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Messages - Rainer Zu Fall

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Dr Pantaleon, dürfte ich dich bitten auch noch Tageszeiten einzutragen, die genauen Termine auf die letzte Spalte zu verschieben?

Deutschsprachige GoIO Community / Re: Deutsches GoIO Wikipedia
« on: July 07, 2014, 07:06:37 pm »
Derzeit auf Hold.

Klick mich!

Hier ein Link zur besseren Übersicht.

Und wieder einmal starten wir, aufgrund der erneut aufkeimenden Nachfrage, einen Versuch auf ein deutschsprachiges Communityevent!

Schiffeversenken - Runde 3

Hierbei handelt es sich um gemeinsame und gemeinschaftliche Matches mit mindestens zwei Schiffen (sprich einem Team), die von unserer deutschsprachigen Community (zumindest Teilen dieser) besetzt werden.
Bei Interesse bitte ich um Rückmeldungen in diesem Thread, möglichst mit Wunschdaten und -zeiten. Eine genaue Schiffsaufstellung benötigen wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht.

Gehen wir von 1 Team à 2 Schiffen aus die wir besetzen möchten um gegen 1 zufälliges Team anzutreten benötigen wir 8 Spieler.
Sollten sich hier 6 weitere Spieler finden, was derzeit wie bereits erwähnt zu bezweifeln ist, ließe sich ein erneutes Schiffeversenken starten.

Tut mir Leid dich enttäuschen zu müssen, Dr Pantaleon, aber der Post war für letztes Jahr.
Da die Forenaktivität im deutschen Bereich derzeit leider äußerst gering ist, ist kein weiteres Schiffeversenken geplant.

Deutschsprachige GoIO Community / Re: Co-Op Modus kommt!
« on: July 01, 2014, 08:49:12 am »
Hey Allons-GER,

der Coop-Modus ist noch nicht implementiert, wurde jedoch schon auf der PAX vorgestellt in seinem jetzigen Stand. Ist jedoch noch in Bearbeitung. Bei Fragen hierzu würde ich empfehlen dem Friday Fireside Dev Chat beizuwohnen!

Deutschsprachige GoIO Community / Re: Vorstellungsthread
« on: June 30, 2014, 10:50:59 am »
Klingt vielversprechend!
Auch dir ein herzliches Willkommen, Allons! Weiterhin viel Spaß am Spiel ;)

The Gallery / Re: Guns of minecraft
« on: June 15, 2014, 07:22:49 am »
This is looking mighty fine. Love it!

Gameplay / Re: Engineering Game 1.3.6
« on: May 08, 2014, 12:41:00 pm »

But why bother comparing such numbers, when they will never present themselves in a gameplay situation other than the fixed one you artificially created? Surely using such results as an average still provides a poor result when trying to factor in every other variable the game presents when in a match, which is what we're trying to balance.

Of course this is getting off topic isn't it...

Well, the topic is "the changes in engineering gameplay due to the new patch". We're talking about the those changes right now and try to put them into some basis we can discuss on. But I'm also good with us agreeing to disagree.

To your answer: Of course you could use a formula that uses variables as placeholders for adjustable skill of players, timing of shots, ammo used etc. but that wouldn't lead to something you can actually compare in this situation.

What I tried to show with those numbers (back to the original original topic): Your usual weapon damages your ship and thus forces your engineers to repair until one of them is able to use the second weapon again. The flamer however now requires both of your engineers to run around and keep the ship up (which isn't that difficult since the hotfix), but more importantly: It also keeps you from helping out if you're needed elsewhere (some loadouts require both guns to be shooting and the way over there [junker's sideguns] is just too long for a gunner to run until the hull armor is repaired).
Sure, the engineer sometimes has to take over the work of some other classes (mainly using a weapon), but the gunner also repairs his guns (which usually is the engineers field of work) and a good captain knows the problems of playing each class. So I don't think just because the engineer sometimes has to do other classes jobs it's a boring gameplay - it gets much more interesting because you're not stuck on mindlessly hammering/spraying all the things.

Gameplay / Re: Engineering Game 1.3.6
« on: May 08, 2014, 12:24:16 pm »
Forgive my misunderstanding then.

I also still don't understand how comparing times that as you say, will never happen consistently because real matches are so varied, does anything?

Because of the varied times we need times to compare. Since the games basic mechanics won't change in a real match and the AI is one of those mechanics, we can take their needed time as a static number to compare. It's like taking the average of something (except this isn't the average, it's a number that's been calculated by a computer based on it's programmed algorithms) - you get a number inbetween the set of min. time needed to max. time needed.
So to have something that you can actually compare which can't be affected according to anyones will, we can use those instead.

Gameplay / Re: Engineering Game 1.3.6
« on: May 08, 2014, 12:07:03 pm »
So you're saying gat/mortar is too slow in killing compared to a flamer carronade?

Also I don't get the relevance of static times like that when games are never two ships sitting in front of each other.

I'm nowhere near saying that.
Static times are relevant because they are static and comparable unlike times in a real match which span (with special ammo) from 15 seconds to 2 minutes for each combination.

Gameplay / Re: Engineering Game 1.3.6
« on: May 08, 2014, 11:38:06 am »
I just tested flamer+carronade pyra vs gat+mortar pyra without special ammo, just AI, in the sandbox. From the first shot fired until the destruction occuring (message appearing in top left corner) the flamer+carronade pyra took 28.350 seconds. The gat+mortar pyra however only needed 20.167 seconds to take out the dummy. Thats ~8 seconds difference. With a hades+artemis build the killing only took 18.041 seconds. Which makes ~10 seconds difference. For a weapon that keeps your engineers from firing a gun to run chem cycles and keep things repaired and thus leaving mostly just 1.5 people able to shoot, that is a bit too quick in my opinion.

The Gallery / Re: Pyramidion model.
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:56:50 am »
This is ... phenomenal! I like it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:44:51 am »
We're having so many pirate-inspired themes (apart from the royal one) - why not have a 1800's navy like one? Could add cannonball crates, idle AI-figures (not moving and without nametag and tools of course, dressed up blue-gold-white/red-gold-white maybe?), sponges for scrubbing and buckets on the floor and so on...
Edit: An anchor laying around and ropes hanging from the balloon too maybe?

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