Pyramidion-Chikchikkyboom: Watched the movie "The Mask" and laughed my head off at the "Cuban Pete" scene, in which Jim Carry repeatedly yells "ChikChikkyboom, chikchikkyboom, chikchikkyboom!"
Squid-Lapetus: Saw some videos about moons in the solar system. Lapetus was a moon that looks like two moons that crashed into each other, was fitting for my ram-happy squid piloting.
Mobula-Muffin Frost: Not much to say, it looks like a muffin to me
Galleon-Golden Hind: The Golden Hind is the flagship of legendary pirate and treasure hunter Sir Francis Drake. While the galleon isn't my best ship, I considered it appropriate for it to have a legendary name.
Goldfish-Dark Yellow Yarn: Thought people would trip over themselves wondering, "How can yellow be dark??? And why did he name his ship that??"
Junker-Border Guard: Ever thought the junker would be great for drive ,*cough* fly-bys? Well, I did and the boxer guard is the one who must catch people all the while shooting them, what better configuration than this?
Yeah I know not super entertaining reasons.
Edit: Forgot the Spire: Needlepoint- was in a game one day when someone jokingly suggested that spire be used as ammo for the Juggernaut's cannons, I mean, the ship looks like it could hit pretty hard if it could turn on its side and go at the enemy longways, with the "needlepoint" facing the enemy