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Topics - Keyvias

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Release Notes / Version 1.3.4 Release Notes
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:52:43 am »

- Range-Finder:

The Range-Finder is finally here.  How does it work?  The person using the Range-Finder can point at enemy ships to reveal their distance.  This information can then be communicated to other parties on your crew via the normal communication channels.  Additionally, if a gunner hops on a gun while the Range-Finder is actively being used on an enemy target, the gunner can see indicators on their reticule that will help them aim and lead more effectively.  In the heat of combat, the ships are constantly moving and changing directions, so think of the range-finder as a guide as to generally where to aim instead of something that will give you pin-point accuracy.  The Range-Finder takes up a Pilot skill slot just like the Spyglass and it will require someone’s time away from their normal responsibilities to help range-find.  Strategize wisely!

- 4v4 Battle on the Dunes

- Christmas hats!  Christmas comes early in GoIO.

From now through New Years, if you log into the game, the new Christmas hats would be  unlocked for you and waiting in your inventory!


- Match Scrambling:

Matches created now have a scrambling feature enabled by default.  Scramble means that after a match, randomly selected ships on a team (with all the crew members together) will switch places with ships on the opposite team.  The idea behind scramble is to take strides towards more balanced matches and to encourage people to play with and get to know others.  The scramble feature will come with its tooltips and visual effects when ships are being scrambled.  If a ship is switching sides, the ship will flash for a short period of time, and a scramble/shuffle icon will display next to it.  Both scrambled and unscrambled matches will have new indicators in match list.  The scramble feature can be toggled off at match creation.

- Crew and ship slots swapping:

Players in the match lobby can now request to swap places.  A crew member can request to swap slots with another crew or a captain.  A captain can request to swap an entire ship (with all the crew members together and intact) with another captain.  To use this, simply click on the name of the person with whom you would like to swap with to open the player menu.  In it, look for Swap Slot and Swap Ship. Once clicked, a request is sent to the recipient through Notifications. Once the recipient accepts, the swap takes place.  Please note that if someone already moved places, then swap request is no longer valid and will have to be resent.

- New match end experience:

When the match ends, there is now a new victory screen, showing the winning team in team poses, complete with player characters in full outfits on ship decks.  Progress and stats from the match will also be displayed.

- New spawn system:

At ship death, the captain is now able to choose where to spawn—this means all spawn points for all maps have been tweaked to facilitate for this added user choice.  This solves several issues with the previous spawn system and will further facilitate team coordination with spawn coordination across team ships.  Decide whether to head straight back into combat or wait for your teammate to die to spawn together.  However, please note that there is waiting time limit so you can’t wait for your teammates forever!  Once the time limit is up, a random spawn point will be selected for you to spawn at like before.

- See players on other ships:

It’s finally back!

- Ability to turn profanity filter off:

There is now an extra selection in Options to turn profanity filter completely off, if you so choose.

- Additional team voice chat channel in match lobby:

An additional voice chat channel is now added to match lobbies.  Currently, when you hit X in lobby, you get to talk to everyone in the match lobby.  We’ve now added another channel for you to talk to just your team, so you can now coordinate through voice.  To use it, simply hit C.

- Improvements in Novice matches:

We’ve added more tooltips to help new players find their way around in game better.  Quick Join and Match tooltips now better explains Novice matches and the idea of scramble.  New tooltips are added to the main screen and ship customization to better explain what Novice and preset loadouts mean, and how to play without preset loadouts.

- Expanded Practice mode:

You can now practice with up to 2 ships on either side in addition to just your own ship

- Altitude meter improvement:

Adjustments to the helm altitude meter have been made so that altitude displays are clearer and more accurate.

- Database and server optimization to better optimize lobby loading

- Server filter setting saved:

Once you select your server region when creating a match, that selection is now saved even after you log off.

- New 1st person landing animation



- Spawns for all maps have been tweaked to accommodate for spawn selection

- All capture point maps (Crazy King and King of the Hill) have decreased capture times due to new spawn logic

- Due to server data reconfiguration, all desert maps (Dunes DM and Scrap KOTH) all use the same clouds.  In other words, there are moving clouds on all Dunes DM maps.  Don’t worry, the power of the roving sandstorm has been decreased overall.


