Author Topic: Profanity filter insanity  (Read 19164 times)

Offline QKO

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Re: Profanity filter insanity
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2013, 02:04:39 am »
Errrn I tested, Moby Dick cannot be used as airship name. The Intercourse is perfectly valid however.

Offline Clara Skyborn

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Re: Profanity filter insanity
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2013, 10:52:40 am »
Oh, interesting. I see how that happened. Should be fixed now.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Profanity filter insanity
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2013, 12:23:22 pm »
Hey, let's not completely obliterate language.

Profanity is profanity, but anyone who is the least bit creative WILL find a way to get around it.
I like that the filter catches the shock terms, but there has to be a better solution than adding every possibly dirty word...
I feel like Intercourse is closer to the "should be censored" edge of the spectrum, but I worry.

In spite of my ineptitude with language (or whatever DMax says) I like words. I dislike seeing words obliterated. 

Offline DMaximus

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Re: Profanity filter insanity
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2013, 12:29:43 pm »
Hey, what if I want to name my ships in honor of Pennsylvania's finest towns! The Intercourse, Blue Ball, Fertility, and Virginville shall be the finest ships in the sky!   

(note: these are not actually Pennsylvania's finest towns)

Offline Clara Skyborn

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Re: Profanity filter insanity
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2013, 01:33:45 pm »
I should have clarified: what was fixed was that "Moby Dick" is once again allowed, not that "Intercourse" was disallowed.

DMax, I bet you can have all those ship names, actually. Although "Blue Ball" might raise flags -- the moderators are understandably a little ball-shy (you would be, too, if you read the stuff they read every day).

Offline Calico Jack

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Re: Profanity filter insanity
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2013, 10:38:01 pm »

Because there's no way to whitelist certain words while continuing to block parts of them. If Uranus were allowed, so would be any string containing *anus*. Sorry, I think it's a lovely planet/titan, and I wish we could honor it/him properly.

don't know what language your using for matching but using as approximate matching as possible
#! perl

this will match on any word that starts with a "u" followed by any alphabetic character so "Uzanus"  will also match but it's limited to 1 character, whereas


which is what you appear to be using which will match any word containing "anus"