The Docks / Re: Current Available Clans
« on: June 13, 2014, 05:10:47 am »
The Flying Dutchmen
Clan Leader: Captain Coldcurse
Co-Leader: Captain Lockheart
Clan Tag: TFD
Members: 29
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TFDGoIo
Location: International
Preferred Timezone: UTC
Requirements: Fun, Creativity, understand english and speak english, being active. Negative Attitude will not be allowed.
Clan Description: The Flying Dutchmen is a Clan that everyone can join. We enjoy our battles and we share our knowledge with others. We are a great competitive/Fun Clan that have been flying around for a very long time. Some of our players are real veterans of GoIo. We want to give the oppertunity to others to join us in battle and learn from us, so they can join us in more experienced matches.
Clan Leader: Captain Coldcurse
Co-Leader: Captain Lockheart
Clan Tag: TFD
Members: 29
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TFDGoIo
Location: International
Preferred Timezone: UTC
Requirements: Fun, Creativity, understand english and speak english, being active. Negative Attitude will not be allowed.
Clan Description: The Flying Dutchmen is a Clan that everyone can join. We enjoy our battles and we share our knowledge with others. We are a great competitive/Fun Clan that have been flying around for a very long time. Some of our players are real veterans of GoIo. We want to give the oppertunity to others to join us in battle and learn from us, so they can join us in more experienced matches.