I had intended to post this earlier, however distractions were had (I blame Zill)
I flew a couple games with Docta Drew and Mr The Kid the other day... At first everything was normal, and even though they were fairly new, we were able to buckle down and operate a blenderfish with deadly precision (Special mention to Cadoi my gunner who was also fairly new, but picked up things rather quickly). We were racking up quite a few wins, and were starting to get comfortable with each other's teamwork, when both DD and MTK do something ridiculous.
Paritan takes a bit of time for me to load in (Old work laptop != fast load times in anything), and when I'm finally loaded in, and running to my helm, I'm greeted with this:

I never bothered to look at their loadouts, b/c I knew they were good from the earlier games, and I was too preoccupied to notice their clan changes... when I saw them, I dont think I could've flown for a good minute or two due to the laughter... Well played both of you