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Messages - Sammy B. T.

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Mallet Buff
« on: March 09, 2015, 01:27:28 am »
400 would be beyond ridiculous. I'm sure it was never that in the last two years I've played.

General Discussion / Re: To GG or not to GG? That is the question.
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:50:22 am »
Man I thought this was a gamergate thread for a second.

I say GG. I'm a polite person irl. Sir and ma'am, please and thank you, all with sincerity and deference. I'm commonly told that you'd think I know personally every cashier or server I meet. While sometimes this is "fake", where I don't actually think the person deserves the honorific of sir or ma'am, or they have not done a job deserving of thanks, I regardless still follow these rules. I want everyone to be respectful but as I can't force people to do so then I must hold myself to a high standard.

Etiquette is often just going through the motions, however its still nice to follow.

Do what you want but unless it is an exceptionally bad game due to trolling I will GG and I love the fact that its often followed by a bunch of Duck GG's as well.

Gameplay / Re: Burst on Merc Field Gun
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:32:51 pm »
It certainly does something. Long ago frogger would run his junkerwith a  front merc using burst for the amazing disable power. However the merc was a little more versatile then.

Nowadays generally the merc is best for the dps not the disable.  However burst is definitely viable.

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:11:56 pm »
And what about being afraid of teams leaving because they don't like weapons banned arbitrarily because of a tiny minority of players complaining?

If no matter what someone is going to be angry with a decision that will be made, choose the consistent option not the arbitrary one.

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:16:35 am »
You had three people complain about a gun, you weren't forced into any decision.

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:37:16 am »
Obviously you can't please everyone. Welcome to organizing you will piss people off as not everyone will agree with every decision. However the best way to deal with that is by being consistent and transparent in rules. Making huge decisions hours before matches based on the whims of a few is horrible policy that worries me not just for this decision but for future decisions.

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:12:27 am »
And by majority you mean three people on a forum no one knows about were against it opposite of three people for it. Also if there'd been any indication that somehow posting in that forum actually would determine if the gun was allowed then I could have easily roused nine votes from ducks alone.

Which is if course a bigger problem of why the hell are the allowed guns dictated by opinion like this and rules so subject to changes at the last second?

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:03:32 am »
right now its showing Sord (a duck team) as only having one boat. We definitely signed up with two, is there anyway to fix that.

Gameplay / Re: 1.4.0 Pyra. Too much stick?
« on: February 26, 2015, 11:25:11 pm »
If you want a tanky vanguard bring a spire. If you want a tanky charger bring a squid.
-Sammy B T

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:37:09 am »
So about my concerns?

The Gallery / Re: GOIO memes
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:50:03 pm »

A Metamidion

Explaining to new players how they died so quickly

Gameplay / Re: 1.4.0 Pyra. Too much stick?
« on: February 24, 2015, 03:29:08 pm »
When I woke up this morning and read the changes, I didn't laugh. I guffawed. This nerf to the pyramidion is hilarious.

As a someone concerned about ship balance this is of course terrible.

But omg the Pyra is now hilarious. Its a glass cannon! Unlike the Spire!
This is me without the rage at the end.

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:04:51 am »
Some issues

Pause rules are the devil. There is no good way of mass communicating that a pause is in effect, momentum is a huge thing in this game, and it takes several seconds for everyone to actually just stop their ships. Also issues where pauses happen while a team is springing an ambush through a moving cloud are possible. Now you may say, well then a pause can't be used, however the very act of denying a pause gives away the team about to be ambushed that they are about to be ambushed.

The reason we had such exhaustive pause rules in the Hephaestus Challenge was because of how terrible pauses are on the flow of a game. I personally believe that any type of formal pause system in this game can't work until Muse gives ref powers. I'd suggest just encouraging "gentleman pauses." A team can ask the other team for a pause, and the other team at their own discretion can do so or not without any judgement passed.

20 minutes is in my mean old man opinion waaaaay too long to wait for a team to show up but it also goes contrary to the 5 minute lobby ruling. The best way to be nice to teams is by giving teams very set times so people can actually schedule their day around the event. A big part of the Hephaestus Challenge was making it so you literally only needed to budget the thirty minutes surrounding your match if so short on time. If you want to give a team 20 minutes, then do it on the reverse end, have match organizers getting in touch with the teams 20 or so minutes before they begin playing.

I personally don't like only having 12 hours to prepare for a match especially as an American who'd be getting that information in the wee hours of the morning.

Are map sides really that important on most maps? Only Fjords and Canyon are overly asymmetric and I would hardly call either spawn unbalanced. The last time I heard about a need to balance the spawns was back when there were random spawns and one of the Fjords spawns was so insanely forward that it was a common tactic to rush it, which was like a year ago.

No good could ever come out of points being arbitrarily given out for fighting well.
A few small things that may be oversights in the rules

- No Duel at Dawn, it is absent from the map pool
- Loss and loser (opposite of win and winner), not loose and looser (opposite of tight and tighter)

Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 20, 2015, 04:13:37 pm »
So amazingly pleasantly surprised by this. Whole thing.

"Each rounds takes place on Saturdays, but can take place at the convenience of each team (and caster + referee) at a different day."

Could I get some clarification for this? I have some PTSD from a tournament that was basically schedule yourself in and thus I've always been wary of an event with choose your day to play.

When is this supposed to begin, time and date?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New ship idea:Rhino
« on: February 19, 2015, 02:53:34 pm »

Doesn't sound terribly impossible, it'd be like having a second balloon on the front (once a balloon is down all damage to balloon is transferred to hull). However without front facing guns, ramming wouldn't be terribly useful unless this thing had insane mass and speed.

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