So besides GOIO, which games do you think would make awesome movies? Don't pick one that has already been done, unless you write an essay along with it about how Uwe Boll or Paul WS Anderson deserve to be stranded on some tiny little island the size of a VW, never to return or make movies again.
Me, I've been really thinking for some time that Metal Slug would make a great movie series. Granted it keeps in tact that humor and randomness of the games. If it went all serious, it would be just terrible. Kinda make it in a Sky Captain style where it has a little campy feel to it but is endearing.
Why it would work is because the canon is flexible. Fans wouldn't get pissy over it if Hollywood decided to go somewhere else with. As long as the base characters were in tact, you'd have freedom to take any of the plot ideas from the games (which get all sorts of bizarre), and make something unique.
Probably the biggest failing of all the game based movies has been the departure from the original story lines. Directors (Anderson) deciding to completely make their own story based on the original, yet fans really wanting to see the story they know and love in a live action. Metal Slug can avoid this pitfall. As long as Morden is involved in it in someway, it'll succeed.
The only way it would really fail is if the script tried to be too much like everyone else. Which is a problem with hollywood right now. They don't churn out a lot of original scripts because they don't want to risk what might not sell. Metal Slug would be a potentially risky venture. While it could really work well, if it pulled a Spiderman and kept killing off all the villains (which don't really die in the games), it would fail. But hey, it has a lore with zombies, aliens, mummies, and just about any thing you could think up so they could be killed off and cloned and it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility.