I'm an introvert. To add someone to my friendlist, I have to fly a few matches with that person and kinda get to know him.
To block someone all I need is 5-10 seconds of microphone/chat abuse, some bad behaviour or really bad gameplay connected with unwillingness to communicate and/or learn. Or, sadly, as usual, each of those.
Also, especially during sales, there is a lot of new demon spawn of "players" who make everyone lives worse. So just blocking people happens so much often than adding them to friends, hence my suggestion.
Antisocial. It's not that I'm antisocial or GOIO community is antisocial. It truly isn't! There is just a bunch of people who likes SILENCE and spending time with people who don't scream to microphones or insult you, or play music or whatever. We don't do it out of vengenance or rage, we don't block people for fun or anything, we're just protecting ourselves.
You claim that adding to friends and blocking is two sides of the same coin. That isn't always the case. It's not "I hate/dislike you list", for many it may be even "Yeah, I don't want to hear you 'at this moment' ", for example when other team is discussing some random shit on the all-lobby voicechat and I'm busy talking with my crew/team about loadouts/tactics. That's why I suggested
some other way of dealing with this. For me blocking mostly is sad necessity.
It's funny how people try to defend their argument and cause through attacking others. As to "droves of players", well, I've decided to play some games during sales. What should I do? Apologise? Stop playing until we hit our cosy 400 players prime time zone? What should I do? About "slowing down" thing, I play GOIO for like 7 hours a week, so not really that much. And still, how this is even an argument? I'm antisocial or I block (too?) many people because I play GOIO too much? I really don't follow.
Putting that a side for a moment, well, can't we do both, perhaps? Shift + click = block, ctrl + click = add to friends? Or just shift but with left/right mouse button?