Fixes and Optimizations

- Optimized Achievement Checklist networking – It no longer uses too much bandwidth leading to lag spikes in less stable network conditions

- Simple majority (5 out of 8) of captains ready can now start a 4v4 match

- Both chem spray and extinguisher do not add fire immunity without cooldowns

- Fixed fire extinguished effects display

- Fixed inconsistencies in verifying Novice status

- Fixed issue of chem spray switching to repair tool leading to component invincible to fire

- Fixed issue of tool selection at match end causing main menu background to disappear

- Fixed ship respawning outside tutorial map boundaries

- Leveling up in Party now updates correctly

- Fixed camera shake and other continuous firing effects not stopping at match end

- Flamethrower and Mercury effects now blocked by terrain

- Improved issue of spyglass marked-ship brackets not affected by lens distortion effects

- Fixed formatting of Blocked Player tab in Social

- Fixed minimap and text not displaying correctly on tutorial loading screens

- Fixed issue with not being able to re-enable voice chat after disabling it

- Fixed issue with voice chat volume adjustments not working

- Fixed cases of user interface showing invalid data

- Fixed issue of match scores not updating correctly for player rejoining match

- Fixed issue of match failing to start if someone disconnects during match creation

- Full match now properly displays the correct messaging and no longer causes someone to be stuck in loading screen

- Fixed issue of reload restarting when mounting gun close to reload complete

- AI crew now in the correct class costumes

- Fixed issue with repairing side engines of Pyramidion

- Fixed 2ndary dye effect of Fixer costume

- Fixed lag spikes due to very large messages blocking the pipe

Community Events / Official Rule Suggestion Page
« on: December 04, 2013, 06:29:38 am »
Here are the second season rules, but we'd love to take the rest of the week to hear your thoughts on the season rules, our league idea, and end of season tournament.

This is a simple glossary of key terms so that there is no confusion when discussing terms.

Competitive TEAM (Team): Team scores are tracked in the competitive scene and they are fighting for that slot in the The Fabria Conclusion. The top ten teams will be tracked here. A team is simply a captain applying for events, tournaments, and gathering a roster.  There is no minimum or maximum size on a team. For events with prizes there is a maximum of four substitutes as far as prizes are concerned. Team captains should officially register for competitive play by sending an email to with their team name.

TO: Abreviation of ‘Tournament Organiser’

SKIRMISH: A match organised at any time between two teams to gain points within the Competitive system. The matches are very lax in their formatting, read the skirmish section below.

Once two Teams have agreed to a skirmish, the winning team would send a screen cap of the event over to line should read “Competitive [Team Name vs Team Name] [Number of points won]”).

Teams collecting points will be ranked in a leaderboard on the competitive site.

In Skirmishes, the map and the server must be agreed upon by both teams, if no agreement can be reached, then the teams are free to not play the skirmish and find another opponent.
Skirmishes do NOT have to be a deathmatch or point capture match. Skirmishes can be in whatever format as long as both teams agree and there is a clear winner.
E.g. the skirmish could be all spires all carronades
e.g. the skirmish could be squid racing, both teams simply have to agree to the match.
The skirmish results are reported via screencap emailed to the competitive address (
You may only gain points once against the same team in skirmishes per week.

Each victory against a Competitive Team is worth 1 point for the victorious Team. It does not matter if the match is an organized Skirmish, or a tournament of any kind. If both sides are competitive teams, then a Skirmish point may be claimed. Any Skirmish is worth 1 point; however, if a team of lower Rank defeats a higher Rank team, an extra “underdog” point may be claimed, meaning that a maximum of 2 points can be awarded per Competitive Match.

Each week, each team can earn a maximum of 4 Points with an exception for “underdog” points. An Official Skirmish week begins at 12 a.m. EST Monday, and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST Sunday, at which point the Standings are updated.

Every week you can earn one point simply by being a part of a skirmish, win or lose.  This does not count towards your cap.

Tournaments are organised by TOs, and they can be players or team Muse. Every tournament CAN be part of the competitive system, provided that the TO abides by our community standard and spirit.  Any team meeting the basic requirements of competitive play will be allowed to compete in every tournament that we endorse. Any competitive event that excludes eligible teams will receive neither sponsorship nor recognition from Muse.

There is a Muse Standard Rules pack provided (see below), however the TO can change any rules at his or her discretion. Any situations not covered by the TO default to the standard rules.

You may fight the same team repeatedly for points in a tournament, but the underdog bonus does not apply in a tournament.

Should a tournament not specify any rules about a certain detail, it will default to the Muse Standard Rules listed below. Tournament organizers can also opt to use the Muse Standard Rules should they not wish to create their own.

