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Messages - Bauldr

Pages: [1]
Could you do delayed detonation? have a smaller lighter gun that fires a bolt that will detonate after X seconds? The blast could change the ship's course instead of the physical impact while still letting the gun be in the light category. You could justify a long reload by having to set up the charges on every bolt

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Lighting Gun
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:06:56 pm »
A railgun comes to mind however, I do not think that this was the op's thought process. something like an arc gun? or a weaponized tesla coil?

I think I see your concers. That if they release as multi DLC the players that have it will be off on the new content leaving the other players to fend for themselves?

I don't think that this will be a problem as I see the multi DLC as more towns and whatnot on the same overworld. That is The game will be more or less the same after the DLC but the players that have it would have access to a few new towns and routes. The old routes would still need to be traveled to get from place to place.

Could we do something like the pilot tools? For example we could have a tool that increases the turn radius of the weapon or the angle it can be aimed?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Anti-ship melee weapons
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:15:24 am »
It's a nice idea. I think, medium slot should be used, because ram should be huge and immobile, and small gun slots are too small. Maybe gunner will have to mount it, like he does with guns.

What sort of role would the gunner play in mounting a ram? (Not a male sheep ;D)

Unfortunately there is a decreasing number of captains willing to have a gunner on board (which is understandable).

If the gunner was to make an impact, what ammunition types would have what effect?

Well, since the game is steampunk we could do something like pneumatics. So the gunner(whomever is on the ram) would aim it and match the timing for a hit.

As with ammo one could change the ram's head, greased would make it launch faster, heavy would make it hit harder, ect.

Depending on the weapon the  way the weapon "fires" could be changed. so a ram would be a one shot deal but a blade would be extended off the hull as long as there is gas(ammo) left.

Feedback and Suggestions / Anti-ship melee weapons
« on: May 19, 2013, 06:08:20 pm »
Ship mounted (on the hardpoints perhaps?) anti-ship melee weapons. Imagine, a battle squid!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: I want to commend the enemy crew
« on: May 18, 2013, 10:19:22 pm »
I would love to be able to commend the other team, especially their engies. It baffles me as to why we can't do this now. :\

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