be on the lookout for changes. Anything major WILL be announced here and changed within the mission statement at the beginning of this post.

Happy Roasting!

Offline JinxedHatesYou

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1202 on: March 26, 2014, 08:35:33 pm »
I've been playing around for a long enough now to say that I definetly enjoy what I am seeing here.
Especially after most recent experience with pastries.

I would like to sail around with some other, yet unknown to me, pastries to get a solid impression of you before deciding whenever I want to join you or not.
I have some experience with Spud Nick and B'Ellana so far. Would be nice to have a list of current active players to catch up with them.

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1203 on: March 26, 2014, 08:44:45 pm »
I think you have played with me too, Jinxed. If not, add my steam, same name as here :) and you can bug me whenever

Offline JinxedHatesYou

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1204 on: March 26, 2014, 08:52:48 pm »
I do remember playing with you, as well.
Though it was probably a very long time ago, I did not saw you around for at least a year.

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1205 on: March 26, 2014, 09:58:09 pm »
indeed, I'm very new, quite possibly the youngest (in game terms) CA around.  I have joined the game about 3-4 months ago and CA for only a week or two now. :)

Offline Bigglessy

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1206 on: March 27, 2014, 05:05:11 am »
I like cake a lot :)

In fact, I like it so much, that not only have I flown with Jacob Fii, I live with him as well  8)

So, I can haz cake plz?

Oh, um, I ah, mean, I would like to formally request to join your prestigious group. :)

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1207 on: March 27, 2014, 05:14:16 am »

When I found you drunken-wrestling in that tavern in Yesha for rent money, I knew that you had the right stuff. I took you aboard my crew because of your tactical knowledge and your obsession for my 'gnus' as you called them - and also for your sharp wit. I have watched you grow into a true scallywag, and for that I am proud.

I would be honoured to formally accept you into our ranks, and assure you that there will be more Cake and Fire than you could have dreamed.

Yes, you can haz cake my lad. I'll come upstairs and shake your hand after posting. -runs upstairs-

Offline Bigglessy

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1208 on: March 27, 2014, 05:16:14 am »
*returns handshake*

Offline raislin

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1209 on: March 28, 2014, 06:18:34 pm »
i would love to join cake :D

i accidently joind the clan event and had a lot of fun \^o^/

Offline Hallen

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1210 on: March 28, 2014, 07:45:01 pm »
Hey evryone,

I happened to join a game recently with an entire room full of [cake] [CaKe] [CAKE] [cAkE] and so on (i dunno if theyre all correctly spelled, so forgive me pls).
But i really enjoyed the athmosphere and all around fun shenanigans.

When i dared to ask if theres a possibility to join such an awesome group, i got directed to this forum.
So here I am, begging for a piece of the cake.

Offline Don Griffen

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1211 on: March 29, 2014, 02:32:33 pm »

Pastries! I have a question. How do I go about joining the Cake competitive team?


Offline Andika

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1212 on: March 29, 2014, 04:00:20 pm »
Welcome Raislin and Hallen,

do you happen to remember who you were flying with during the Fork?  :) If not, no worries, if you come right from the Cake event, you've probably got to know us a bit already. It's usually a part of Cake's joining process that you fly with a few of our members before joining, and those folks post a few approving words about you here. (Words like "Yes, that guy/girl was an unbelievably crazy, mad, insane, cute arsonist.") :D Also, feel free to add anyone from this forum thread to your friendlist and find us in-game, so we can get to know each other.

Finally, I would recommend checking out the original post here, as it contains a lot of useful information about the clan and its basic policies.

Don Griffen,
Check out the Steam group called The Confectionary, that's the place for learning about competitive Cake events, and also the main channel for such discussions. As far as I remember, there was an application form there which you can fill out with your usual gaming times, favourite roles, etc. That is also the place where you can sign up for matches.

Offline WicketTheEwok

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1213 on: March 29, 2014, 04:43:50 pm »
I'd love to fly as a Pastry! Here's my Steam Profile

Add me and we can do that test flight or flights :D

Offline Andika

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Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« Reply #1214 on: March 30, 2014, 04:04:49 am »
*Disclaimer: This post has nothing to do with Kirk singing before the last Fork event and me recording the whole thing.*

Having said that, let me present the first sneak peek teaser trailer of:

Cake The Musical

Featuring songs and covers by some Cake members with a bonus track and other extras.
In the main roles: James T. Kirk (as himself), Piemanlives (the arsonist troubadour), Jacob Fii (a fire-loving skywayman)
+ several other cameo appearances

The plot:
The musical tells the story of James T. Kirk, mad captain and leader of Cake clan. Together with his faithful crew he embarks on a sky pirating adventure during which he must come to terms with his undying arsonist desire to put stuff on fire. The story involves a necessary and rather dubious love thread which, fortunately, gets engulfed by a mess of flames coming from a randomly thrown mine. The closing scene displays a mechanical flying banshee cake programmed to burn the whole stage down, which is the very reason why we didn't get the required official permit to perform this musical live anywhere. Ever.

*Disclaimer: the product presented above is naturally nothing more than a fun compilation so please do not send desperate begging letters to me that you want to participate in this perfect and coolest ever musical because it will never be made. + I think I have too much free time so I'll go and do something that is really and actually useful for society and the greater good in general.*