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Topics - DJ Logicalia

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Feedback and Suggestions / Altitude based, vertical map
« on: December 25, 2014, 08:59:21 pm »
I've been thinking about what sort of addition that isn't too crazy, yet is really different, could add a new dynamic to the game. It crossed my mind that a small map, maybe 1 or 1 1/2 thousand square km, but an enormous hight ceiling, at least triple of whatever the highest one is now would be really cool.
 I can't really think of any real setting. Maybe some kind of vine walled valley, or serene cliffside by the sea. This would add a whole new element to how ships are flown, and I think it could be really cool if done right. Thoughts?

(mouse 0 is mouse 1 and mouse 1 is mouse 2)

Cargo Hook? What is this?

Why are there so many leave gun options? And secondary fire? Huh?

I am confused

It'd be helpful :D

Q&A / Gat ammo: Heavy vs Everything else
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:14:11 am »
From what I can gather, Heavy ammo used to be all the rage in gatlings, but has fallen out of favor recently. Firstly, why and secondly, how does it stack up against greased and other ammo types that are typically used in the gat?

General Discussion / *ahem* WHY ISN'T THIS STILL A THING
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:46:36 pm »

PHOENIX CLAW? AS A HOLDABLE ITEM? I want this. I want holable captain items very much


So I was looking a your the Ryder clan page and noticed realized I would have a friend perfect for you

I can only assume that "plyers" is the Ryder form of pliers (e.g. Rydrs).

My friends are a good spirited pair of slip joint pliers (or plyers) who love making friends. They just made friends with a few sets of needlenose pliers the other day. It was great! They aren't super experienced as far as this game goes (bought it in the sale after one of their favorite youtubers played it). Also, pressing keys and moving the mouse at the same time is hard, but do able. I think the interesting play style is a great asset though. They hate music avidly, though, so they can't quite join the Bards, but I felt the Rydrs we're the next best option. Awaiting response. Thanks!

General Discussion / Achievement Percentage
« on: November 08, 2014, 05:43:49 pm »
I remember when I first bought this game and my friends and I first noticed the number of achievements. We nearly died. It was close.

Now, many months later (nearly in game time alone), I have amassed  63% of the total number of things to complete.

Where are you?

The Docks / [♫] The Bards
« on: October 31, 2014, 01:14:30 am »
Frankly, I'm as shocked as you are that we don't have a post here. But now that's fixed :D

Hi! I'm Logic, leader of The Bards!

Some info about us: We were born out of a love for music as [MUS] or Musicians n Groupies about half a year ago. Our Sensei and founder, DJ Tipz n Trix recruited all of the early members through his debonair attitude and fine beats. We slowly accumulated our early membership, and everyone knew everyone in our tiny clan. Eventually we started growing, as more people wanted in to our little musical group, so the first officers were born. Today, we are The Bards, and we still try and know get to know everyone in the clan. We have a sizable pool of both new players who want to learn, and veteran players who love to teach. 

What we like: Music! We all love music! Whether you're a musician or a listener, we're right here, jamming along next to you. One upon a time, The Bards would play music in lobbies and on ships to spice things up, but currently our policy is either ask first or stick to party chat. We have several DJs who are fully equipped for piping our own songs into the game's voice chat, at a reasonable and comfortable volume, for the GoI community's listening pleasure. The DJ list and specialties can be seen on Page 2 of our in game clan page. The second thing that is super important to us is politeness! We have very a low policy for toxicity and abusing the playing of music. We want to be a friendly clan, and not one that scares people off. We pride ourselves of friendliness and helpfulness when it comes to just about everything.

Competitive play: Currently we are allied with Star Bubble Epidemic as StarBard, and the team currently doesn't really have any openings. But the future totally allows for other opportunities competitively. For the most part, though, we are a casual clan. We base absolutely zero on skill level when it comes to recruiting. And on that note,

Recruiting: So, you think you got what it takes to be a Bard, eh? Well... you're probably right. Our 2 Rules are: Love music and Don't be a jerk. That's really all. Whether you're a complete noob or an experienced player, we'll have you!

Why you should join:A few things, I suppose. We're very active, for the most part. Our core players are on nearly every day and we're super friendly too. Questions or comments or conversations waiting to be had are what we love. All of our core members are super approachable and nice. We're a great group of friends. If you're a new player, we have plenty of people who can either show you the ropes, or get into some more technical techniques. If you're more of a seasoned player, we offer basically the same thing. All members have access to the wonderful community that is us. We try our best to make friends with all of our members, no matter the skill. Like, I know a lot of clans say they don't care about skill, but literally, we don't at all. We just want you for you :D (and the award for cheesiest docks post goes to)

How to join: Either put a post here or approach one of our officers in game. In your post, please include something. Like, literally anything. If you want, your favorite musician or band. That'd be cool. You could also say why you want to join. That'd make me feel pretty rad. Thanks for reading this unprofessional piece of dribble :P

Hit 'em with the finest beats!
~DJ Logicalia.

Gameplay / Here come the Banshees
« on: October 20, 2014, 09:31:29 pm »
So this new update did a ton of stuff. Like. A ton

I think my favorite thing that happened was the Banshee buff. Objectively the  most underused not-joke gun is now totally viable. From my nonscientific testing (also take into account, I have no idea how well Banshees did before), it seems a Banshee with one clip of standard rounds will take out ~1/2 of balloon health, and do on average of 9 fire stacks. One standard clip can also take out ~1/3 of Galleon armour and permahull. Today I ran a dual Banshee Pyramidion and won. I also ran a triple Banshee Hwacha Spire and that did really well.

So, this raises a couple questions:
1) Is the Banshee overpowered and
2) How is this going to impact ship builds from here on out.

I'm glad that such a formerly terrible gun is now a thing, but I'm curious about the positive and negative impacts on the future

Gameplay / Pyramidion Side Guns
« on: October 04, 2014, 05:49:20 pm »
I've been trying to figure out how to make the Pyra's side guns actually useful. On basically every build I have, on 3 I have a flamer for emergencies (i.e. we get surprised on port side) and a Flare on 4. But the goal, even if side guns are temporarily usable, is to get the front guns back on target.  The best I've come up with is a dual gat and a flak/mortar on the side, but that basically turns it into a slightly more risky MetaMidon. Is there anyone who runs a Pyra with useful side guns, or are 3 & 4 doomed to forever be emergency Flamer and Flare holders?

General Discussion / The Bards have Cracked Boarding
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:25:28 am »
Not sure if anyone's done this before, and I'm partially making this post to find out, and also to let you guys know that: Yesterday, a group of Bards and Co. have found it is possible to board other ships. I haven't heard of anyone doing this previously, but basically, if you pull 2 Junkers up along side each other on a certain angle, and at a certain altitude, it's entirely possible to board an enemy/ally ship before the game pulls you back on your own boat.

Again, sorry if this isn't new, but even if it's not, I want people to be aware that it's A) possible and B) In the game's coding

EDIT: Other people have done this, so... If you didn't know about this wholly useless tidbit, great :D Now you do. If you did, sorry about that  :P

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