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Topics - Androidonator

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Feedback and Suggestions / Cluster Cannon
« on: November 20, 2015, 06:41:18 pm »
i have an idea
what about flak which will be firing round which can explode and release the grape shots everywhere around it when you use the zoom button
probaly it should be heavy one and you will be able to pop the round after 100 m in air when you wont pop it it should do some explosion damage but not release the flachete
it will be probaly very hard to handle so it should have something like hud which will show you distance from your ship to make it easier to handle but having more hud in this game will probaly crush the simplicity of the hud in the game
this is basicaly only idea
sorry for my crapy english i hope you will understand it and for using "probaly and which" so much
i am not good writer
i was searching if somebody didnt have same idea as me and 0 results

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