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Messages - Deltajugg

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Gameplay / Fire Extinguisher - your opinion?
« on: May 13, 2014, 08:24:03 pm »
I decided to make this thread, for I am highly confused with an opinion of some people about the current efficiency of a fire extinguisher. This thread serves only for a discussion about how good do you find the fire ext. in the game since the Cake Patch.

For me, it's currently mandatory. Until recently, the meta was to take chem spray to prevent any inconvenient flame stacks put on your weapon and components with possible hades or mortar shots, mine explosion, a flamer seen once in a while, mostly as a carro/flamer pyra combo, and of course my favourite, incendiary gatling. In all the cases chem spray immediately put on a component prevented any additional flame stacks on f.e. your weapon, thus you avoided fire rate/damage etc. reduced on it and kept the decent efficiency on a weapon, that hopefully turned out to be better than that of your meta-chem sprayed enemy. Even in case of not having a component sprayed once in a while you were most likely fine, for flame stacks didn't go up as much, and you could easily extinguish it with the chem spray, and its 3 second freeze cooldown.
But meta goes on, at least for me, and with current Cake patch we see flamer being a viable choice again, to the point of being really troublesome. Not only has the flamethrower been buffed, and flamestacks are put much faster on every part your ship, chem spray itself has been nerfed as well, with freeze cooldown being 5 seconds now.
Starting from the flamer buff itself, I see it being used to great effect against many ships that have not been sprayed effectively until now, for it was simply never that much of a threat. Galleon guns seem to be on fire 24/7 now, Junker's lower deck is now a personal flying furnace, and don't even get me started on a mobula. Thing is, in many situations those certain parts are not sprayed, for there are some matters to deal with that are more urgent, like repairing the engines, hull, or shooting the guns in the first place. In many situations there's simply no time to deal with a possible future threat, for some things that currently need your attention prove to be lethal if left unattended, but taking care of it simply leaves you exposed to another mortal danger, this time in a form of your whole lower deck being burned down while you were busy keeping the hull up from enemy gatling. With the current flamer stacking like crazy mistakes and higher priority decisions bring the consequences as the ones prior to Cake patch, but with more flame stacks on components it simply proves to be a nuisance that needs to be taken care of ASAP, where before we simply shrugged it off with a simple "meh".
Now, when it comes to the Chem Spray nerf, I realized 2 second make a big difference of all kinds. Every component you spray delays the later repairs by 5 seconds now. A gun already broken can be either repaired and burned down or chem sprayed and barely effective for 5 seconds. Not to mention (this may be just me) the timer clock on my actions is in complete chaos now, for I often find myself being in a situation where 5 seconds is too short of a time for me to do another action in the meantime, like shoot a gun before I repair the currently sprayed hull, but too long for me to efficiently maintain the component. This 5 seconds delay causes all kinds of confusion, hull bracing is practically not a thing anymore, for I can't as effectively pre-spray right before a fight to start bracing immediately, and even if I do, I'll end up with either heavily broken hull for 5 seconds or repaired hull burning nice and warm.
That being said, I think of one Fire Extinguisher on every ship as a consensus for all the disturbance the flamer is causing now. It is a tool that one may think can cause all kinds of different trouble on a ship, but I do not find it being of as big a consequence as not having it and dealing with 20 stacks on your balloon with a chem spray. It is as effective on a ship that has highly ineffective spraying route, like Mobula, as on a ship with areas of higher priority, and thus different parts exposed more often to the enemy fire(literally) like Junker/Galleon. It can also be used effectively on a ship with main component being close enough to the other objectives of an engineer, like Pyramidion's balloon side, and most importantly it can deal with heavy fire stacks if an engineer with a chem spray finds himself under a pressure so overwhelming that his decisions on whether or not to spray will take their toll.
For some reason, despite all the flamer buffs and chem spray nerfs, meta stays the same, and everyone still takes chem spray, without even considering using a fire ext. I want to hear your opinion on whether or not you find one fire extinguisher a viable option for the situations that chem spray can't deal with.

World / Re: Real Ship Names
« on: May 13, 2014, 07:30:49 pm »
well based on the faction feature on the Yeshan Empire, the language has definitely held on. their capital is Chang-Ning. furthermore, if you look at that world map that showed up with the adventure mode kickstarter,  the marked locations are largely named with Asian based names.

Well it is an alternate world in that world war 1 never ended and lead to the apocalypse.

Ok you got me on the Chang-Ning.

