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Topics - Mattisamo

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Feedback and Suggestions / Social list
« on: September 05, 2013, 08:15:41 am »
Two things about it.

The order.
What order you might ask, there is none!
Exactly! It's not ordered by time gone as I look upon it and see "Last online: 3 days, 1 days, 11 days, 1 days ..." and so on so forth.
It's not ordered by name either! "C... S... S... V... F... Z... E..." and so on!

So! The first thing!
Make the goddamn social list in some kind of order, I suggest by name. Because it's fucking annoying trying to find someone in there if you want to see when they were last online.

And please, fix the thing where you scroll down, and it suddenly pops up to the top. If I am scrolling down in my list I obviously don't want to see who is online, do I? But I have to. Because the list itself decides to bump me up to the top, for unknown reasons. The marker stays where I left it. The list doesn't.

I'm guessing it is that it's showing latest updates, but really. It's just annoying I think.
Here you can see what I mean

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