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Topics - Omegasys

Pages: [1]
the 5 percent marching band boost is actually free when you buy it. and the mercenaries drop me down to 300 regardless of whether or not i actually should have 300 gold left. I bought it with 730 gold and it dropped me to 300 anyways, making it cheaper than it should be effectively, still drops down to 300 though when im at 800 though. it's inconsistent. I just experienced it, will keep looking to see if it remains that way, or if it only happens sometimes

Feedback and Suggestions / Any plans for new ships for pvp?
« on: March 03, 2017, 10:08:55 pm »
I didn't see a thread about it (granted, I didn't look very hard), so i wanted to ask if there were any new pvp ships in the works?, don't get me wrong, i love the new alliance ships, and the classics are great, but the 7 PvP ships that we get to choose from have grown stale, and i personally think a some fresh layouts and designs are in order. I understand you guys at Muse are busy with Alliance and whatnot, but I'm not asking it to be released now, just to know if it was something you guys have discussed/announced/have planned for the future.

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