Each tournament match win counts as a point towards the post-season.  If the tournament is in a mixed team format, meaning multiple teams fighting on a side against multiple teams on the other side (presumably with one team per ship), then both teams on the winning side are eligible to receive points toward the post-season.  If the format of the tournament is based on cumulative kill counts only, then we will work with the organizer(s) to determine the winning conditions and award points based on the winning conditions specific to that tournament.

The top three teams earn bonus points that do not count toward the weekly limit. The first place earns three bonus points, the second place earns two bonus points, and third place earns one bonus point.

1. A team may have any number of substitutes for the event, but only up to 12 people on the team determined by the team captain may earn prizes
2. Any crew member can be substituted.
3. Cross team substitution is permitted, as long as:
4. No substitute may appear on any other team in the event.

1. A match between 2 teams will be best out of 3.
2. There is at the moment no time limit requirement.  We do encourage teams to keep the matches to within an hour, so that everyone who volunteers or waits for the next round to start are not significantly disrupted.  If we see the flow of the tournament significantly disrupted in the future, we will consider instituting time limits with tie-breaking rules. 

Matches are not restarted for disconnects, unless:
1. If both teams agree to restart
2. Before the first kill if 25% of the matches players disconnect, the match can be restarted by either team.
3. Server issue or lag spikes can start a restart if both teams agree or the referee at the organizer’s discretion.

1. Both teams and the referee are expected to gather and coordinate at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time for the match.
2. If a team cannot assemble its roster five minutes before the scheduled start time, that team must either forfeit or go "as-is" with AI crew.
3. If the referee does not show at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time for the match, then both sides must agree to either wait for the referee to arrive, agree upon a CA to be chosen as a new referee, or
4. If the referee does not show and a compromise on waiting OR on a new referee cannot be reached, the match will not occur and may be rescheduled.

1. The tournament organizer and a chosen referee for a match is to be respected as having the authority to interpret the rules and judge the event.
2. The chosen referee or the tournament organizer for a match has the final say in all judgements.
3. After the event, if there are any disagreements between players and the organizer and no agreement can be reached, please contact team Muse at to help mediate the issue.

Each team chooses a map and the winner of a coin flip decides the map.  The loser then chooses the next map.
The default server is American, but can be changed if both teams agree, or if specified by the Tournament Organizer.

There is at the moment no time limit requirement. We do encourage teams to keep the matches to within an hour, so that everyone who volunteers or waits for the next round to start are not significantly disrupted. If we see the flow of the tournament significantly disrupted in the future, we will consider instituting time limits with tie-breaking rules.

This is the league event that we are posting that will last throughout a competitive season.  It is designed to be really flexible, and as a more laid back league event complementing other events going on in the community. 

Every Monday a sign up thread is opened with these questions:
Name of Team:
Team Captain:
Times available:
On Thursday at 11:59 p.m. EST the teams will be assigned to fight one another at mutual available time. An organizer will create the match and manage both teams in the match.  The match will be a best out of three.
Organizers will be chosen from Muse team, CA’s, and other members of the community appointed by Muse who opt in to help Ref.
If a team does not show at their scheduled time, then the other team is granted the victory by default.
Points will be added to the team’s season total.
The points earned in the event will also have their own leaderboard with the top four slots earning the titles


End of Season Tournament
The Fabria Conclusion Invitational post-season tournament:
The end of season grand tournament will be run over the course of 2 days, and is an invitational event. To qualify, you must be one of the top 10 teams in the season (see standings for points). Additionally, there are also two teams that will be voted in by the community from remaining qualifying teams.
The tournament will be run using standard Muse Rules
Day 1:
The 12 teams are split up into four groups of three, This is a round robin event, where the top two teams from each pool will advance, bringing the total number of teams to eight. These teams will then be seeded for day two.
Day 2:
A standard single elimination, best of three tournament, with the advancing eight teams seeded throughout.
There will be 3 rounds - Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and Finals, starting with 8 teams, and ending with 1 winner. There will also be an extra game to determine 3rd place.
All matches will start on Fjords, with loser of the first match choosing between Paritan, Duel and Dunes.
The winning team is awarded a platinum badge, 2nd gets gold, 3rd gets silver, and each other team gets a bronze participation badge. The first place winner will also get the opportunity to name AI in the game.  Individual team members of the winning team will also each receive a secret prize announced on the final day of the tournament.
The winning team will also be featured on the Competitive front page, facebook, and Steam forum, as well as in the newsletter.
All rewards are subject to change.

News and Announcements / New Review System! Call to Arms!
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:58:22 pm »
Hey everyone,

Valve just released a new review system for Steam games. Those of us on the Muse Games team who have you on our friends lists already see your recommendations and reviews showing up. But we can do better!

