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Topics - Mezhu

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Alliance-inspired pvp modes?
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:35:49 am »
Has the thought occured to muse? And I'm not talking about reusing assets, guns or ships, but rather about integrating the AI into a new PvP gamemode.

There's many possible ways I think this could work;
The AI could act as a 3rd 'team' of sorts- like for example, the gamemode where players attempt to intercept and bring home those balloon-thing resources, could easily translate into PvP. Teams compete for resources which they steal from AI and each other, until a certain limit is reached. Another example would be a variation of the usual CK/CP, with AI ships contesting player-held points and defending neutral ones(I'm pretty sure someone has already suggested that in the past).
The AI could alternatively be part of each team- e.g. , similarly to mobas, a gamemode could revolve around progressively pushing into the enemy team's territory, destroying enemy defensive structures and AI ships while defending your own, until a team is left with no more structures, at which point it loses the ability to respawn (kinda like some sort of last man standing/tower defense combination or something).

ps: I'm sure there was a similar thread made somewhere somewhen but I can't seem to find it

Feedback and Suggestions / Elaborate balloon designs
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:26:24 am »
Additional decals, possibly custom-made or clan-exclusive have been suggested in the past. Current decals are fine-looking and everything- however their small number condemns them to fail their purpose of making ships feel unique and recognizable. I'd like to suggest an improvement to the balloon customization system, as it's been already implemented by many games in the past.

The system I'm suggesting relies on having a big number of premade decals which can be used in combination with a multi-dye system and color scheme options to provide creative freedom and much-needed variety.

Below is an example from Guild Wars- there you can choose your emblem, but also it's color, the background color and the outline color.

Similary in Chivalry, when customizing your character you get to pick an emblem, a paint pattern and a combination of 3 colours to further toy with.

I think that such a system would be a vast improvement to the current one. If it also were easily updatable with new decals and schemes (which are not that time-consuming to make and can be even community-made) every so often, it would provide a very cost-efficient added value that's going to be even more relevant with Adventure Mode's release. It could also be used as the basis for the creation for rare, exclusive items which could be given as rewards to individuals for tournament/ladder rankings, event participation etc.

General Discussion / Top pilots
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:07:37 pm »
What's in your opinion the highest skilled pilots (not your favorite ones to fly with!) currently or at least until recently involved with the game? What's their strongest and weakest points?
I remember there being a similar thread in the past but I can't seem to find it, and it should be pretty old by now so..

Anyway. I'd say, in no particular order, the following;

Thomas- I've never had the chance to play with this guy, but watching him fly lately has more often than not left me in awe. With bold yet precise and calculated movements, he can boast extreme map awareness which in several occassions has given him the supreme positioning ability and ultimately the kill in long-lasting fights. I think he's the most exciting to watch up-and-coming figure of the competitive scene. I wish he flew more frequently.
Lueosi- simply the most knowledgeable player in the game, and for some time now. He knows what works and why and almost always manages to have the upper hand in engagements. His ship awareness and tremendous experience with all roles allows him to very effectively manage his crew, turning even an average one into a well-oiled machine. When on top of an experienced crew his ship is extremely hard to kill and even harder to ignore. I'd say his only disadvantage is how he can sometimes hesitate in now-or-never situations, I'm guessing due to trying to optimize his reaction thus sometimes missing the time window.
Fiasco- although not as prominent as he used to be during thralls' peak, Fiasco still stands out. He's kind of the opposite of Lu- despite his many games with all roles he avoids micromanaging his crew and focuses solely on his piloting instead, making him very reliant on their performance and communication. His piloting style is almost instinctual and sometimes even overconfident, which can be devastating to either the enemy or his own team depending on the day and his coordination with the allied pilot. I hope we get to see him fly competitively again in the close future.

Honorable mentions to Skrim, who I feel excels more as a strategist rather than a pilot but still managed quite a few amazing maneuvers while always providing Fiasco an error-correcting mechanism for his shenanigans and also Spud, who somehow manages never to put his ship in a bad place, turning otherwise imbalanced pubs into surprisingly challenging games, even when paired with the worst crew imaginable.

