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Messages - Letus

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The Lounge / Re: Prove you're oldfag
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:55:33 pm »
Everything said in Hamster's Post.

Being stuck in victory screen.
Drums of Lobbies of Icarus...
Squids needing no Pilot Tools to Squid with it's on a dime turn.
The Gent's Dunes.
annnd I'd put a screenshot here...but I can't..

General Discussion / Re: How would you balance/change the game?
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:54:11 pm »
Ban everyone who has been playing before 2015.

General Discussion / Re: How would YOU nerf the Mobula?
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:52:16 pm »
I'd get a Lumberfish and keep it out of the range of the balloon pop and those guns can't hit you :V

Otherwise, I'd reduce the turning speed.  Only one of those engines (the one on top) actually is in a spot to grab air, the two turners have this thing called a Mobula infront of them, making for terrible airflow, meaning they'd have to work harder to turn the ship.

And then I'd [redacted]

I thought of those as well, but discarded them due to wonder what drugs the ship designers would have to be on to end up with those designs.

Remember that  the mobula was built as a party barge for a princes. I'm pretty sure drugs were, indeed, aplenty.

They were hidden in the balloon...
that's how it got high.

Honestly I never saw the point of arming time.

When it came to the Lumberjack, it made sense...I was a huge fan of the Lumberjack before the arming time, and basically, you had a Carronade that could shoot across the map...or at point blank range...which...well, really replaced the Carronade.

Now, when it came to Heavy Flak, it kinda made sense...

But the problem now, the Flak still supposedly has its arming AoE, which does a meager 50 Explosive, the Direct does 115.
With a regular round, those four shots will do 644 perma hull damage
Buff vanilla would do 837 damage.

That's without the 50 AoE explosive
The AoE would add 280 perma hull a clip, which, yes, would be that does a total of 852.

That will kill, with no problem:  Pyramidion and Junker

If we put in account of Burst rounds, that's 805 Damage, which is just about an Armed Vanilla time.  The Pyramidion and Junker are instantly doomed at point blank range of 1 Heavy Flak
Buffed Burst: 1046
That kills everything BUT the Galleon and Goldfish.

523.25 permahull damage
Buffed: 680
(granted you'll get the AoE Damage, which adds 162 damage...for a grand wopping 685!  WOOO.  YOUR GUN IS BETTER WITH BURST)

Yeah you're not gonna Loch this gun

579 permahull
752 buffed


Just a solo, it seems that the obvious choice is the use burst rounds since it will do the most damage at any range because you don't have to wait for the AoE.

Double the damage when you have two Flacks on a Galleon.
In fact, the Double Flak Galleon was the reason why the call for an Arming Time happened after Lumberjack did, if you remember correctly.


Heavy Flak has more damage moved to direct hit for a 70/30% split between direct and AoE (from 45/55%). Higher clip capacity to 4 (from 2) means damage per shot is reduced (115/50 explosive, from 150/180 explosive), BUT damage per second is the SAME due to increased RoF of 2 shots/s (from  0.8 ), and reduced reload time of 4.5s (from 5), reduced camera shake—to increase ease of use in both range (more damage in direct for within arming distance shots) and aiming (more shots to judge arc before reload)
What's the point of the arming time?

You might as well make the Lumberjack do 300 Flechette Direct and 50 Scatter AoE while we're doing this.

if they're in play, then being able to even kill a practice ship with all three lesmok shots at point blank range with heavy flak....
why does it even have arming time...

World / Re: The Cult of Phobos
« on: March 09, 2016, 09:56:39 pm »
Aw man...the Enemies blew up..
...where's our Ally Ship?  I got a mine in the tube....

The Lounge / Re: We Should Bring Back Skywhaling
« on: March 09, 2016, 06:00:16 pm »
Darn just realized I forgot something.

The other aspect is when one team wins, the roles switch.  IE, the Poachers become GreenPeace and the SkyWhale, and GreenPeace and the SkyWhale become the poachers.
The Poachers in the SecondRound have to beat the First Round's time.
If the Second Round GreenPeace stops them, then the result is a tie.
Blowing up the SkyWhale in either round means you've forfeited the match and the other team wins.
Think Soccer Game Points. 2 for win, 1 each for tie.

Also occured that Harpoons don't do anthing to Allies, but luckily for GreenPeace, you can ram them :D

The Lounge / We Should Bring Back Skywhaling
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:09:55 pm »

Old and long Video is Old and Long.

Just a thought of return now that Mine Launchers exist.
Basically, two teams: One are the Poachers, the others are GreenPeace.  The Poachers and Green Peace are armed with Mines and Harpoons, the SkyWhale: which is on the GreenPeace side, can only use pilot tools (except for Kerosine and Moonshine.)

The maps used will be either Krazy King or King of the Hill, and the target is for the Poachers to Harpoon and Drag the Sky Whale across to a predetermined Point.

The SkyWhale can only move by Harpoons, so GreenPeace has to drag them back (we can probably make a compromise as in, Galleon can only go at the first tick speed forward and backwards and can turn.)

