Author Topic: Tempest Missile Balance Updates  (Read 7552 times)

Offline Ayetach

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Tempest Missile Balance Updates
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:39:56 pm »
Hi Folks!

We’ve been carefully studying the inclusion of the Shrike & Tempest Missiles in our PvP game mode and along with feedback we’ve come to understand some key challenges with the Tempest Missile gun:

- Tempest missiles can be debilitating and lock players down in a constant disabling cycle during engagements.
- The shake and smoke effects have caused visibility issues for players.
- Fires and shatter have proven too effective at their current levels.

Given these observations we’ve established a few changes to the gun:

- Explosive damage has been reduced to 7 (from 19).
- Secondary damage changed from Shatter to fire and has been reduced to 7 (from 11).
- Reload time has been increased to 8 seconds from 7.

These changes will help scale the gun back into a reasonable and effective set up by offering flexibility for those shooting this weapon while also offering a manageable counteraction to mitigate any imbalances with this gun. We’ll also be working on improving the special effects and camera shakes (changes which will be seen in the coming updates).

Especially with matters like this we’re always open to feedback so if you have thoughts or ideas I encourage you to email us at to share them with us, thanks for your help and support while we improve the gameplay!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 02:21:33 pm by Ayetach »

Offline Ayetach

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Re: Tempest Missile Balance Updates
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2017, 01:57:37 pm »

- Explosive damage has been reduced to 9 (from 19).
- Secondary damage changed from Shatter to fire and has been reduced to 9 (from 11).