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Messages - Solidusbucket

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Feedback and Suggestions / Hwatcha suggestion
« on: January 08, 2016, 03:10:32 am »
Fire damage instead of explosive?

Would this make the Goldfish and Spire with Hwatcha not have enough kill power?

What about get rid of its shatter and make it Flechette?

It just feels OP despite its vulnerabilities because it can kill and disable.

No to the level 8 gunner. That would cause the over eager to pilot players to either quit each time there is more than one gunner on a crew or to not accept a loadout.

Otherwise, not a bad idea. I would make it a match completed requirement, though.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Fluid level system or visible MMR
« on: January 03, 2016, 07:18:26 am »
I am inclined to agree, however, team game.

One vs One is easy to create a real true MMR because it is based on the individuals skill.

This game deals with the crew of one ship and the crew of another.

I personally think the entire MMR thing is pointless.

Just go off level or matches.

To me it is like saying they do not trust the expected amount of skill that one acquires from playing a certain amount of rounds. The DMV gives teenagers a license based off of hours they complete driving in America.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Mark messages in Crew color
« on: January 03, 2016, 07:10:26 am »
Here is my input:

get rid of it.

Why should I, as captain of a ship - the center of knowledge, the tactician of the battle, know what happens to my ally halfway across the map based off some text in the top left corner.

That ally of mine should either press C and tell me or type "IM DISABLE BY HWATCHA"

I can see damn well when a Goldfish's Hwacha has been destroyed by one of my Artemis. So can the guy shooting it. If either of us can't - tough luck.

I am not saying that the text is distracting. I am saying it is unnecessary. Some people try to compare it to Rocket League's text. Same thing. I know when the ball was put in the center. I know when someone scored. It is unnecessary text - although it is not necessarily distracting. It is fine the way it is.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ballons, Harpoons
« on: January 03, 2016, 07:03:53 am »

harpoon is a failed experiment.

It should not be reserved for defending an ally. No other gun is meant for that.

Every gun in the game is meant to destroy the enemy ship. We, as players, choose to support our allies with those guns and prevent their death by disabling, destroying, or overwhelming the enemy.

A gun, whose sole purpose is to prevent our allie's death, is a gun that has no versatility.


1) create more guns that defend allies. Which means more true support weapons that extend the life of ally ships or
2) remake the harpoon gun so that it has more versatilty or simply does more damage.

IMO - why should a lochnager carronade one hit a balloon but a harpoon gun with lesmok not be capable of the same thing? Give the stupid gun more range, faster reload, and fix your coding so that it still drags enemies after destroying a component (because I know damn well that is why it hasn't been fixed yet)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Rage quit rememdy
« on: January 03, 2016, 06:52:15 am »

1) Enemy team is expecting a certain loadout
2) crew is expecting certain loadout
3) it is optional to join a mid match game. You take the risk and can view everyone's loadout (as well as ships) before you commit.

I enjoy joining midmatch. I do it very often.

Punish the rage-quitting captain. Not their opponents.

Feedback and Suggestions / custon game button
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:38:55 am »
custom game   is clearly showing all lobbies now

rename it.

that is all.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Support weapons
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:06:18 pm »
Indeed. I did not do a search. This would suffice. These would (have) be[en] a great addition to the co-op mode

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Please make rematch the default option
« on: November 11, 2015, 10:51:43 pm »
I agree. I miss the vote because I am urinating. I also miss the vote because I alt-tab. Sometimes I miss the vote because I am lazy. It should be default.

Feedback and Suggestions / Support weapons
« on: November 11, 2015, 07:34:45 pm »
The idea of using support ships got me thinking. What about support weapons?

Enemy light your teamate on fire? Use a medium ranged water hose to extinguish flame for them.

Teamate getting bombarded by long range? Shoot some webbed armor out in front of them to block shots. << there is an example of what I am talking about. It is used to block RPGs and other explosive munitions by causing them to explode when the munition hits one of the metal things on the net.

Those are honestly the only two ideas I have right now. However, the idea is that these weapons have no real offensive capabilities. They cannot control a ship (pulling / pushing teamates, blocking paths) they only affect munitions, extinguish fires, or (somehow) rebuild/repair.


Q&A / Re: Piloting Consistency
« on: October 06, 2015, 06:55:08 am »
If you are playing a kill squid then your lack of consistency stems from you being the focused ship. Try being the distraction. If you have a semi descent teammate then he will use the opportunity to hit the enemy in the rear as long as you provide your ally ship with that opportunity.

If the enemy is smart and realizes what you are doing then they will probably ignore you and focus your ally ship. You have to hurry and support. If the enemy splits up then hopefully your ally can survive long enough for you to outrun your pursuer and then get to your ally.

If the enemy is very smart they will just sit there and take shots of opportunity. Tread lightly. You might try to flank them unseen at which point they may see your absence as a time to rush your teammate. Worse is they will understand your absence is in preparation for a flank and be prepared to counter it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: View-able lobbies
« on: October 01, 2015, 07:25:32 am »
Thank you for the quick response (and notification in game, mid match, while you were on my team, via team chat).

I sent the email.

I understand the issue of having too many lobbies open. However, not being able to view lobbies does not necessarily fix the issue. I can still create a lobby if I want. Anyone can. They just choose MM. MM fails them. It drives players away. It drove me away until I figured out I could  make my own lobby and it would fill in 10 seconds with minimal AI.

How about this: create a system that allows the creation of a lobby once every lobby on the list is at near max capacity.

The layout could be like this:

[lobby list]
lobby 1 - 4/4 captains 16/16 players
lobby 2 - 4/4 captains 8/16 players
lobby 3 - 3/4 captains 3/16 players
(Create Lobby) *grayed out*

The option to create a lobby will be at bottom of the lobby list. It will be grayed out since not all the lobbies are near max capacity. Once all available lobbies are near max capacity then the option to open a new lobby is available to the first person to click it.

criteria for "near max" capacity will be the numbers which would allow one A.I per ship and all captain roles full.

2v2 near max would be:

4/4 captains, 12/16 players

3v3 near max would be:

6/6 captains, 18/24 players

4v4 near max would be:

8/8 captains, 24/32 players

Feedback and Suggestions / View-able lobbies
« on: October 01, 2015, 06:15:04 am »
I know that it used to exist - this was before my time.

I keep running into an issue where there will be X number of players online and only Y lobbies available.

I have been friending everyone I play with so I usually have an idea of how many lobbies are open. What happens is there will not be enough lobbies open for all the players that are logged in. I will make a new lobby and it becomes near full in a matter of seconds. I ask these players how long they have been waiting. Typically upwards of 10 minutes is the response.

If they could view all the available lobbies then they would have known to make a new one (like I did). This issue is driving people away from the game.

Matchmaker either needs to make a new lobby (even if the game wont be full) or you need to allow us to view all the available lobbies (again - apparently)

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