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Topics - VidyaBro

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Feedback and Suggestions / Make ships easier to get around in
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:31:09 am »
Searching for a thread pertaining to this topic didn't bring up any obvious relevant threads, so feel free to direct me to one if it already exists.

I've noticed after playing for a while that most if not all ships are constructed in ways that require players to move in roundabout fashions to access different parts of the ship (some more than others).
I suppose this isn't inherently awful (requiring more coordination on the crew's part, etc.), but the awkward collision boxes of ships' 'terrain' often make running back and forth very annoying as ledges/steps/other small obstacles impede movement and force the player to bunnyhop around to try and 'scale' what should be traversible by simply running around in most cases.
Other issues include being completely walled off from what look like scalable areas, clipping/falling through parts of ships, and being able to run straight off certain edges to your 'death.'

I realize this is not an easy thing to fix and that each ship has its own quirks, but I really think putting a little more priority on 'streamlining' ship decks' collision geometry would go a long way toward improving overall player experience.

Feedback and Suggestions / Ally ship name display
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:14:46 am »
So after a fair deal of searching I found a few posts bringing this up in some old threads but none of them really focused on the issue, so I'm going out on a limb by making one here.

Why are friendly ships' names not displayed in matches? I've been playing this game for a fair bit now and it constantly irritates me that there is no way to easily tell at a glance which ships are your teammates' and where exactly they are. Is there a reason the devs still haven't incorporated this feature into the game as at least an option? It seems to me to be an extremely basic and helpful feature in team-based games, and I don't see any reason why it would be detrimental to this one.

Correct me if I'm missing something, but from what I can tell this feature would only serve to make the game better.

Feedback and Suggestions / Free-look when aiming guns
« on: March 02, 2016, 03:12:29 am »
I couldn't find any threads related to this sort of thing after some searching, but I think it would be a simple yet very intuitive change.

With guns in this game having limited turning speed, it seems to me that letting the player move the camera freely when aiming guns and having the actual gun catch up to the camera--as opposed to having to continuously move the camera to 'drag' the reticle in the desired direction--would greatly improve the 'gunning' experience.

Two reticles could be used to facilitate this: one for the point at which the camera is facing and the other for the current point the actual gun is aimed, with the latter automatically moving to catch up with and overlap the former. In addition, the maximum field of rotation for a gun could also be marked on the player's camera while aiming.

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