Author Topic: The Corvus Marauders 2.0 : Moving Forward  (Read 6530 times)

Offline Phoebe

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The Corvus Marauders 2.0 : Moving Forward
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:10:50 am »
Hello :)

Having done a little bit of restructuring and re-evaluating our goals and ideals the past weeks we felt it was due for an update on who we are and what we stand for.

Let me start off by introducing you to a bit of history on Corvus Marauders;- not to be confused with the Crows!

How Corvus Marauders came to be

A lot of the players that now represent Corvus were part of a much larger group of players that called themselves King's Gambit.  This group was very mixed - both old and young players;- mature and juvenile; quiet and vocal...  It was no suprise to anyone there would be some friction and eventually the group split across the community.

A majority of the active players went into a new group you all know and remember as the Crows, a somewhat tighter group of players often playing together and facing the community with their -CROW- tagged ships.  However there was still a small number of players not entirely satisfied - it was fun but not "quite there yet".    Eventually the Crows split as well;- and AquaMac and Skrimskraw decided it was probably best to form a small team of players in an invite-only "clan" finetuned only to accept the mature;- loyal and insightful players.   This is when the Corvus Marauders were founded.

Today Corvus is a group;- not a clan - consisting of just two ships hosting 8 players with 4 substitutes.  We're too small to really call ourselves a clan but we can fill two ships and we're oriented merely around being able to compete in a 2v2 format. 

Some of us in Corvus are married;- in our 30s or even 40s;- some of us are a parent so it was bound we would find one another and get along well.  We are friends first;- but friends that share the passion of playing effective and co-operative.

What does Corvus do?

At time of writing we have recently abandoned the community event called "Cogs Scrimmages" and decided we would go our own way and chase our own ideals in our search for a semi competitive playing experience.

We're currently working hard to structure ourselves and gave each other somewhat specific tasks to contribute to our amazing group of people - examples of such are officially crowning AquaMac to be the primary and only leader of Corvus;- Skrimskraw to be in charge of arranging and scheduling friendly scrimmages with other Team captains and Grayknight who is more than happy to work on our own website;- forum and news feed.  (And I'm just the one in charge of cackling on about how awesome we are).

So that's our current ambition - we're an invite-only group that doesn't take applications and currently has no plans to become an actual clan and we wish to be a group other teams can always approach to schedule a friendly war, a competitive scrimmage or a practice session.  We are also more than happy to be useful practice to you so you can participate in events such as the Cogs with an idea of how well your build works in competitive play.

Contrary to what I've felt people have thought about us we are very reasonable people with a healthy look on things and a positive attitude.  We want to stress out that we are all about fun;- and even competitive play should be fun and have all the room for some improvisation and democracy.

The people that make Corvus happen

Our current roster, not including "friendly connections"  that can sub for us; the people officially a member of Corvus are:

Main ship 1:

Pilot: AquaMac
Gunner: Phoebe
Engineer : SushiDemon
Engineer : Grayknight

Main ship 2:

Pilot: Skrimskraw
Gunner: Vetta
Engineer: Mattilald Anguisad
Engineer: CFG


Count Havelock
Natar Ravenclaw

Sounds cool, how do I contact?

You will be able to contact us in various ways in the future when our forum and e-mails are set but you can currently contact the following people in-game; on the forum or through steam:

- Questions about Scrimmages; setting up or scheduling friendly games:   Skrimskraw  (Steam: Skrimskraw)
- Questions about Corvus as a group, issues you have with a player of Corvus: Phoebe (Steam: Tushy)
- Website related questions: Grayknight (Steam: Grayknight)
- Anything else: AquaMac (Steam: AquaMac)

Note: Asking me about the website, AquaMac about scrimmages or complain to Grayknight about SushiDemon will most likely mean you will be forwarded to the right person.

Our ideal as a group within the community of Guns of Icarus Online

We often play at random intervals where we are unable to fill a ship;- yet we always make sure we fly one and represent Corvus.   This means we don't really gun and engineer for others;- but we do let people join our ship(s).

We are very "newbie" friendly and try our best to explain them how the game works and think we are generally likeable in this sense.  We've made a lot of friends and help them get started on our ships because we are naturally always trying to improve ourselves and express this in a friendly way to people who might not be as knowledgeable as we are.

We want to be and try to be an active participant in the community of Guns of Icarus Online and do not want to alienate ourselves or seperate ourselves from the greater majority.  Our recent withdrawal from the Cogs Community event might confuse people in that sense;- but we believe we're only coming out of it stronger and more able to freely schedule and interact with the community at our pace and comfort.

We are opiniated and will sometimes try to voice thoughts constructively even if these thoughts are negative because we feel it's important to be honest and open to one another.  We respect every team out there as much as we hope to be respected by others and hopefully this goes both ways.

In closing

Aaaaand that's basically us;- what Corvus used to be and how we came to exist - what we are today and what we hope to be in the future.   

 I will be using this topic as a temporary news feed on how we're doing, who we're playing and generally just what's happening around our small group so do check once in awhile if you're interested and feel free to leave feedback on us - positive and negative is appreciated all the same!

A big thanks to everyone from all the players of Corvus for being a wonderful community that is passionate as we are about this game and it's team spirit and we hope this topic will bring us even closer.

And as always : See you in the skies!

- Corvus Marauders