Your reviews and recommendations were automatically set to private so only friends can see them. This means no one can see the 5500+ recommendations we've earned from all of you out there. Those recommendations mean a lot to us and can mean a lot to new people seeing our store page for the very first time.

Take some time and poke around with your existing recommendations, try to flip it to public to help us out. And if you haven't already, write a review of us and recommend the game to your friends!

Valve's new review system is awesome but made most of our 5500+ recommendations/reviews private. Help us set them to public to let the world know how awesome you think this game is!

See you in the Skies!

Community Events / We're one year stronger! Muse calling all challengers!
« on: October 26, 2013, 06:41:06 pm »
We want to celebrate our anniversary by testing our might against some of the best players in the game.

So we're putting out an open challenge to the clans.

We'll start the games Monday and end on Friday. We're  open any time before 5 pm est though 1 pm is perfect.

This is first come first serve and we're looking for one clan a day.

News and Announcements / Guns of Icarus Online One Year Celebration!
« on: October 07, 2013, 10:44:00 pm »
On October 29th, we will be 1 year old!
We’ll be giving out a free hat, badge, and special community challenges to everyone who join us in game. We’ll also be running a marathon long dev game stream to so we can spend the day with our amazing community who continues to astound us in so many ways. To add a special bang to our celebration on October 29th we’re loading the ships with fireworks and streamers, so when they explode it’ll be truly spectacular. And don’t be surprised to see a cake that Eugene baked somewhere :D

We launched the game a year ago on the same day that Hurricane Sandy touched down in New York City, home of Muse Games. Without power, internet, and without access to our flooded and barricaded studio it might just have been the worst time to launch a game ever. Since then, we survived spammers and 20 hour days force starting people’s matches during Steam Daily Deal and the first TGS event. We’ve come a long way though with 11 major updates, 195 features big and small, 182 major bug fixes, and increased the amount of content almost five fold. 300,000 people activated the game so far. To top it off, we’ve received 3 Steam features and won 2 major awards. Considering that we started from nothing, all this is surreal, amazing, and a huge honor. Looking back, what we have today is almost an entirely different game where none of this would have been possible without everyone’s support.

We have the best players, fans, and the best game community there has ever been. While we still have plenty of room to improve and grow, all the progress we’ve made over the last year we owe to our players.  With all the feedback, reports, critique, and awesome ideas, we just have to listen and try our best to make them happen. With everyone’s support, we are super excited about next year, with both Co-op and the full Adventure Mode expansions in the works.

Thank you everyone for making this day possible and we’ll see you in the skies!

- Team Muse

News and Announcements / Call to Arms: Screenshots!
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:28:14 pm »
We need screenshots for the independent games festival and we know the best place to get great screenshots is from you guys!

We need high quality screenshots of:
- Players on ship - on help, on repair, on gun, on ship with other players
- Spire
- Canyons and Flayed

Please send them to

Thank you so much!

As we gear up for the release of Co-Op DLC (hopefully) at the start of next year we've dropped the prices on the base game.
We also got direct access to the prices for all currencies on Steam and we've made sure that all prices are equal and no one is paying less or more due to their location.

Release Notes / Version 1.3.2 Release Notes
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:34:28 am »
Guns of Icarus Online Skirmish Mode (1.3.2)

- Added a new gun, the armor-melting Hades Light Cannon, that deals fire and piercing damage.
- 3 new omni-class costumes
- Added various Unlockable Achievement Challenges: guns & ship stats, map lore, and more to come in the future.  Check them out in the Books section (underneath the Progress button)
- New map! 4v4 Deathmatch, Red Sepulcher (based off of King of Flayed Hills)

