Author Topic: All of the BUGs  (Read 8563 times)

Offline Tropo

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All of the BUGs
« on: March 10, 2014, 03:10:17 am »
g'day muse and other gamers

we have all found a bug taken a srceen shot and been too lazy to report it

but if there was a way to report the bug or compliant about the game on the spot more help to the devs

so with all the problems and bugs (paritan, velcro, floating builds , disappearing ships, invisible rocks) in the current game

it make sense to add a old school in game bug  report feature like they have in alpha and beta games
you oready have a report player feature and couple it with logs file and you have a winner you get good feed back with all the facts hopefully making all these problem easier to fix

i feel like this would also give you better feed back about your game and a tally of how shit or painfull the problem is rite now and how many people are having this problem

thanks love tropo

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 04:07:52 am »
Its kinda impersonal and Muse would have to weed through a lot of junk reports to find the real ones.

Plus it makes me think of this:

Offline Tropo

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 07:36:45 pm »
too many bugs in the game to not have this report bug feature

if i reported every thing i found yesterday with my poor writing skill and avg eye site it would have taken over 4 hours (i have a comprehension problem and a fous problem ) had this all my life it accauly the rest im so shit at english  this here took me 10 mins to write because every 3 words i have to look at my key board and then it takes 2 second for my eyes to focus again so writign a bug report for me with just too hard i know that not everyone has this problem and some people can smash out a really good bug report and help the devs out

but wit hthe above problem i have going between windows and game and writing a bug report out takes over 3o min per report
i know one of my friends dose 2 or 3 a day and only takes him 40 mins or atleast that person used to

so in other words i used to take tme to try and report bugs but i can't keep up any more too many bugs i some times find 5 bugs per map

closing point as fare as what i can tell from your reply you must be happy to report bugs the current email way because you are afraid of trolls spamming it with silly stuff

but there is oready a ingame report player feature and no one is worried about that

so how about only people who have finsheds all of challages can send a bug report in game

and feedback in game would be limet to 30 words of less for new players so they can still have there say

the next thing i have to post is a very upset new player that feel like he wasted his money because he felt the game didn't deliver what it should of there link his agurement was that the game was so bad that it was a waste of this time and money

basicaly claiming the game was so poor that he felt robbed and as a gamer that saddse me that he thinks this game is dead before it even got off the ground

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2014, 09:22:30 pm »
I have suggested an ingame bug report feature to the devs during an ingame match before, responding to a discussion on how to better communicate with players and find issues. I pointed out that very few players actually use forums and less will use an external bug tracker. They said they would consider it.

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2014, 07:03:47 am »
Having an "bug Report" button or "Bug Tracker" would be really usefull indeed.
When I find bugs I always directly notify Keyvias about it, not everyone has him in the steam friendlist so this handy feature will be a really big help for the devs.

Only making the bug feature possible for players who have max achievment level is really unfair as you exclude all other players.
To connect this topic to the report player feature is wrong since rporting a bug has nothing to do with reporting players.
Reporting a player or sending information about a bug has no feedback value about the game. It's just a notification about a player who is ruining the gameplay or a little scar in game design. If you want feedback about the game then you should make a fill in form and send it to everyone where you ask how people think about the game and what they like and dislike about it.

I do agree of having a "report bug" feature, but everyone should be able to use it.
I'm glad you talked with the devs about it Richard, I do hope they implement this in the game.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 07:21:36 am by Coldcurse »

Offline Tropo

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2014, 07:39:39 pm »
@coldcourse i get the impression at this point that you are just posting for the sake of it

im not sure how the devs will add it in or how it should be added all i know is it would be a good feature

my reply regaurding the rank is not because im a elitest or i think new player or lower ranks know nothing its because a lot of people these day buy games just to spam and troll people

im relating it to the report player feature because its would be the same system i would image they could use

also i have in game dissugustion with the other people in this post regaurding this issue and we also talked up anouther great idea so when a player reports a bug it would get listed instead of having 500 people reporting the same bug

coldcurse please stop trying to twist my words in order to get a rise out of me
every thing i post is for a reason im not here to give time wasting feed make that the whole community wouldn't be able to use

Offline GreyTea

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2014, 08:05:53 pm »
Keep the posts on topic please, and if you have opinions about personal issues or players take up with them in private messages and try and be civil thanks,

Offline Tropo

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Re: All of the BUGs
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2014, 05:23:54 am »
i have spoken to him in private msg and i have got no where thanks for the advise grey t