The Pit / New undeniable proof that Muse is the devil
« on: September 28, 2014, 06:31:23 pm »

The Pit / MORG Gaming Nights
« on: September 17, 2014, 07:00:55 am »

We're all aware of how high the female population in Goio is, and although we do love the ladies it sometimes can get a bit frustrating. Men, after all, need to spend some time every now and then doing manly stuff away from female company. As such, there's been the idea of organizing a male-only invitational event, directed towards only the most testosterone-filled members of goio community. To ensure every participant's enjoyment a few ground rules and requirements for potential applicants have to be set;

  • Only people with an average hair body density of 10 hair/cm2 allowed.
  • Must yell a lot, punch stuff in anger whenever losing and make forced sex jokes at least once a minute.
  • Must be confident in own genitalia size and possibly brag about it in public.
  • Must be into sports. (tennis, volley, chess and the like do not count).
  • Must drink scotch and smoke cigars on a daily basis and preferrably during events.
  • Muscles are not a must but are definitely a plus. Moustache can work as an alternative, bonus points for full-grown beards.
  • Must enjoy pornographic material.
  • Strictly straight-only. If not, at least act like it.
  • Any word of cooking and shopping (exluding arms) will result to an irrevokable permanent ban from our little community.

Possible activities we can do as a group and additional rules are open to discussion.

How about instead of major damage + force over a minimum duration of 3 seconds, they instead applied force and caused damage exponentially with time? (low damage, small vertical force when first tapped, with both increasing faster as time used increases)

That way they would gain the saught-after by many utility of working as minor vertical mobility enhancers if a pilot just taps them on/off or switches between the two, causing damage that's easy to maintain- but could still function as panic buttons if held down for longer, resulting in about as much damage and lift force in 3 seconds as current versions.

Obvious side-effect is they couldn't be simultaneously used with other pilot tools.

Feedback and Suggestions / Spotting mines
« on: July 19, 2014, 04:09:48 pm »
Allow the spyglass to temporarily spot/mark a mine for a short duration, informing the pilot of its' position. Maybe something like a red version of the usual ship spot?

Feedback and Suggestions / Rangefind your enemies through clouds
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:22:38 am »
As most know, after the last major patch and before the latest hotfix we were able to see through the closest few layers of clouds by using any zooming tool (spyglass, rangefinder, weapons). This was obviously game-breaking to a large extend, and got properly fixed recently.

Ever since, though, I keep finding myself 'blind'. I got used to the anxious spyglassing of hotspots in my field of view, and having to vocally inform the rest of my team of where I last saw an enemy added a nice touch to the game. Especially for roles that don't usually have much to do out of combat, such as the gunner (and to a lesser extend the main engie), being a spyglass scout made a lot of sense. There was a tactical depth to it, as well- the most eagle-eyed crew would see an enemy long before the enemy saw them, allowing them smarter engagements.

This got me thinking if this could somehow be an intended feature, implemented with respect to the rest of the game's balance and mechanics. If the answer is yes, a potential candidate for this utility would be the rangefinder. It's a tool very rarely (if at all) used, and such a buff would be very logical. It would also be more suitable and beneficial for the gunner class, as it would grant him one additional responsibility and enhance his role compared to the engineer (at least while ooc). Even if the rangefinder was that way altered, it could by no means replace the spyglass. Instead, it could complement it and have a better synergy with it- you 'spot' an enemy with the rangefinder, inform your crew of his position and direction, and the spyglass will be ready to mark him once he becomes visible.

Feedback and Suggestions / Making fire extinguisher viable
« on: May 31, 2014, 02:01:30 pm »
The majority of experienced players will agree that the fire extinguisher is a tool far inferior to the chemical spray, and that its' ease of use doesn't make up for its' reduced efficiency.

The main reason for this, according to my opinion, is the way fire stacks are applied and their damage calculated.

In its' current state, the first fire stack deals significantly high damage, and every other fire stack applied will linearly increase the amount of health a component loses. Fire is strong enough to interrupt repairs starting from a low number of stacks (even more so on balloon) and thus almost always requires urgent attention. At about 10 stacks, half the maximum, the repairing engineer can easily be overwhelmed and fail to maintain the components intact, especially if also receiving damage from other sources (which is more often than not the case). So people are practically forced to immediately counteract fire, which translates into either preemptively using Spray and maintaining it or using Extinguisher once between each repair hit (as 10 fires will easily accumulate on a number of components during the 9 seconds of the mallet cooldown). Due to the above, here's almost no scenario in which usage of extinguisher can prove more effective than spray, as it has a bigger cooldown cost in the wrong run, while also nullifying far less fire damage. There are exceptions of course- their rarity, however, turns Extinguisher from the standard fire fighting tool it's supposed to be to a more situational one, and the 'luxury' Chem Spray takes its' place instead.