- Added the ability to dye costumes!  Each costume can take up to two dye colors (primary and secondary) that affect different areas.  Dyes can be purchased through the store or unlocked with levels.  Each dye is consumable so take care when adding that extra flair to your costumes!  You can even buy multiple copies of the same costume if you want to keep different colored sets around!
- The store now has a shopping cart. Now you can check out many items at once in one Steam transaction.  Makin’ it easier to buy all the things!
- Added UI “tutorial” tooltips for first-time users (can be disabled in Options).  Will be active when the patch is downloaded so for veterans, feel free to disable.
- Added the ability to store up to three pre-made loadouts for each class or ship.  All loadouts already have items so take a look at potential metas with the weapons and features!  Or, customize your own and switch between them with ease between matches.
- Novice matches now limit ships and usable loadouts to ensure ease of learning and the most straightforward loadouts.  Low-level players are still able to play normal, unrestricted matches as well.
- Changed hit indicators: size now indicates only “weak” or “strong” hits, determined by damage multipliers vs the kind of part hit.  A red color indicates hits to the unarmored hull.  A large indicator means the weapon is strong against that part, small means the opposite.  Filled in indicator are your shots while an outlined indicator are shots made by friendlies.
- All hat or goggle items are unisex and can be worn by each gender
- You can view others’ current skill loadout in match lobby.
- You can view anyone’s public information, as well as their costumes in each class, from the player popup.
- Added a “Leave Count” for each user, incremented when that user leaves a match before it finishes (and does not reconnect).  Leave count is displayed on your public profile.
- New animated gun reticles.
- Added first person equipment switching animation.
- Added edge of map effects.
- Bounty Hunting added.  Sign up in-game to be hunted by the Guns of Icarus community and earn a special badge for being the most dangerous bounty or top bounty hunter.

- Carronade: Spread 5 degrees (from 8 ), Range 400m (from 350m), 144 Shatter for AoE (from 128)
- Heavy Carronade: Spread 4 degrees (from 6), Reload speed 5.5s (from 4s), Range 500m (from 450m), 360 Shatter AoE  (from 220)
- Heavy Flak: Max range 1440m (from 1000m), 150 Explosive Direct / 180 Explosive AoE (from 147/158)
- Gatling Gun: 5 Bullets/s (from 6.25/s)
- Flamethrower: 23.9% chance to apply 1 Fire Change on Direct Hit (from 20%)
- Artemis: Muzzle Speed 700m/s (from 675m/s), Range 1330m (from 1215m), Zoom Power 2.5 (from 2), 70 Explosive Direct (from 60)
- Mortar: Spread 1.5 degrees (from 0), Range 550m (from 1875m), Pitch and Yaw speed 65 degree/s (from 60 and 50 degree/s, respectively), 35 Explosive Direct / 60 Explosive AoE (from 20/60)
- Light Flak: Spread 1 degree (from 4), Arming Time 0.85s (from 0, arming range 300m), Range 1000m (from 790m), Scope Power 2x (from 1.5), 6 Ammo Clip Size (from 4), 2 Bullets/s (from 2.32 b/s), 45 Explosive Direct / 30 Explosive AoE (from 96/30)
- Rocket Carousel: 30 Explosive AoE (from 20), 26.4% change to apply 2 Fire Charges on AoE hit (from 22.5%)
- NEW!! Hades Light Cannon: Mid to long-range armor melting weapon with arcing shots.  0.75s arming time (150m arming range), 8 Bullet Clip, 1.25 Bullets/s, 5.5s Reload, 1400m Range, 30 Fire Direct, 40 Piercing AoE, 45% chance to apply 1 Fire Charge on Direct and 35% chance to apply 1 Fire Charge on AoE

- Pyramidion: Mass 200t (from 260t), Hull Health 700 (from 800)
- Spire: Hull Health 750 (from 650)

- Lesmok: +70% Projectile Speed (from +80%), -30% Rotation Speed (from -20%)
- Drogue Chute: Effects will now last 2s after skill is deactivated (skill is also deactivated when you leave the helm while using an item)
- Chute Vent: 65 dmg/s to Balloon (from 50)

- Level related progression tracks rescaled to slightly lower requirements and fixed ones that were impossible.  This will not reset or delete any statistics or achievements you are working on.

Fixes and Optimization
- Fixed a bug that caused Flamethrower particles to unexpectedly not hit small hitboxes
- Fixed a bug that caused guns to misfire after switching to an ammo type that lowers rate of fire (for example, Incendiary Rounds)
- Fixed a bug that automatic weapons are skipping firing sound at the 2nd burst
- Fixed a bug that switching to other gun skills changes most guns' fire sound, like it was shooting double
-Fixed a bug where at a 90-degree FOV, the player’s tool assets appeared to be floating.
-Fixed a bug on Water Hazard where clouds would not interrupt spotting

News and Announcements / New Swedish Site and Tournament!
« on: September 03, 2013, 01:40:33 pm »
Our good friend Emilche just built a new Guns of Icarus page for our Swedish players.  You can find it at here.
To kick it off correctly he's hosting a tournament tournament with wonderful prizes!

It's all in Swedish , but I'm sure anyone should be able to google translate their way in.

