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Messages - Kyren

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Community Events / Re: the EU sessions discussion.
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:51:40 pm »
Thanks for the timely notice Ataris, I'll check who will be there tomorrow :)

Community Guide / Re: Progress & Workload Distribution
« on: August 07, 2013, 08:06:46 am »
I'll update this again when I'm back home. I've sadly got to set us a deadline, I'd like us to get as much done as possible until the 27th of August. If one of you is unable to "work" during that time, we'll see what can be done about it, but don't put yourself in any stress.

I'll make sure we're well organized and still know who's up to what and how soon we can expect it to be finished by contacting all the contributors per PM and setting up Steam contacts. I should be back in around 2-3 hours to get on to that!

Community Events / Re: Training Day
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:40:07 am »
Yeah, that's what kept me from playing, talking and most importantly eating solid food since last wednesday -.- I got some more teeth ripped, and stitched afterwards,  and this time the healing process didn't work out that well, at least it feels like it to me :P I can make myself understood, but it's more like mumbling, and I hope after my dentist control in some hours the world will be a better place again :)

Community Events / Re: The New Competitive Scene
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:34:36 am »
I'm worried about how this is going to encourage any new clans or casual players to really get into it, because I fear it's heavily in support of big clans. At the moment we've got groups who are able to field even more than 2 teams - Imagine 2 or 3 of such groups, and you've got the Top 10 for the big Tournament very likely already half filled. Smaller formations that won't have that much time or suffer of a lack of members will not appear anywhere on the Top 10 - meaning a further lack of promotion for them.

I'd find it better if there was some segmentation that makes both groups of players visible and gives them a chance on fame; the "professionals" and the ones that are clan and team players, but play more casually. Because right now we'd only see the first group, which will be a relatively small minority to get all the promotion, I'd say.

How about a second Invitational Tournament seeded from Teams that only manage 2 to 3 scrimmages per week?

Community Events / Re: Training Day
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:16:07 am »
The plan is from 7 to 9 PM again, are you all in? :) I'll get my stitches removed today, so I'll finally be able to talk again :D

The Docks / Re: German guy looking for german people to play with.
« on: August 05, 2013, 05:16:47 pm »
Grüß dich!

Wir haben hier auch ein deutsches Communityforum, Link, und ich darf dich auch zur deutschsprachigen GoIO-Community einladen - :)

Die Community schläft immer mal wieder ein, aber vor allem über die Steamgruppe kannst du leicht mit anderen deutschsprachigen Spielern in Kontakt kommen. Ich hätt hier auch grad einen relativ neuen Spieler, der auch noch eine Crew sucht. Soll ich ihn mal weiterreichen an dich oder seid ihr schon voll?

Ansonsten, außer mir sind Mark Abrams und KaLeu Rainerzufall noch deutschsprachige CAs, an die du dich gerne mit Fragen wenden kannst - Oder wenn du noch Platz auf deinem Schiff hast ;)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: stomping pub matches
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:31:27 am »
The only uniquely demoralising effect of the mercury comes from its range.  It stomps you from two or three map squares away and there's nothing you can do about it.

That makes it a lot worse than any of the other combinations. It takes at least somewhat advanced tactics to deal with a mercury, while it's nearly foolproof to have it working with a gunner. Put a level 1 gunner on a mercury. Put a level 1 pilot on the other side of the map, have him aproach the mercury. The pilot will have very big problems - the gunner will not. Yes, as usual, the skill ceiling is higher for the pilot, but this is just too uneven.

Remember that we should balance the game for pubs, for newcomers and for people who will not care to acquire deeper knowledge of the game. It is maybe balanced for the more advanced players here, but it is surely not balanced for the majority of players that play sometimes until they drop out again at level 5 or so. But those drop-outers are what balancing needs to be made for, to encourage them to stay, and not get demotivated after the first couple of matches against a mercury.

