Author Topic: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]  (Read 11716 times)

Offline HaZmY

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Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« on: May 23, 2014, 07:01:21 am »
Hello my fellow friends!

I can see many people struggle with the game, esspecialy now when we get TONS of new players thanks to Steam and Humblebundle.
So...I would like to help these people!
I can understand that people don't like to do tutorials and listen to guides or just read them, becuse...THEY WANT TO PLAY.
And that's a very very good reason in fact.

So what is my idea?

I want to organize Tutorial matches for people who needs them, where players with better knowledge of the game helps.
Of course, you can say...people can ask in global chat if they want! Yes, they could, but many won't. If we could get MUSE's support on this and make this official,
we can get many people see that they can learn to play while having great fun with us, where they won't get shouted at for being new.

For this I also need volunteers to help me and of course...why would I do this if noone wants tutorial matches?

If you guys request this thing and would find it useful, then please reply to this post so I know if i should start arranging it.

I will be updating this post every time there's something new I can share with you about this "event"! We will arrange time and schedule about it as soon as we know you like the idea!

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2014, 07:26:08 am »
Hey HaZmY,

This actually used to be a thing way back in the day when I first became a CA. I found that a lot of newer players did enjoy it, and would have probably kept it going to this day, if other various factors hadn't interfered (mainly RL work :()... If this is something you're willing to pursue, do not hesitate to start your planning (If you would like advice, I am more than happy to provide if needed :))).

To Clear Skies,

Offline Tanya Phenole

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2014, 07:32:47 am »

This is actually what a CA's work supposed to be. 
But I love the idea and I would love to join as other helper

Offline Hillerton [PC]

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2014, 07:51:02 am »
I really like the idea! However I will say already that I'm probably the totally wrong person to help with any thing other than possibly arranging it as I'm about as trust wordy as a rabid squirrel when it comes to handling new player;P. I could sit on the sideline a few times yelling things in match chat to pilots tho if you needed that:)

But how do you plan to pull it off?

My idea would be starting out in the sandbox with maybe one engineering ship, one buff ship, a pilot ship and possibly a gunner ship. This way you put one experienced player in as a teacher and starts with showing them what to do, talk about different tools and ammo and simply do a run threw of what they are expected to do. (Should take about 15-30 min)
After this you guys could jump out to "real" games where they get to test out what you have talked about still with some help from older players but where the focus isn't on the older players really doing much of the work as this might shift balances, make the matches boring and take away from the people learning(will be hard to implement maybe they only get to spectate and give tips?). (maybe for 1-2 hours so it really sinks in)
(Idea based on how Rydr teaches chem spray circles so it is somewhat tested)

Does this sound like a good idea? It might (will) get boring but I feel that Icarus is to advanced to just throw people in to the frame of battle and this will still be more interactive than the tutorials.

Any how no mater how you do it remember to focus on the new players and don't let the old ones have to much action, after all any one can sit and look at someone else  running repair cycles doesn't mean they will get a feel for it. This must not turn in to a glorification of the older players if it is to work!

Offline HaZmY

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2014, 08:25:57 am »
Great to see that people actually like the idea, we can pull something off then!

I want to do something like you said, but first we have to get support of Muse! We need arranged times for this to work, and after that we can make a tutorial scheme that we will do!

Sandbox is a great idea, esspecially for engineers to practice, but It will be fine for everyone!

I start planning then, since it seems like you guys approve this idea!

Offline HaZmY

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2014, 08:58:13 am »
My grand scheme so far...:

- Time arrangement

    The most important thing is to arrange these tutorials in time, when people from all around the world can practice. This might mean that we will have to make separate Tutorials for EU and USA for ex. This is quite important, because if we only do this in one particular time, then we would mess with people who either work at day or night, or have etc.
I was thinking about doing this at 8 PM GMT, it might be a good time for both timezones, but I am open to any ideas about this.

- Servers

   This is a topic related to the above one, we will make servers according to the players playing from a specific timezone. That's clear...These games should be passworded, and we should do it as DEV games, or...maybe we will give the password for the servers here on the forum, so those will know this, who read our plan!

- Tutorial Plan

   Sandbox mode will be perfect to start off with...There we will be able to teach the basis of Engineering, piloting and gunning...Cool! These games will be for the very-very new players. In my opinion, not so many players will want to do this,'s boring we can say.
So the main tutorials will take place in normal deathmatch games ( We will have to do king of the hills too, because many have absolutely no clue how to play that ). We will have to have an experienced player for every ship as captain, and they will teach individuals. In-game we will discuss what to practice and stuff, but basically basic tactics and repairing.

Builds,loadouts,achievement gettings will also be discussed here.

- Volunteers

   Since I said we need an experienced Captain to every ship, it means, we will need 4 experienced player A GAME. It means a LOT OF VOLUNTEERS. So feel free to sign up here in this thread for this!

- Prices

   To make this a bit more fun, I thinking about doing prices for these tutorials. Every end of a week, maybe we could make a tournament between tutored players, who fight each other, and the ones who win, can get a costume or something! We need MUSE's help in this one, if they approve!

-Live streaming

   This 'Tournaments' could be streamed and commetated, which I would love to do of course :D

      God Speed my friends,

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2014, 09:30:56 pm »
I vote for square oxford hats as prizes :P

Offline Fourth Oracle

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2014, 09:20:11 pm »
I wouldn't mind commentating it too terribly much.

Offline HaZmY

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2014, 07:58:56 am »

Okay now...I would like to ask you guys, to sign-up to be a Tutor, by sending me a Private message!

I'll need at least 3, so that we can be 4 captains for a 2v2 Tutorial game! I'am planning to do this event on Wednesday 28th around 8PM GMT. We would discuss the topic and technique on what we would do!

God Speed,

Offline HaZmY

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2014, 11:09:42 am »
It seems people are not open to this ^^ At least my message box has only 1 message, and people are not responding to this post :/

I guess this won't be happening soon!

Offline Hillerton [PC]

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Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2014, 08:01:23 am »
Just a thought, but it can be several things that creates trouble. First of this is a mixture of two widely different things, we have the learning/tutorial thing then we also have some sort of tournament which I'm not so sure mixing is a good idea. Secondly the time is bad for everyone not European I do believe, 8 pm GMT is 4 pm EST or around 4-6 am for our friends in Asia or Australia. This could hamper a lot of the older players.

I'm also not sure about your idea of having 4 good pilots with a new crew, wouldn't it be better to put in engineers and gunners or what ever you find to teach, this way I do think that you could get more volunteers and also a better teaching plan as pilots are not necessarily good engineers or good teachers;)

So in short try to redo this in to a training event rather than a Tournament plan, and don't expect any thing other than having to find the trainees in the general chat. Make it a casual thing with a dedicated training "crew" helping you rather than trying to find a whole bunch of interested players