I was pondering about what we might do about
this here in the near future, then skimming the forums and of course reading about the Mobula again. Somehow the thoughts about Arashi Raiders and the Mobula merged to create Arashi Raiders stealing a Mobula prototype.
Well, how do you steal a ship? With harpoons. You carry it after your ship and try to get away with it.
My idea is as follows:
A 3v3 Match, the Red Team gets the Mobula and a second ship of their choice. The Blue Team gets 3 ships, of which one serves as the carrier with the harpoon. Probably a Junker or something lighter, not a Galleon, because then it'd be too difficult to get the carrier down.
The Mobula is not allowed to move, only to turn and to shoot at the attacking ships. For this sake it gets a tiny crew consisting of a Pilot to do the turning and a Gunner.
The designated carrier ship from the blue team has to carry the Mobula with it's harpoon to their starting side of the map, the red team wins if it can prevent this from happening for.. say, 10 minutes?
Obviously this idea is in the very early stages of development, I apologize if you find any huge flaws in my concept. But go ahead and give me some input

Edit: Thankfully pointed out by Urz, a similar thing was already done by Letus and NateDawg: