First user name EVER was on RuneScape. It was BobBongBob1. I was in the second grade, and I wanted it to be Bob BOING Bob like the onomatopoeia for a ball bouncing, but I spelled it wrong. Also I didn't even NEED to put the one, I just added it because I was stupid and in second grade. So people ended up thinking I was a stoner because my name was bobBONGbob everywhere.
Eventually I realized that that was a stupid name and I started going by MitchBoojah, because that's what Jace(my brother) used in everything. We played alot of XBoy back then he was JaceBoojah I was MitchBoojah his girlfriend was RenneBoojah so everyone knew we were together. After watching Trigun (which is an anime, I recommend watching it) the main character's name is Vash, I loved the sound of the name and loved the anime, so I would put my name as Vash... Vash was taken on almost everthing, and I didn't want to be a VASH1233423546475763487652. So the way I got the Fight Boy is that I was doing community service that had to do with Acting, and I would tell people my name is Vash if they didn't know me for fun, and people kept suggesting the Fight Boy character to me. "Vash should be Fight Boy, Fight Boy Vash" FIGHTBOYVASH
That was long and not completely on topic, but there's the story of my name and my first gaming names.