Ways to counteract this (if bringing the Fire Extinguisher back to life, past novice games, is a goal)
-Change the Fire Extinguisher. Remove the fire immunity, have it cause no cooldown and be usable on components that are cooling down, but have it remove less fires on application so that the least required time for a full extinguish is relevant to its' animation time
-Change fires. Change the way stacks cause do damage from FirstStackDamage + const * (FireStacks-1) to an exponential function, initially dealing less damage, reaching the same dps as the current one at about 8 fires and dealing much more at 10+ fires. This will allow an engineer to more safely ignore a burning component until it has a number of stacks high enough to be worth an extinguish.
-Change the Chemical Spray. (maybe the most logical one) Redesign its' functionality, making it more punishing if a fight lasts more time than originally expected. Increase its' duration from 20 seconds to 27, and increase its' cooldown from 5 to 9. Spray will now require far smarter timing and include an inherent risk- using it prematurely or entering a prolonged fight will cause it to end at some point midfight. Reapplying it will cost as much as a mallet hit potentially resulting in a dead component due to the other types of damage. Not reapplying it will leave the ship extremely vulnerable to fire. This creates a difficult dilemma for both the engineers and the pilots (both the attacking and the defending ones- should I try and flee or should I continue fighting?) and increases the communication skill ceiling (each engineer might actually have to pick a different tool and alternate roles with each other depending on the situation). Not to mention the fact that a delayed application on a component that's already on fire will be far less rewarding, as using the spray as an extinguishing tool would yield bad results (might actually have to slightly increase the number of stacks removed to 4 or something to make up for this).

Feedback and Suggestions / Heatsink
« on: May 01, 2014, 05:33:06 am »
Since everyone agrees on the last improvement on heatsink, I suppose this one will be staying.

If that is indeed the case I have 2 minor suggestions;
  • Make heatsink extinguishes add to the 'fires extinguished' stat
  • Add 'Extinguish X fires with heatsink rounds' on the gunner's 9th shooting achievement

Feedback and Suggestions / Include clan emblems as balloon decals
« on: April 27, 2014, 10:00:31 am »
Not sure how complex or resource-hungry task that would be, but it would be superextracool if players were able to use their clan's emblems as balloon decals.

Like, give us some formatting specifics (size, colormode, shape, filetype) and allow us to upload icons that are visible on each clan's page and can also be used in place of balloon decals for players' ships as long as they're members of that clan.

Feedback and Suggestions / Make use of 3v3/4v4 exlusive maps
« on: April 11, 2014, 05:56:29 pm »
The amount of maps is extremely limited, even more so considering 3v3 lobbies are rare and 4v4 are one in a million. You've already put a ton of work on non-2v2 maps, why not make better use of them? I've got 2000 games and I haven't yet gotten the Red Sepulcher map exploration achievement. I've got friends with 500+ games who didn't even know Sepulcher existed and have a total of less than 20 games on Raid/Hazard/Firnfeld.
And besides all this, the game is most balanced and optimized for 2v2 games.

Start with Desert Scrap, I can definitely see it working as a 2v2 CK, since it's already not very spacious, the spawning distances are very close to the capture point and we only have a lousy Labyrinth to play CP on atm. Why is it even a 3v3 in the first place? It doesn't feel like 6 ships can fit in this map at all to be honest.
Firnfeld could also work as a 2v2 DM. It's kind of too big and open but come to think of it I'd rather play 2v2 Firnfeld than even more games on Dunes.
Same goes for Hazard. This map is truly a piece of art that we don't get to appreciate. Flying it with 4 ships should be viable even if not optimal.
I'll agree that the rest of the maps would probably offer a too stale and boring gameplay with fewer ships though.

I realize you can't possibly invest any time and money on maps right now, and it makes sense. But what you can and should do is give us the chance to enjoy the content you've already created that's mostly gone unused.

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