- Lobby - doesn't remember last settings, forcing user to set his filters over and over again. Really frustrating
- Lobby - from all of the filters there, the most useful one is missing: Region. I want to limit my games to the EU, yet I can't and need to fish them between US games >_>
- Progress window - Prizes - Redeemable - why exactly do I have to redeem prizes manually? I stumbled upon this option purely by accident. And I can't recall when I seen something like that last time o_O Can't you just display a notification after the match if I have an option to unlock something - like pretty much every other game out there?
I agree on those things. They would be nice additions and I am surprised they were not implemented in the game from the very beginning as well.
- Ship menu / Shop - just one tiny note here cause otherwise: It's great. Ships paint is very underwhelming. It's applied only to the balloons and it's got very low tint (if that's the right expression) - paint seems to be very transparent in comparison to the paint on clothes. It'd be also great to have an option of applying paint to the wings or external hull armor.
There was an option to paint your hull in the development when the ship customizing was introduced, but apparently Muse didn't like the idea behind it, with dyeing being only put on balloons. Maybe it will be implemented later on, who knows. As for wings, they are always colored with the color of your team, so you can differentiate one ship from another, so I wouldn't like the idea of painting those, it would cause too much confusion.
- Practice Mode - It doesn't offer practice against AI ship? Even if I pick 1vs1? Interface never gives me any hint what am I doing wrong and why I can't start a practice 1vs1 match. Perhaps if player clicks ready and he is the only human in the lobby - game should give a hint that more players are required to join in order to start a battle?
1v1 Practice assumes that you will have at least 2 players taking part in it that will mount the commander slot and click ready, just like a normal skirmish game. You can't start a match until all commander/pilot slots are filled and people will click ready, and that applies for both skirmish and practice mode. Currently there's no AI for piloting, for it is much more complex to execute than AI for other classes, so you can't really fight against a Pyramidion with 4 AI crew members. It will be expanded in Coop mode, though, maybe even to the point of having a functioning AI ship, who knows.
- Game hints - Spyglass - could use a hint in game on how exactly to spot the enemy (I also found myself trying to spot friendlies... really had no clue how to differ friendly from the enemy unless someone else spotted them for me during first few matches... now I know there are some tiny flags in color of a faction, but.. >_> )
There are in-game tutorials that cover most of the game basics, that includes using a spyglass, I say that it being part of the tutorial is quite a huge hint, considering that doing the tutorials is recommended for every fresh new player. As for how to differ friendly from the enemy ship, it's implemented the same way most of the "red vs blue" games have - there are certain part of clothing (in GoIO's case, flags on the ship) that can't be colored and their color is dependant on whichever team you're in, so there's nothing new in that, just do the same thing you'd do in UT games, or TF2, you're red? shoot blue guys. There are also other ways to confirm whether or not the ship you see is an enemy or not. If you click M it shows the positions of your team's ships, and if, for example, your ally is behind you, or on the other side of the map, but you see the ship in front of you, you can safely assume it's an enemy. You can also click Tab to see the ship types for every team. If your team consists of double Goldfish, and you're fighting against Pyramidion and Mobula you can also safely assume that any ship that's not a Goldfish is an enemy. If you're still not sure, you can shoot the ship you see once or twice. If you see the hit markers, it's an enemy(that one has a little bit of trouble working properly now, for there's often a glitch that after you get killed once all the hit markers disappear for some time, but once it's fixed it's a more or less viable option of verifying whether or not you're shooting an ally or enemy).