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Messages - Piemanlives

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 177
The Pit / Re: Answer above, Ask below
« on: July 01, 2016, 04:56:33 pm »
Threat of debts really.

Am I wrong in asking what the difference between left and right is?

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: July 01, 2016, 04:53:26 pm »
I suppose I'll write up the other half of the post I originally meant to write, less important stuff than Davis displaying his survivalist tendencies. If it's not up tomorrow feel free to timeskip into Oblivion.

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:28:31 am »
Mostly I'd say it depends on what the subplot entails. Are we going to get followed? Pissed off former employers coming after us? Someone infiltrating the crew to get at you? In most cases slow and steady, a few inner monologue bits about what the hell is going on. Your character's opinion on the ship etc.

Also should I post something or does someone else have anything planned?

The Pit / Re: Answer above, Ask below
« on: June 29, 2016, 02:21:32 pm »

Who is letting me make life decisions?

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: June 23, 2016, 09:35:40 am »
That moment when - Projectiles Fired: 291, Projectiles Hit: 310???
That would be your piercing sarcasm.

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:25:43 pm »
Finally finished rewriting it, had to cut some of the other perspectives I was planning on writing but this big chunk was really hard to write and I just wanted it done, I'll write up the other things I was planning and post them later.

The Cantina / Re: Uncharted Skies
« on: June 22, 2016, 03:24:21 pm »
--Somewhere, Gura Lupulul--

“Why didn't we just take a ship? We could've been half way to Vyshtorg by now...” Davis sighed as he leaned against the alley wall.

“Davis please shut up,” She peered around the corner, “I think we've lost him, come one lets go.” She motioned for him to follow as she exited the alley way.

“Yeah, lost the psychopaths in the endless tide of people,” he adjusted the strap on his rifle as he followed suit, “So, what do we do? He's gonna keep searching for us and I'd rather he not get the drop on us.”

“I don't know.” Kei scanned the crowd of people, hoping to spot something, finding nothing she turned to find Davis staring off into the distance. “Davis?”

Her companion pointed to a row of buildings further down the street, “Weapon shop, I have an idea.”

He pushed through the crowd, halting for nothing as Kei followed in his wake, apologizing for her wayward companion as she passed. Eventually the pair made it, opening the door to the space within, most of the merchandise held behind glass cases or held on racks behind the counter. The man at the counter looked up from his book, revealing a scraggly beard as he appraised them.

“Need something.” It most certainly not a question.

Kei sighed, Davis had gotten enthralled by some of the items for sale that he had forgotten why he'd brought them here. She elbowed him in the side, grabbing his attention from the wares.

“Huh?” He blinked, confused before remembering what he was doing, “Oh, right.”

He made his way to the counter as he unslung his rifle, setting it on the counter before him, “You wouldn't happen to have anything for this would you?”

The store manager reached out for rifle, cycling the bolt to peer into the chamber before setting it down. “I can sell you a box for 50 and throw in a package of strip clips for 5.”

“Done.” The two men shook hands as Kei joined him at the counter.

“Well, are you gonna tell me what this plan of yours is?”

“Yeah,” Davis turned to her as he pulled the requisite crowns from a hidden pocket in his coat, “what do you think about being bait?”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Shit, where'd they go?” He'd followed them as far as he could through the city, but they'd gotten a head start on him and quickly managed to loose him in the crowd and he was pissed. He looked around the street and grunted when he couldn't find anything.

He'd been wandering aimlessly for the past hour hoping to find some sign of them with no luck. It was either kill them or bring them back, and truthfully, he was feeling right vindictive about the trouble they'd made him go through.

They wouldn't get away, he'd make sure of that.

Of course the prospects of him actually finding them continued to fall as he wandered through the streets, no one gave him a second glance, armed mercenaries weren't uncommon after all. His irritation grew as he crossed into a quieter part of town, Eh, no way they'd hide here. Or at least that was his thought until he saw someone dive into an alley.

He unslung the rifle on his back as he drew closer,“Heh, gotcha.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kei turned into the alley, certain their pursuer was making a beeline for their position, Davis was at the other end, finishing his task of stacking crates for cover as she came up beside him. “He's here.”

