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Topics - Wundsalz

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Feedback and Suggestions / Indoor maps
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:54:37 am »
Maybe a cave system? - a giant mine in the red canyons?
Or maybe an abandoned industrial Area with a giant hangar? - Those fat leviathan wrecks we can see on the desert maps have to come from somewhere after all.
Anyway, I'd love to see a map where we don't have to bear that nasty (artificial) sunlight and where structure to crash ships is all around us (including the skies ceilings)!

As the poll thread has been locked for whatever reason, here's a sepearate thread to discuss the poll.
I've got a question regarding option A and C:
Quote from: Option A
Same old, same old - Continue Clan based scoring, where a clan can have as many teams as wanted and any of them can gain points for the clan
Quote from: Option C
A bit of both - Clans can enter 1 team of 8-16, points are gained by the Team for the Clan
The previously posted rules state "The teams do not have locked in crews" and all clan members are basically free to hop from team to team as they like.
So how does Option A differ from Option C now if there's nothing to prevent The Paddling/Raft and Brood from fighting as "The Ducks"-team on the same day (or even parallel)?

Feedback and Suggestions / Harpoon physics overhaul suggestion
« on: October 03, 2013, 10:27:56 pm »
I'd really like to see a major overhaul of the harpoon physics as I think the idea of the weapon is brilliant, but we can't put it to use properly due to the weird rubber strap behavior of the rope.
E.g. if you put a Harpoon at the front of the Pyra, hook an enemy and he flies away vertical to your direction, you'd expect to be pulled around by it so your ship faces the enemies tail. However the opposite is the case - you aren't able to steer anymore while your opponent can fly further away.
Here's a suggestion how to alter your Harpoon:
- As the movement of your ships feels quite realistic in general, I assume you've got physical models of your ships including masses, mass centers and moments of inertia. Use those to calculate realistic influences on hooked up ships!
- if a player hits with a harpoon let the length of the rope stay constant - no elastic yo-yo behaviour.
- if the distance of the ships reduced, simply let the rope sag and don't influence the movement of the ships at all. (some visual appearance of a sagging rope would be nice here...)
- if one of the ships tries to disengage this is prevented due to the rigid rope which can't be streched. Apply forces according to the ships relative movement at the two ends of the rope (weapon and the position where the hook hit the enemy ship) and calculate reacting forces and momentums influencing both ships movements. A simple elastic collision model might do the trick here.

- large rope forces could result in hull damage.
- allow friendly ships to be hooked. This would allow some advanced and fun tactics: E.g. pulling up allies whose balloon has been destroyed, dragging slower ships or stopping powder monkey captains to rush into the enemy trap ;)
- terrain hooks like mentioned here might be interesting as well - you want to turn around, but your steering is gone? - shot a harpoon into structure vertical to your movement direction and hurl around it.

The Docks / [SIR] Sky Invading Rhinos (Eu)
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:06:14 pm »
Stomp, Stomp!

We’re a bunch of rhinos that got tired by the leisure life in the savannas of Burren where there’s nothing else to stomp, but dust and scrubs.  We seek for adventurous lives – traveling through the skies like falcons with the pace of an arrow shot by one of the famous merry men– dreaded like bullies and worshiped like a huddle of floating noodles.
Less fortunate for us, unlike ducks, rhinos don’t grow wings. Hence we needed to obtain access to a mechanical aviation vehicle made by man. We’ve heard of a couple of possibilities, but none of them seemed tempting as they either involved signing up for flight squadrons who serve another man’s cause or even outright trading away ones soul. Our Journey seemed to have ended before it even started.
More fortunate for us, one day a merchant fleet happened to ditch near our pouring basin. Apparently candles on a birthday cake have caused a fire underneath the deck of one of their ships. We’ve seized the chance of this coincidence by starting a rambitious and successful attempt to stomp those pitiful merchants in order to take their ships.
Now we can finally fulfill our dream and fly North, following Polaris to see the aurora borealis over the Firnfield.

We’re a group of people who have played together for a while and we’d now like to enter the competitive scene.  Rather than sticking to static fleet builds, we plan to utilize the rich varieties of viable ship builds GoIO provides  to its full extend with an adaptive play style while keeping focused on efficient ship combinations – we want to win our matches.
Phelan and I plan to pilot the ships of our fleet to get our rambition started. We’ve also already managed to win a couple of excellent crew members for our cause. Still we lack some skilled players to fill up our ranks. As we want to maintain a familiar atmosphere where everyone knows everyone, we plan to keep our member count low. Hence we want to be a bit picky when it comes to accepting new members to ensure that we can stay competitive.
That being said, we’re not only interested in highly skilled players who have played hundreds of matches already. If you’re a new player who’s able to pick up the game quickly, don’t hesitate to contact us!  We’re eager to teach talented players interested in the competitive scene from the start. As communication is an essential element of GoIO, we require our members to bring a microphone and being able to speak English.
In case you’re interested in joining us, please drop a note here and contact Phelan or me ingame! Then we can fly some rounds together to see whether we’re a good match or not.

I'd like to change some of my keybindings. However I'm very used to my current settings and if I change them I'll most likely fall for my old habits and press the wrong buttons occasionally. Beeing able to bind multiple inputs for the same action would allow a smoother change.

I've just got into the cog rules and frankly I consider the current league system quite flawed. Most of all I think it is way too static - especially for the lower tier (3). You basicly have to wait for your one shot to advance to the next league and if you fail you have to take a break for a months without any new encounters. In my opinion this significantly harms the motivation and progression of new clans/crews as there's no better training than participating in actual clan wars. At the same time I really like the aesthetics of the gears, as they just fit the steampunk theme of the GoI.
So I've put some thought into how to improve the system and came up with a solution which allows every participating clan to play every week and furthermore is highly adaptable to the communities needs: epicyclic gears!
Let me elaborate the picture above:
We've got the Champions gear in the center which is attached to a hollow gear with cogs on boths sides. There are 3 clan slots in that gear. One clan is fighting the champion, the other two clans of that "League gear" fight their challengers in the "transition gears". the other teams in transition gears encounters their challengers from the B-League. The B-League (a hollow gear with cogs on boths sides) holds 3 clans as well. 2 of those are busy fighting the clans in the transition gears. The 3rd clan has to defend its position in the cogs against a newcomer. At the end of the week all clans are repositioned into the gears according to their match outcome and all gears rotate by one segment.

As stated before this system does not only allow all clans to participate in clanwars every week, but it's also highly adaptable to the communities needs:
- A wave of new clans want to enter the cogs? - just add another space in the B-League gear and add a second newcomer gear.
- the clanscene grows? - add new slots to the League rings and add another transition wheel.
- the clanscene grows alot? - add another league ring.

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