Author Topic: Icaro's first day at Icarus  (Read 4545 times)

Offline Don Ico

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Icaro's first day at Icarus
« on: May 19, 2014, 01:23:49 am »
Hello there!
I am Icaro, (the portuguese version of Icarus) Really, my name is Icaro! I am a 29y old brazilian and a gammer.

On others game I'm not a active member of the community foruns, but this time is diferent. And this is because this game and this developers deserve!
Today was my first day on this game and I can only be amused! How the developers made so incredible well made game with so litle incentive and money! This game have the teamwork mechanic that I always wanted! You realy are in a ship... you dont BECOME the ship like others game! You do realy fell that you are in a crew struggling for that extra 1 second of life! And When everyone is comunicating you can fell the emotion!
And I really, honestly, dont know how, but this game has managed to gather the best community of gamers of all time! Suportive friendly players like I never saw!
I do undertand all the strugles that you developers suffer, and for that I dont dare to criticize anything on the game! Is the best! You guys made us whanting for more!
I had saw just the first part of game, I only a novice player level 3, Didin't met the big playas yet ;P But as far I played, I got to say to the developers and to the community of this game just this : "THANK YOU ALL! AND KEEP GOING!"

Sorry about my grammar, and bad english

From your newest fan Icaro

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Icaro's first day at Icarus
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 04:34:00 am »
Welcome to Guns of Icarus Online, Icaro!

I am so glad that you're enjoying our wonderful game and I hope you stick around to appreciate it for many flights to come. You are so right in your sentiments; this game has an excellent immersive quality and the teamwork and communication that makes this game tick is such a breath of fresh air. The community are lovely and supportive and we'd be happy to call you a part of it.

If you ever need a hardy crewmate or co-captain, be sure to add me in-game and catch me. I'd be pleased to fly with you. :D

Offline Don Ico

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Re: Icaro's first day at Icarus
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 10:30:38 am »
Absolutely Jacob! I'll Add you!
And if anyone fell like to add me in your friends list go ahead! =)
Yeah, the teamwork and the community it

But people on novice games must learn comunicate more! I Mean, look at me speaking with accent that is a mix between Apu from simpsons and shortround from indiana jones! But thats the fun of this game!

Well, see you guys in the sky!