Davis nodded and picked his weapon off the ground and nodded, situating himself behind them as Kei fell in beside him. Eyes on the wooden platform above the alley.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He rounded the corner into the alley, rifle gripped tightly in his hands as he scanned the space before him, the alley extended deep behind the row of buildings, plenty of things to hide behind, crates, old vehicles, dumpsters, barrels. He checked behind everything as he passed him, they wouldn't get in behind him if he had anything to say.

He checked the myriad of doors lining the alley, most of them padlocked to prevent unwanted visitors, others rusted, unmoved for quite some time. He creeped deeper into the alley, into the shade of an errant cargo platform.

A single gunshot filled the alley followed by the sound of rope as it sheared. Above him the wooden platform buckled, dumping the barrels and crates it held onto him, he dove away but a glancing blow by a rolling barrel loosed his grip on the rifle, the weapon clattering away from him as he fell.

Footsteps echoed as he tried to right himself, a kick to the head sent him sprawling against the nearest wall. A hand held against his skull as it throbbed in pain.

“Hands behind your head.” He spared a glance, the barrel of a rifle bearing down on him. Shit… The other escaped prisoner stood several feet in front of him, at this range he wouldn't be able to quickly tackle him before he got another shot off, and at this distance he was sure to hit.

He complied, slowly placing his hands behind his head, he knew how these things went.

“On the ground, now.” He didn't point with his rifle, instead motioning with his eyes, again he complied, kneeling to the ground, watching as the former prisoner slowly circled around to stand behind him.

“Sidearm, throw to the belt to the side.” He slowly reached down the right side, clicking the buckle he pulled it off and tossed it further into the alley.

“Kei! Grab his weapons.” The other prisoner appeared from behind a pile of crates and quickly crossed the distance, picking up both his rifle and the discarded pistol holster. She circled around him, probably to stand next to her cohort.

“What now?” He asked.

“Oh, very simple.” Things were silent for just a second, What is he-

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Oh, very simple.” Kei watched as Davis faltered for just a second but continued to hold his rifle level at the raider's head, What is he-

The rifle barked once and the Raider slumped, dead before his body hit the ground. Davis stood there for a moment, staring at the body that lay in the expanding pool of it's own blood grim faced, rifle gripped tightly in his hands.

He breathed, letting the tension left unnoticed in his chest fall. Relaxing his grip on the rifle he slung it on his back as Kei continued to watch him.

“Lets… lets just find a radio station.”

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 20, 2016, 03:57:11 pm »
So uh, lost my post to a browser crash and didn't save the hard copy I had, will be rewriting it.

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 19, 2016, 04:25:40 pm »
Oh I thought we were talking about planes there. Still, my point stands. I should finish my post in a bit though.

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 19, 2016, 03:20:07 pm »
Actually we have 3 excluding Reagan's.

The Cantina / Re: Uncharted Skies
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:58:22 pm »
--Gura Luplul, Tranquility--

The voices over head continued, Davis was watching as Kei fiddled around with her bindings.

"I hope you have a plan Kei, cause I don't." With Kei's reveal and unwillingness to back down Davis was dragged into a nonexistent plan.

"Hold on... give me- just a little- Ha!" Her bindings snapped, rope falling to the deck as she massaged her wrists. "Here, let me get you."

With the two of them freed they had to come up with a plan.

"They're still talking up there."

Kei nodded as she examined their surroundings. "I see your rifle."

Davis perked up. "Really, because I'd rather not buy another one."

She nodded again, "Starboard railing. Think you can grab it?"

He smirked, "Try and stop me. What's the plan?"

"We jump off the ship."

He raised an eyebrow, "What, that's it?"

"Yes," she turned to face him. "They're in hiding, they won't cause a commotion if they can help it, if we get off the ship they'll either have to reveal themselves or let us go, I doubt they want the first."

"Yeah..." He stroked his chin, "If we do make it, we can take a ship to Vyshtorg, get us there within the day, either we link up with our ship, or we radio Cathedral about what happened." He took a deep breath. "I'll go for the rifle, you just make it off ship."

She nodded, "On three?"

"Yeah, no. Just go!"

Without waiting for a reply he sprinted right out of the cabin space, immediately he sighted the rifle sitting near the fore end of the ship. He shifted his body and made his move, in an instant he heard his captors yell as he came into sight beneath the command post, he ignored their cries as his rifle was finally within reach and turned just in time to watch as Kei threw herself from the port side onto the harbor, at least, he hoped it was the harbor.