We'll need a Referee as a spectator, mainly to determine one thing:
If the Poachers kill the SkyWhale, they instantly lose.
If GreenPeace manages to kill the SkyWhale, they instantly loose.

Basically, the Ref has to keep an eye on who destroys the hull armour before the death.

The idea would be that GreenPeace not only needs to defend the SkyWhale from being dragged away, AND themselves as Poachers have no care for their lives...meaning, the Poachers can go off, disrupt the GreenPeace by also Harpooning them away from the Skywhale, and mining them...

Will the poachers go straight to the prize, hoping their mass in numbers can pull the win?
Will GreenPeace go on the offensive and do brutally murder the Poachers who are just trying to make a buck to feed their probably dead families?

Will we see Mobulas, will we see Squids?  Will we not see anything because everyone is using Tar Barrel?

General Discussion / Re: Who has the biggest ego?
« on: March 09, 2016, 03:38:01 pm »
What about the biggest id?

anyone who mains Squid.

Dev App Testing / Re: Request: Consolidate patch feedback threads
« on: March 09, 2016, 01:13:52 am »
Just gonna state that a 70/30% direct/AoE flak makes no sense when it comes to arming time...
When a huge bulk of damage is there for just hitting the ship regardless of arming negates the reward for being within arming time.

70% (115 damage) direct and 30% (50 damage) means you just need charge rounds at point-blank-range to compensate AoE, which would do 149.5 damage DIRECT (the AoE would only add 65...woooo....)  That means with the -25% clip, so 3 shots, you do 448.5 damage direct and 195 AoE.  Granted together, they would blow up a pyramidion empty

But then we go to burst rounds, so the damage stays the same, but you now have 5 shots, which, at 115 direct, means 575 damage direct by don't even need charged rounds if you just want to shoot a ship at point blank range.

Pair it with a second Flak on a Galleon and those Burst rounds total 1050 Direct.
The Charges do 897 direct.

...Lochnagar on a galleon firing all four shots (two in each flak) does a total of 1072.5 WHILE ARMED (which it most likely would be)
With those numbers...I'd stay with Burst Rounds...'cause it doesn't break your gun so it retains its fire rate.

Dev App Testing / Re: Sunday testing release notes.
« on: March 08, 2016, 06:42:25 pm »
It's the second fastest ship in the game in terms of acceleration

Doesn't look like it should be, but either way, to make this ship "easier to flank" would be to either reduce the speed...or reduce the turning speed.

Neither answer will sit well here. (Didn't they try to reduce the forward/backwards acceleration a while a year or so ago?)

With a reduced speed, you still keep your ambush capabilities and sniping capabilities, AND insta kill capabilities, but the way you play would be risk over reward.
Do you risk charging in knowing you can overshoot and have a hard time turning?  If you do...the reward can be instant death for either ship...

The big thing it would do is you're going to see 3 engineers on a Spire (which I guess is normal...) one being buff engie with burst rounds on that hwatcha...

And face it, hwatcha has stopped being a gunner's gun for some time now...I don't recall the last time I used heavy clip to snipe out components with hwatcha in ages...just grab burst rounds and go.

Another thought would be to give the range finder a different zoom...maybe..uhm...if I had good visuals I'd show what I'm getting at

Basically, we can make the Range Finder keep it's ability to track range on indicator on a spotted ship, but we give the Range Finder something to help visually measure distances of ships if they aren't spotted....

Like...let's say you're looking at a ship...and you zoom in until say...4x that zoom, the ship mostly fills the viewfinder, which suggests maybe...1250m away, of course there would be like an indicator of what zoom you're in...

I know, horrible...making people think to use a tool, but if People can get on a lumberjack, look at a map to see a ship is about 1500m away, and know that that range is at about the 2.5 click (that's what I call it) or midway down the drop sight with lesmok...then people can learn that system..'d have to tell the differences of silhouettes, and how they look in each zoom to judge distance since each ship is obviously different...

I guess what I was trying to describe was the Coincidence Rangefinder

I can't really say much better, but those two images was what I was after.

Dev App Testing / Re: Sunday testing release notes.
« on: March 08, 2016, 05:36:55 pm »
The game is very poorly balanced when it comes to long-range combat currently anyway.

Only thing a spire that is easier to Flank would become is the long-range combat.

Basically, turning speed nerf would just nerf the Hwatcha Spire...which would come down to changing build and tactic a bit.
Does the gunner fire a few shots to disable the guns of an attacking ship, if they can?  Do you replace that gunner with a buff engineer?

......really the nerf does nerf gunners more than anything else...why have a gunner when you can have a buff burst engineer who buffs your turners...kinda like now..

Basically, from what I can see, is the aggressive brawling spire would be less commonplace (and part of me says good riddance, the other part shrugs, and a third thinks about batman..)  But if you can get in, and demolish first, repair most of those builds try to go for, then it can still work, basically, the Brawler Spire would still retain it's glass cannon...just the risk v reward increases.  Maybe instead of Three throw in a mine launcher on one of the sides...maybe not..

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