Ideally we should be able to rely on players choosing loadouts that are appropiate for the skill of the enemy team when facing newbies, but this is not the case. Therefore I second that the Mercury is toned down, to for example, destroying components only with 2 concecussive hits. This will make approaching it much easier, but still retain it's capacity well enough.

Community Events / Re: Training Day
« on: July 30, 2013, 04:57:47 am »
I won't be able to come for Tomorrow's Training, got another dentist visit. Had my peace from it long enough, as it seems :/ I guess we won't starve from a lack of Trainers this time, though. At least I hope the prospect of a single match is still attractive ;)

For engineers I'd be worried about people joining just with the buffing kit. While it's useful in a well trained crew, it just wreaks havoc without communication. Hamster and Shinkurex have got a point, I'd definitely allow Level 1-3 Pilots to join beginner matches.

Community Events / Re: Training Day
« on: July 23, 2013, 11:50:34 am »
Training Day is approaching! Do we have the manpower to make a extended EU session again? 7-9 PM CET? I'd be in!

Guides / Re: Aboard a Spire
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:10:42 pm »
Kyren my good fellow could you please do something like this for my squid and junker? i would be very grateful xxxxxxxxxx

Kyren, been meaning to give you my thoughts on the Squid forever.  Hit me up if you want help putting together a squid guide.

We'll make a deal, you guys write applications for me and I'll write your guides. No, on a more serious note; I've still got some pages to write for the Community Manual and I really can't ask people to contribute to it before I haven't made a contribution to it myself - I'll take care of those, hopefully in the next days, and then Junker and Squid guides are necessary for the Community Manual anyways. Needless to say, they will of course also be posted here.

Also, I'm not a expert for Junker and Squid. My Goldfish experience comes from only flying Goldfish, my Spire experience comes from serving with Drog nearly every time he flew his Spire. But, once I get to writing those guides (unless someone else is faster than me - please, go ahead!), I'll be sure to get as much as help as possible, though.

Still... I'm happy you're trusting me on those still. I'll try to make some progress within the next days. Seriously, thank you :)

Community Guide / Re: Progress & Workload Distribution
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:21:41 am »
So that's what I get when I'm solving bureaucratic trouble "over the weekend" :P When I check the forum every couple of minutes for new posts here, nada, when you guys notice I'm gone you start flooding the board :D But I'm glad for it! Let's see:

We need a different wording for "Community Slang", something more general.. Common abbreviations? I agree that we need a section for this, and I'd add it to the content list, I'm just not sure about the name.

Jargon is "the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group." Sounds about right.

Jargon is excellent, I'll add it to the content list!

What are we looking for in Leveling Rewards? I'd be willing to do it.
Why me? How could I possibly know anything about clans? :P

What kind of structure and content are you looking for for the Clans & Guilds section?
I'd say the current available clans/guilds, who leads them, size, goal/mission, who their looking for, that sort of thing, I could be wrong though.
Mr. Piemanlives is right on that one! We'd best list the current and active guilds (although this can best be achieved by simply linking to your index, Sunderland) and apart from that... we'd need the theory. What functions there are in the game for founding and representing a guild (clan tags, currently), how they are usually organized (steam groups) and where to get in contact with them. (forum). I guess this section won't be big at the moment, because the guild functionality isn't very big. You wouldn't mind me to write you down on the list for that, Mr. Sunderland? Oh, and can I by chance throw all the Engineer parcours your way too? :)

I'll take up the leveling and achievement section if noone has claimed it yet!

Granted! I've started a collection thread a while ago... Link but to my shame I didn't get behind it as actively as I should have. By advertising this one ingame you/we should be able to collect some information on it. I'll also PM Muse about it, maybe we can get a list or something, that would make it easier for you. However, I wouldn't want to interfere in your work :)

I wouldn't mind working on the Pilot roles and load outs.

I've got to look over the Pilot load out section on the English Wiki to make sure they're up to date with the patch, I'll get that done when I'm at home again (early morning here, so in about 7 hours), and send you a PM then to confirm that you can safely use the information from there. But I'll gladly assign you to it :) I think we'll mainly need to spice up the Wiki information with nice formatting to fit into the whole guide and then add information about good combinations, usage strategies, and so on.