Also,it may be just me clinging to the world of GoIO being placed in another dimension/planet, but with all the laws of physics differing from the ones on Earth, and a land that looks completely different from any place on Earth, I prefer to think that MuseDevs themselves didn't know where they were going with the whole idea at first. Of course the WW1 might be a thing in this world as well, but I don't think of it as our own past taking place in a different shape that lead to the current GoIO world, more like similar situation happening in a different world, leading to it's own ending that also (obviously) differs from ours. Still, it may be just me jibber-jabber-dreaming and wondering out loud.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Mobula Suggestion
« on: May 13, 2014, 07:14:22 pm »
I second this, big time.
I am personally not a big fan of immobile, fragile ships, that includes both a Spire and Mobula. As far as it goes, I actually consider mobula being a flat Spire. Thing is, it is possible (more or less) to keep the Spire somehow maintained by one engineer from only but a slight engagement, and it still has potential of getting two engineers repairing the ship with Gunner staying on a heavy gun with alot of firepower, and even possible pilot taking the front light gun. Mobula is a completely different case, though. First of all, helm must be operated practically at all times to keep most of the guns in a good angle(depends on the guns, of course, but it seems like stabilizing mobula so your front hades will stay in arc proves to be more of a challenge than to let you use it yourself and let the gunner mount a side gun).  Even then, the slightest damage dealt to the core components of the ship may turn out deadly if unattended and dealt with, and with balloon and hull practically covering one another it greatly reduces maximum damage potential Mobula has, thus leaving it heavily exposed, for it poses no threat anymore that could keep enemies at bay.
I thought about conjoining both component rooms with an additional corridor in the middle. This would let one engineer take care of both components easier, thus leaving the other one on the gun, still providing fire on the enemy to make them less likely to attack poor Mobula crew.
I also repeatedly asked Muse Devs on their Fireside Chat about possible changes to the balloon health depending on the ships, and as much as I personally would love some buff for Mobula's balloon health, for Mobula was the very reason I asked such question in the first place, I can already tell you this is most likely not going to happen, for awkm stated multiple times that there are no plans for changing balloon's health. He also added that this may cause too much unnecessary imbalance, so there's always a chance that he would take it into consideration if put in the light of actually making this game more balanced. One can hope.

General Discussion / Re: gun runner theme
« on: May 12, 2014, 11:43:06 am »
Does this mean Boarding is the Half Life 3 of GoIO?

Half life 3 is a legitimate idea, that ends up being a dream never coming true.

Boarding would ruin the game completely, it would destroy the essence of making it an airship vs airship game only. That's why it will never be a thing, so it doesn't fit the definition of HL3.

For GoIO version of HL3 I suggest looking at this

World / Re: Real Ship Names
« on: May 12, 2014, 11:30:11 am »
and why would the ethnically Chinese yeshan epire name a ship of their design using a word that has european roots

This may be just me, but just because the Yesha Empire's design has its roots in chinese culture in the eyes of the developers doesn't exactly mean that they speak chinese in this game. I mean, just based on the world's geography and laws of physics you can tell that this is an alternative world, they might as well all speak the same language, and term "european" may not exist, so language restrictions to the ship's name may not be there as well.

Though I sure would love to know more about the world, with the origin of the ships included. It's always nice to sit and think on how various aspects of the game's world came to be, but I would rather see the facts about it than make wrong assumptions.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Let us sort our friend list!
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:46:57 am »
I'd like a numerical value for this and the...block list. Just to keep tabs and see if I can break a record :D.

This so much. I'd also add it for the clan member counting.

The Gallery / Re: Camouflaged advertising?
« on: May 07, 2014, 09:58:52 am »
Wait til adventure mode.

Oh my god please, in-game characters based on the actual players, and fully voiced over by them :D

The Gallery / Re: Tournament Logo
« on: May 04, 2014, 07:40:55 pm »
I vote for the 1.3 version of Tanya's logo

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A new piloting tool: Ship Stabilizer
« on: May 04, 2014, 07:35:29 pm »
I feel that there should be at least some added benefit than just stabilizing the ship to make the tool worth sacrificing a piloting tool slot for. Richard's idea about severely reduced recoil seemed in my eyes very hard to balance properly as well. Do you think there could be an in your eyes both efficient and balanced 3rd option?

Well, it would be quite funny to use the anchor to kill the ships below you xD

Assuming it would be an anchor, a "knockback" reduction, from all the rams and mines, would be in place, basically so the enemy ship that rammed you would hit you like a wall, bouncing off to the side, while your ship stays more or less in one place. This of course could also help other ships than sniping ones, but not to the extent of it becoming new meta.

I think this tool could go well with the idea behind it being an extreme version of Impact bumpers, like Moonshine for Kerosene, making the ship completely immobile for a few seconds, maybe even damaging engines and armor for trying to use engines during the time, but providing ship stabilization, reduced impact damage and reduced impact knockback. Reduced impact damage doesn't exactly fit the idea behind an anchor, but, as I believe it has been said in Frozen, "it doesn't have to be an anchor".

