Author Topic: Lobbies  (Read 6373 times)

Offline Rumpelforskin

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« on: June 04, 2014, 04:20:39 pm »
So I bought the game last September and played it a whole lot, I've got over 170 hours in game. Recently though I haven't played so much, mostly because I was burnt out on the game but also since it's been on sale a couple of times the community's really changed, it went from everyone being able to join a game and have fun to a whole lot of clueless new players. While there are the learning lobbies, I really don't think people are using these nearly enough, I get the feeling that the majority of players now don't know what they're doing and if you play the game you'll know that it only takes one person to ruin it for your ship and your team.

My suggestion is that players under a certain level (maybe under level 3 or 4) cannot join the regular lobbies. I know people will argue that new players need experienced players to teach them but after having played with them a fair bit recently... they don't listen. What does everyone else think?

Offline Imagine

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2014, 04:35:32 pm »
You answered your own question:

I know people will argue that new players need experienced players to teach them

Also, just wait like a week, most of those who don't listen will be gone by then because they'll give up on the game.

Offline Rumpelforskin

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2014, 05:10:05 pm »
It's not just directly after a sale, it's been the same for the last month or so that I've been playing. If people want to join the real games they'll learn how to play and rank up a couple of times, it's not difficult to pick up and there's no shortage of information, hell you don't even need to tab out, all you need is the descriptions of the guns / tools and you're pretty much set. If you can't be bothered to read that then to be honest I'm not interested in playing with you, I doubt I'm alone in that though

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2014, 05:43:18 pm »
Both are true. Sale weeks or any sales tend to spike players for about 2 weeks tops, then they plummet after that. By the end of a month, we're back to regular numbers. Most who quit in the first week are your short attention span players who for some reason think this is CoD with airships. So, they aren't missed.

Best thing you can do is join a clan that is involved in the competitive scene in this game and then ride with them for awhile. I predict there are going to be a lot of dead clans soon. There just is no reason for them to exist if they aren't involved in competitive. At least not yet. When COOP/Adventure comes then PVE clans will make sense.

Offline Rumpelforskin

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 05:50:14 pm »
You say there's no reason to have a clan if you're not going to play competitively, well I don't have the time for that, I want to be able to play the game week or so and enjoy myself, clans seem pretty formal, from the way you put it they should be. Also maybe I'm getting unlucky, I seem to fairly consistently get clueless people on my ship

Offline Imagine

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2014, 06:07:54 pm »
You say there's no reason to have a clan if you're not going to play competitively, well I don't have the time for that, I want to be able to play the game week or so and enjoy myself, clans seem pretty formal, from the way you put it they should be. Also maybe I'm getting unlucky, I seem to fairly consistently get clueless people on my ship
Sometimes you get quiet folks, but I've played enough to know that most people who stick around the game will usually want to communicate. If you're only running into players who want no part of communication/are clueless you're either incredibly unlucky, or have a poor attitude that makes folks not want to talk with you.

I don't want to be accusatory, so let's hope it's the former rather than the latter.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2014, 06:26:43 pm »
You have to have a goal or focus. It is the same thing with MMO guilds. Guilds without those always collapse or break up. I've seen it countless times now. They spam adverts..."Good family friendly and fun guild looking for members!" Then they vanish and you hear later from people that the guild just tore itself apart because they had no focus and people with focus got frustrated and either tried to get it to change or they left entirely. In MMOs either your a PVE, PVP, or RP guild. You unite under one goal with like minded people.

It is no different with gaming clans or communities. One game or idea remains the primary goal no matter what changes. I was in a UT clan a decade ago and this was the case. When we were united under UT99 we were strong, close knit, and ran tournaments all the time. Had multiple teams/etc. Then they decided to branch out to other games. Focus was lost as no one could decide what would be the next main game to play. Clan turned into a skeleton of it's former self as allies swallowed up focused players.

GOIO only has 1 endgame option which is competitive. Sure clans can form up as casuals but you'll only ever play other casuals and no matter how close or good you get, you have no future. Eventually casual guilds break up as people move on. This is similar to raiding guilds in MMOs. When they run out of content, they tend to go dark or members leave for more active guilds. There has to always be something for people to advance towards. All there is in GOIO is competitive. Casuals who refuse or just decide not to participate will stagnate and dissolve unless they find something else to hold their interest. Now when Adventure mode comes, they'll have that. Right now, GOIO is very limited.

I've ran or helped run guilds and clans for over a decade now. I've seen it all before. Groups who come together under a "fun" banner always eventually break up. Especially if they happen to get around any one who plays on a different level than they do because then they start to ask questions like, "Why can't we do that too?" or "Why aren't we doing what they're doing? I want that gear!" On the flipside, super serious groups tend to crumble eventually as well because you cannot keep a noose around people's necks forever. When content runs out, they run out and you have to deal with faster burn out as people generally only put up with a tyrant leader for so long.

Ultimately the best you can do is be a group that walks the fine line between both worlds. Provide for the hardcore player and the casuals. At times you'll lose some because you aren't hardcore or casual enough but ultimately the group survives longer.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Lobbies
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2014, 06:30:52 pm »
I have been against joining a clan for ages and I manage to have pretty decent crews when I play. Here are a few things I do to ensure I am not flying with crap players:
1) Teach any one who is willing to listen to you. It may take a few matches of sucking and failing, but with the proper instruction you can turn a new player into a useful crew member pretty quickly.
2) Cultivate friendships with good players. That means adding them to your friends list, greeting them when you see them in lobby, and treating them with respect. I find saying "Good flying with you all" before I leave a server puts me in most people's good graces.
3) Join ships with high level crew and wait for the captain to sign off/ get tired. It is a dirty trick, but it works if you are playing solo. When joining a new server don't stick with the ship the game assigns you. Go to the one with the best crew. Chances are the reason why there are so many vacancies on one of those ships is that the captain is a complete imbecile. Get into a good working pattern with the crew for a few matches and ask (nicely) if you could try flying. Captaining is a stressful job and many would welcome a chance to engineer or gun for a bit especially if they think they can trust the new captain.