Hi everyone!
Which rule set would
you like to play this Saturday, April 30, 2016, for the final match of Chaos Skirmish?
Option 1:Lochdown: Loch 'n' load! You'll likely inflict more damage on your own weapon than the enemy ship! Time to learn some trigger discipline.
Option 2:Through the Fire and Flames: Some people just want to watch the world burn... fight fire with fire and pray your pilot can extinguish the flames before you're reduced to ash and ember!
Option 3:Under the Sea: It's better down where it's wetter. Dive into the Deep and deal damage with daring and grace! Spray some ink and make 'em sink.
Use the poll and let us know!
Event Information:You can find event information at this
Steam Group page.
If you have questions regarding this event they should be directed to Atruejedi, or you can contact competitive@musegames.com to have them forwarded to the player.
The vote ends officially at 9:30pm Eastern Time!