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The Codex of Zuka

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Squidslinger Gilder:
The jokes around Zuka'Esrai's matches aside, lot of us have sorta spawned legends of Zuka dolls and steak sauce. So building upon that I bring you something you can all participate in. The Codex of Zuka. They can be silly, off the wall, or stupid. Either way folks keep asking me for new codex entries and I'm not a machine so...lets hear some of yours!

I'll start off with...

From the codex of Zuka:

"Zukaflinging is an an Olympic approved sport involving lumberjacks and Zuka. There are no winners or losers, only those that get Zuka'd!"
"Moonshine may get you there fast, but Zukashine will get you there Zukafast!"
"Zuka doesn't just crew airships, they become part of Zuka."
"Airships aren't constructed, they're Zuka'd from Zukamidion rams."
"Zuka hand stitches every Zuka doll...because he cares"
"Valentines day may be for chocolate but Zukatines day is for Zuka Steak Sauce!!"
"Zuka doesn't always drink beer, but when he does, he drinks Dos Zuka"
"Zuka can stack teams with all AI due to his aura of Zukaness"
"The aura of Zukaness turns mice into men, noobs into leets, and can serve as a floatation device in case of water landings."
"Zuka doesn't get mad, he gets ZUKZILLAAAAAAA!!!!"

"Zuka once found a way to shoot the ancient cannon on Anglean Raiders, there were no survivors."
"Zukadolls once were used in a fertility ritual, the resulting children were deemed OP and the practice was discontinued."
"Top notch food critics can not tell the difference between old shoe leather covered in Zuka Steak Sauce and filet mignon covered in the leading brand."
"The Zukascope will show you only the truth. Unfortunately that truth is that Zuka will find you and kill you."
"Zuka once used the bayonet at the end of the Pyramidion's bowsprit to preform delicate surgery on a sky whale."

Squidslinger Gilder:
"The Zukascope is made out of 90% recycled materials, and 10% recycled Zuka"
"When Zuka mans guns he brings his own ammo type. Enemies who survive scream in horror at the sound of, ZUKA ZUKA ZUKA ZUKA ZUKA ZUKA!!!"
"Zuka doesn't capture points, he lures the points to him with an open bottle of Zukasauce."

"A Zukanaut is any one brave enough to navigate the inner workings of Zuka's mind"
"When four or more guns on a ship are being simultaneously manned and fired by Zuka it is called a Zukafecta"
"The phrase 'Pulling a Zuka' has over 9000 different meanings, all of them are awesome"

Squidslinger Gilder:
"Zuka can barrel roll a Galleon with one finger"
"Women love the smell of Zukcess! You can have yours too for 10 easy payments of $19.99!"
"Zuka invented his own language, but only those who have been Zuka'd can learn it"
"Zuka's armor never goes down because bullets are naturally repelled by his aura of Zukaness."
"Zuka can snipe with a carronade."
"Zuka doesn't train newbies...he Zukas them"


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