In short: Adding Jargon section to the content list, needing a confirmation from Mr. N-Sunderland to assign him to the clans content, assigning Mr. timmymonsta to Leveling & Achievements, assigning Mr. Prof. Giles Percy to Pilot roles and loadouts but will make sure the Wiki information is up to date first. And thanking the sailors above as well as Piemanlives and Cullen for getting involved here! Did I leave anyone out? Oh, and updating the content list with the names.

Edit: I'll also PM all of the Guide contributors these days, asking for Steam IDs. For reliable contacting if something goes wrong. Feel free to add me beforehand, you can find my Steam profile link in my profile here!

Edit 2: Actualized the English Wiki with values from the 1.3 Patchnotes Link (Just Guns, Engineering and Piloting tools though, Skills and Gameplay categories, that is. I'll add the Mine Launcher late today)

Community Events / Re: Training Day
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:25:04 pm »
tbh I play every day I and try to give training when I'm online, (something I did even before there was an achievement for it)- but getting tied down to a schedule is a bitof a disincentive for me and I think it's the same for players I see, plus most new players don't really seem to want to plan ahead, but are happy to join something if it's there when they are online. Can I suggest it would it be more flexible to be able to approach the CA or MUSE on duty to announce that a targeted sandbox session will be happening in the next 10 mins sort of thing?

We're mainly doing the Training Days because they allow us to easily get a bunch of Trainers together, not so because they allow us to get so many trainees together :P Because there are literally always players in the game who would willingly join in a training session. With this format, we can usually offer 4 ships and aboard every ship a senior player to help with loadout, strategy in battle and everything else.

Hmmm, while I really like to hear that you're doing guided Sandbox tours there's not much I can do - or other CAs, for that matter. CAs and Trainers (who are sponsored by CAs) can join Beginners matches. CAs also have access to the forum calendar here, but we can't announce things in the Official Steam Group or in the announcement-board ingame.

As far as I know, we could only help you by joining in the Sandbox Training or by adding yellow names to the lobby chat, advertising your sandbox! The Forum and Steam events are... well, not that successfull.

Community Events / Re: Training Day
« on: July 17, 2013, 10:23:44 am »
Skrim's not coming today, so we're short one regular Trainer. Last time we did extremely well with making the Training Day a Beginners Match and holding it for 2 hours, but unless we get a good number of volunteers for today I'd make it 9 to 10 again! The reason being, that it's a bit difficult for meto be online for 2 hours straight  today :/

I'll start PMing now though, and we'll see what we can get together :)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Stop punishing high levels
« on: July 12, 2013, 09:59:19 am »
I'm a level 6 Engineer and Pilot since some months already, and it doesn't look at all like I'm going to reach level 7 with any of those. Because the current, comparatively low, achievements require things of me that don't fit my playstyle. I hardly ever play on "professional" ships that would require me to bring a buff hammer, with the newbie crews I'm usually with I can't go away from Spanner and Mallet.

I've got the Achievements up to this level because they reflect my playstyle up to a point. Ships I fly with, tools I use, maps I play on. Now they're mostly about ramming, buffing, flying galleons. I'm not going to let my loadout or ship be dictated by some achievement that only gives me a higher number in front of my name - I consider that fancy number much too insignificant for that. I don't get any benefit other than clothing (and I can obtain clothing in a much funnier way trough Dev battles, Tournaments, etc.)

For something that in the end only gives you a number in front of your name, achievements are really overrated here. I understand it can be interesting and catching to get them, but when playing comes down to achievement farming something's going very wrong.

Also, I think that the progression with levels isn't all that imbalanced. Yeah, the numbers look fantastically high, but being, for example, a level 12 Pilot should require a very long playing time. If that's the case, then the levels at least have a meaning in showing how long someone's been playing for.

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