News and Announcements / Call for spectator screenshots
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:43:33 pm »
We're looking for screenshots to show off to pax and the press.

They need to be
- highest setting
- spectator mode only
- 1920x1080 or 1280x720

Send in your screenshots to
Thanks for your help! We can't wait to show off what shots you guys can capture!

Community Events / Dev Fireside Chat and a call for questions!
« on: August 15, 2013, 07:37:43 pm »
Post questions you'd like to ask the devs by commenting on this thread.
Want to know why something is the way it is, want to know why or how we got into making games, or even what our favorite color is?  Just ask away!
We'll try to answer as many as possible tomorrow

The chat will happen at 3 pm EST on our twitch channel:

Community Events / The New Competitive Scene
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:18:04 pm »
It Starts now!

Everything you need to start rocking and rolling is right here.

You will be able to edit some tabs, that's so it is easy copy and paste for me.  I will be taking the approved parts and copying over to a protected tab (that you can view, but not edit) just in case someone of a less reputable nature stumbles onto it.
It is a risk and I am trusting you guys, but you  all have proven to be worthy and stalwart allies.
If the system fails for any reason we will find another one.
We're in this one together.

Feel free to ask questions I will try to stop in and answer them as possible.
There will also be a live FAQ this Friday (8/9) at 3 PM EST on Qwerty's channel.

The main goal of this system is to promote and help facilitate high skill play.  Any tournament can be run any way it likes and it's victories can be counted as points.
Skirmishes are to allow high skill fights to happen whenever two teams can get together.  You want to beat each other brains out after a nice lunch?  Go ahead! You feel the bloodlust at midnight and need a worthy opponent? Have at it! 

As time goes on we'll integrate the system  more into the website, but we didn't want to have you wait around while we work out those little technical bits.
If you spot any glaring bugs, inconsistencies, or any part that could be explained better please let me know so we can get it fixed up.

Remember to list your team in the Apply your team tab.  It's open for anyone to adjust to after I've approved the information I'll copy it over to the protected one.
Also use the open scrimmage tab to set up and organize times to fight other teams.
Since it's an open document I'll have  a record to copy it to I'll save just in case. 

The System is live as of this moment so if I get a screenshot of two clans fighting 5 minutes from now it counts if they want it to.
Remember to send in the screenshots to ~Morbie

News and Announcements / Come test the new build!
« on: June 28, 2013, 06:27:19 am »
We're putting some of the finishing touches on the newest build, but it we know it needs to be live fire tested.
If you're interested here's what I need you to do

All you need to do is join the steam group:
Guns of Icarus Experimental Crew

Thread locked as the new patch is out now!

Notes here:,1604.0.html

Community Events / 3v3 Tournament day?
« on: June 10, 2013, 04:49:20 pm »
Skrimskraw will be creating a 3v3 tournament.  He wants to know which day you'd rather it fall and how you want to battle.
Feel free to debate your reasoning below in a gentlemanly or ladylike fashion.
You have two votes for the above poll.  Please use them to vote for events you WOULD sign up for.  Gather your clan, groups, and friends to vote as well.

Release Notes / Server Downtime and Patch Release v1.2.1
« on: June 09, 2013, 07:14:35 pm »
Hello everyone we're pushing out 1.2.1 tonight and there will be two-hour downtime starting at 8PM EDT.
Sorry for the inconvenience and here are the patch notes

- New map: Paritan Rumble, 2v2 deathmatch - Advanced map with low visibility and lots of obstacles
- additional achievements for all classes
- level cap raised to 13
- new elite costumes, hats, and goggles for achievement unlocks
- “Skyrider” costume for Adventure Mode kickstarter backers

- Incendiary Rounds modifiers changed to +25% chance of fire (up from 10%) and -35% projectile speed (down from -50%)
- Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower: increased chance to add fire charge to 20% per particle (up from 15%)
- Banshee Rocket Carousel: increased fire charge chances to 35% chance of 1 charge on direct hit, 22% chance of 2 charges in explosion area (from 12% for 2 and 30% for 1)

Fixes and Optimization
- Fixed a shader bug that could cause pixelated artifacts in rainy levels on some cards
- Maintain correct gun rotation when first getting on a gun

Server stability fixes (includes hotfixes made to 1.2):
- Changes to match list distribution to support a larger number of users and matches effectively
- Fixed several memory leaks
- Fixed a rare case where object destruction messages would not be sent
- Improved performance of networking subsystem
- Improved ability of networking and chat to use multiple cores
- Fixed a bug that could cause time in a match to run faster than intended

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