There are Ataris script for Japanese

Welcome aboard - ようこそ - [you ko so]
Can you hear me? - 聞こえますか? - [kikoe masu ka?]
Aye Aye (I have heard your order and will comply) - 了解 - [ryoh kai]
Look out for enemies - 敵はどこ - [teki ha doko]
Enemy left - 敵は左 - [teki ha hidari]
Enemy right - 敵は右 - [teki ha migi]
Enemy front - 敵は前 - [teki ha mae]
Enemy back - 敵は後ろ - [teki ha ushiro]
Enemy high - 敵は上 - [teki ha ue]
Enemy low - 敵は下 - [teki ha shita]
Spot the enemy - 敵をスポットして - [teki wo spot site]
Man port (left) side guns - 左の銃を撃て - [hidari no ju wo ute]
Man starboard (right) side guns - 右の銃を撃て - [migi no ju wo ute]
Man fore (front) guns - 正面の銃を撃て - [shoumen no ju wo ute]
Man aft (back) guns - 後ろの銃を撃て - [ushiro no ju wo ute]
Shoot the enemy - 撃て - [ute]
Need hull repair - ハル修理 - [hull shuuri]
Need balloon repair - バルーン修理 - [balloon shuuri]
Need engine repair - エンジン修理 - [engine shuuri]
Need gun repair - ガン修理 - [gun shuuri]
Put out those fires - 消火 - [shouka]
Turn left - 左旋回 - [hidari senkai]
Turn Right - 右旋回 - [migi senkai]
Go Up - 上昇 - [joh sho]
Go Down - 下降 - [kakou]
Bring us closer - 近づいて - [chikazuite]
Take us further away - 離れて - [hanarete]
Increase speed - 加速 - [kasoku]
Reduce speed - 減速 - [gensoku]
Stop the ship - 止まれ - [tomare]
Enter the siege mode - 包囲攻撃開始 - [houi kougeki kaishi]
Good job crew - よくやった - [yoku yatta]