The thing about balancing the tool is to make it useful for the ships that prefer fighting from a distance with the stabilization, but not make it too useful for close range, charging ships. I think the best way to do it is to provide benefits for the tool of such kind that give no bonuses for a ship that intends to use it for close range encounters, but are useful for the crew of the ship being attacked in close range. It's kinda tricky to be honest, I'm not even 100% sure about my own idea, but I know that as much as my idea may not be the best solution, damage reduction from enemy fire is even further from it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A new piloting tool: Ship Stabilizer
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:45:09 pm »
The trick that in my eyes would make this superior to manually stabilizing your ship would be the reduced damage taken to balloon and guns. Your light guns would no longer be one shot with an Artemis (the Mercury could still probably do the trick with a direct hit), and your balloon wouldn't be as vulnerable.

That's a bad idea.
First of all, I think there's some kind of logic behind every aspect of other tools, why is it exactly that parts are damaged etc. Having an anchor, or any kind of ship stabilizer shouldn't anyhow affect the durability of ship parts IMO.
But that's only about my sticking to some sort of in-game logic in the mechanics, the real problem is the damage reduction from a pilot's tool would make it ridiculously beneficial not just for sniping ships, but for every single ship in the game, especially for Pyramidion.

Overall I like the idea of the tool itself, it would be a real nice option for the sniping ships to keep your ship stable. But providing you with additional damage reduction from enemy fire is another thing that I don't see working well.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:26:17 pm »
Ship Decals: Faction Logos (how is that not a thing yet? :P)
Ship Themes: Faction Themes, but I would mostly love to see the current themes updated to the point where the difference between the clear ship and a themed ship will be overwhelming. Every wall, floor and object covered with theme-related stuff.
Other than that I like the Boneyard and Raider theme ideas mentioned before. I'd also love to see something related to the Greek or Egyptian culture.
Ship Figureheads: I'd like to see something like Hydra heads or snakes coiled around an object (bowsprit maybe?). I would also love to see a drill or disc saw for additional ramming satisfaction :P

Speaking of ideas, Ship Figureheads and Decals could have some more love with the placement choice, and would be nice if there was an option to change decal's size to some extent.

Is there a thread like this about Character cosmetics? I sure do have some wishes when it comes to this one :P

Phew that's a lot of questions Delta

What can I say, I am such a person :>

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: April 26, 2014, 07:34:55 am »

Alrighty then:

1.Where do you think every ship is right now? What is the role they manage to fill in best? Which of them do you find bad or worse than others at 2v2, but better in larger matches?
2.How do you feel about the current state of the game? Do you feel like it's balanced? Or too much oriented around certain ships and snipe matches/brawl matches? Are some ship loadouts overused?
3.What kind of ship you would like to see next in the game?
4.What ship role do you feel could be included or significantly improved in the future?
5.What are your thoughts about the role of a Gunner?
6.Do you think GoIO has a bright future with its current state to provide enough entertainment for a larger group for succesful professional esports scene?
7.How do you think Coop Mode will look like upon its release? How about Adventure Mode?
8.What are your thoughts about Hades?
9.What would be the next weapon you'd like to see in the game?
10.How do you feel about replacing some light weapon slots or adding new ones for specifically supportive weapons like harpoon/flare/possible future component disablers etc.? Do you think it opens new possibilities for more support oriented ships?
11.Do you think adding an armor breaking heavy weapon in the game would be a good idea?
12.If there's any, which specific ship/ship's layout do you consider the most powerful in the game, to the point of being overpowered and overused? What do you think should be done to reduce its effectiveness to acceptable standards?
13.What do you think about ship themes?
14.What is your opinion about Matchmaking System? How is it going to change the game?
15.Do you feel that with possible upcoming class tools the maximum class-specific tools would increase to 4?
16.What tool would you like to see for your favourite class?
17.What is your opinion about current leveling system and objectives of the achievements?
18.How do you portray Adventure Mode knowing that it will be MMO'ish?
19.Do you think we'll ever see massive 10vs10 fights?
20.How many ships do you think will be added in the game in total?
21.What's your favorite faction and why?
22.What other game modes you would like to see?
23.Any comments about Skywhales and Snowmen?

The Lounge / Re: Out of curiosity..... (LARP)
« on: April 24, 2014, 07:51:15 pm »
This guy in Akatsuki cloak though...

I always wanted to try LARPing, seems like alot of fun. I'd totally go for a large shield, and either sword or spear :p

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