Come on Davis just think of it as throwing yourself from the highest tower! You've done that before... sort of. If one neglected to mention the highest tower was a playground structure.

He steeled himself and charged, vaulting over the railing as Kei righted herself, running for the nearest pile of crates. Davis hadn't realized his mistake until he hit the ground hard amidst startled pedestrians and surprised dockworkers. He got to his feet seconds later and followed suit, panting as he rounded the crates. Kei was waiting for him, taking deep breaths, hand on her side as rested.

"Bad fall?"

She smirked at him despite her state, "Not as bad as yours."

He rolled his eyes at her, "Right, lets just find a ship and get out of here so I can get my answers."

--Frey's Quarters, Eagle's Shadow--


"Shit." She shook her head."I had wondered..." She took a deep breath.

"The confirmation though is alarming, but we can't worry about it now." She took this moment to right her chair and sit in it properly. "We're going to need more people, though with our previous experiences we need to be more careful about who we hire but we need to be prepared above all else."

She sighed, "We should also look into getting more aircraft somehow, we can't just keep working with so few craft and if we loose what few we have left we'll be stuck." She turned to Courage, "Maybe we should call in those favors."

--Galley, Eagle's Shadow--

Hank was in the galley after dropping Lorena on her bed, she had passed out on the way forcing him to drag her the rest of the way, and despite not being heavy he was still hungry enough to grab lunch. That was when he saw the twins drag themselves in, it was a comical sight, almost pitiful really, still, with all the work that needed to be done, on the orders of both Crowe and Lorena the engineering crews continued working despite yard workers that were assisting them. He watched as the pair of them begged for coffee and kitchen staff was... well, they were working to contain their giggles.

Hank himself was also doing his best to keep from laughing, and so apparently were the Comm officers, If one discounted Gregory, though despite his calm demeanor Hank noticed the amused glint in his eyes. One of the kitchen staff managed to regain their composure and directed them to the coffee machine in the back of the kitchen.

Hank stood and made his way over to the gathering bridge crew, a few of the helm officers and navigation team members had joined the table and everyone was having a drink or a meal of some kind.

"Mind if I join you?" One of the helmsmen gestured to an empty chair and he sat down with his food. "Thanks."

"Hey engie," one of the helmsman, a woman with blonde hair had called to him from the other side of the table. "Think we'll be done here soon?"

"Uh... Probably? Those two weren't lying when they said Crowe and Lorena were working us hard, hell she passed out herself, we'll probably be done within the day, so tomorrow before noon I think." He shrugged, "Don't take my word for it, something could come up and we do need to resupply still."

--Gunnery Deck, Eagle's Shadow--

"Hmm?" Amelia turned from her work, despite her inexperience there was one thing she was sure of, with adequate instruction one could do their job just as well as any other. Because of this she had decided to ensure that the maintenance crews knew their weapons from a technical stand point.

"No I believe I have this under control, if you wish to assist me that would be generous of you."

The Cantina / Re: Uncharted Skies
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:05:08 pm »
--Frey's Quarters, Eagle's Shadow--

Reagan raised an eyebrow at the person she hadn't noticed earlier, Who the hell is this wierdo?

Shaking her head she got back on track."Damage was limited to hanger spaces and various components in engineering, it's extensive but nothing we can't fix with the facilities we have here."

She flipped through the compiled report on Frey's desk as she spoke, trying to memorize what was in there for later. "In addition to those we lost earlier we can add Greg Walden and Otto Smith," she didn't pay attention to Carn tensing at the time as she continued, there was much more for them to cover. "There's also the matter of our missing pilots, whatever they plan to do with them we need to get them back. I have navigation working on a plan to locate them but that can wait till later."

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 13, 2016, 07:59:29 pm »
I'm an enabler, do it! But Hold off for a bit, almost done with my post.

Edit: Post out, go nuts.

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 13, 2016, 12:01:58 am »
What's finally out?
Oh I see there's a bit of a disconnect, I was complaining about how I got my post out later than I had initially intended to.

The Lounge / Re: Cantina Writing Discussions
« on: June 12, 2016, 11:30:07 pm »
Alliance mode?
Has no real bearing on the nature of the RP, things may appear from time to time from the DLC, we've already begun with Crow's laser, or was it the tesla cannon? It was something. But aside from equipment and ships that's all we're getting from it. The factions already existed prior to the DLC so that doesn't really count.

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