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Messages - Kestril

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Why are all the poll options so good? I can't decide XD

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: MK 2 weapons
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:33:13 pm »
well having more options like this would be nice. But a long time away if they would be implemented at all. And honestly I'd rather see completely new guns after the additions from Alliance are made.

The reason for MK II guns is to give the best content/time ratio.

New guns are too much of a work load for the devs.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: April 01, 2017, 05:28:40 am »
I Ban ShadedExalt because alliance released.  :P

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Why did you work to become a veteran?
« on: April 01, 2017, 05:15:05 am »
It was the teaching, and the leading.

In the days way way waaay, long ago I was a we deckhand learning the gatling-flak junker (It was meta at the time). I figured out the movements to juke a charging pyramidion, the way you could spin to maintain broadside while keeping track of the fight around you. I took the nimble junker out and crushed the metamidion meta in eye-to-eye, full-broadside brawls.

Then I played the next day with a crew I didn't know. They were not as responsive, a gaggle of 1's and 2's, they never really knew quite what to prioritize in the thick of things.  We were crushed 0-5. Something must have been wrong. Just the other day I had defeated these pubbies with the same exact loadout!  So I decided to take the next step.   The next match, for only about the second time, I decided to use my mic.

"Welcome aboard the Silversail!" I boasted in a cheerful manner, certain of my strategy, "Here's what we're gonna do. . . ."

The next match, against the same captians, with the same loadout, on the same map, we destroyed them. That match, my junker was a whirling dervish of death, slicing open armor with twin gatlings and shelling the broken adversaries with round upon round of flak.

"We are monsters!" The gunner cheered after the flak struck home for the fourth consecutive kill. I gave a quick "Yeah! Now right side guns!" of acknowlagement before throttling the engines up do dodge another incoming pyra.

To the thunderous report of the guns, the Silversail claimed all five kills and zero deaths. 

Over time I learned just how much this game rewards leadership and teaching. I can recall many victories and comebacks where my crew and I prevailed against more skilled captains and crews due to high morale and a very clear, concise explanation of a plan. This was the first game I played where the salty players didn't win--couldn't win against a positive outlook of a well-coordinated crew. I noticed my crews would stay around in lobbies longer with me, and some other crewmembers would swap off their salty, high-level, captains for a chance to crew aboard the Silversail. Guns was the first game that really matched my tactical expertise, teamwork-focused mind, and positive attitude.

That's something you don't get anywhere else.

Now I'm the high-level captian, and I'm trying to set the example for others  ;)

The Lounge / Re: spanner-mallet
« on: March 16, 2017, 10:32:01 pm »
I don't know what this mallet spanner debate is.

Obviously the One True Loadout is Hydro, Claw, Moonshine. :P

(but when i do engie I'm a Mallet in 1, spanner in 2 type of engie)

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: March 12, 2017, 12:47:48 am »
I ban Carn for insisting on nostalgic dogma.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: March 04, 2017, 01:33:49 am »






Hi everyone,
Thanks a lot for the thread. 

So with this update, we made another change.  Right now if you queue for a couple of minutes, you will see a button to browse match list.  And it should be fairly obvious, the display is.  If this is too long, we can try to reduce it to say 1 min. 
Another thing we can do is say, if the concurrent number falls below a level, say 80? Then we default show the match list.  This way, when there are more people in the game, matchmaker can still help put people into matches, and when the population is lower, we can have people use the match list.  How do you guys think? 

I think the hybrid approach will work.

I'd say reduce the time to 1 min, after all, sometimes it does take a while to fill a lobby.  By getting people into lobbies faster, games will start faster.

I also like the idea of defaulting to browse the match list when the server has a lower population. (Under one-hundred).

The Lounge / Re: Prove you're oldfag
« on: February 28, 2017, 11:07:02 am »
When the newflak is actually the oldflak. 

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Skirmish PVP coin efficiency.
« on: February 28, 2017, 11:05:53 am »
Yeah. PVP rewards need to be competitive with PVE rewards. Either by making exclusive PVP rewards with a seperate currency/xpbar/whatever or upping the pvp rewards to nearly match the PvE rewards

Otherwise it feels like a "pvp tax." That's no fun.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: February 27, 2017, 04:10:29 pm »
I ban Carn for getting philosophical.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: February 26, 2017, 10:23:36 am »
I ban ShadedExalt for banning me.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: February 23, 2017, 07:57:36 pm »
I ban Carn for playing the blame game.

basically, what Richard said
The issue with testing fewer things is that we will be here for years, and people think we are taking too long as it is. I have come to the mind of testing a few things, seeing if they are OK feeling, then let them loose in the Main game where actual testing will take place. If it is terrible, revert. That will happen anyways, as our devapp testing is severely limited in players and time.

I mean, it's about time we had a new gun in the meta. If it's a bit much, it can be scaled back. It's fine to add in as-is to test on a wide scale I don't see what a few tweaks to the numbers will do when it's role in testing as the mid-range balloon popper and flexible gunpick felt like a great niche role.

I think the harpoon's pull is too situational to balance all the number around. Sure, it may be used to great effect, but it would require the same or more coordination between pilot&captain as a light mine launcher to get the most out of the pulls. Newpoon meets the "good enough" standard right now for a wide test and potential implementation. I don't see a reason to delay. The numbers can be scaled back slightly if suspicions are correct. I'd rather use testing time to test other potential prospects rather than fine-tune a weapon that feels mostly right in its wild week niche already.   

It's no secret that GOIO skirmish needs new content and needs it fast to keep players interested in the skirmish scene. Taking more time to tweak newpoon with such little test time doesn't make sense to me when it's almost there already. Expecially if brand new content, like the heavy mine launcher in skirmish, or long-overlooked balances, like charged ammo, need to be looked at as well.

Wildweek isn't to agonize over tiny tiny things. it's to bring potentially new things (tankspire) to skirmish or make old things that have fallen so far out of the meta back to skirmish (newharpoon), see if it might work, and then forward feedback to muse to give it an actual test in the main game if it looks promising.

Agreed! Check the youtube comments on the recent alliance videos. There's plenty of "I tried but it took too long to find a match."

When in there are open slots in running and waiting matches.

At least add a button when searching that says "find match manually" and opens the match list when using the matchmaker.

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