« on: September 16, 2014, 07:24:39 pm »
I, Inkjet, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.
I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.
I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence.
So say we all.
I've only been playing for about 4 months, but I've come to enjoy the close and helpful community within the game, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
I enjoy teaching, and discussing gameplay and tactics, and learning along the way! If I'm not in game, I can be contacted via steam (Inkjet). I hope to help the community grow by continuing to play with novice players, and being available to answer any questions they might have.