That said, i'd like to see the captain earning a chance to add time every time a person leaves or joins their ship. I think that's 30 seconds per, so you get a minute to get someone squared away. Doesn't sound like much, but the recommendations have been doing wonders for me.
this. last night I joined a friend's match with just shy of 30 seconds left on the clock. he threw a loadout at me, I accepted in a flurry and double-checked...and he swapped slots between spanning shifter and mallet.
that may not sound like a big deal, but if you've been using it one way for forever and just learn where to feel on the keyboard where it is, and very suddenly it's reversed, you're going to be fighting your own instinct on what button does what the whole match. I had barely enough time to switch - not a second to spare.
yeah. need more time for someone just joining.