« on: February 24, 2013, 05:01:03 pm »
Good evening, fellas.
You might have already figured this out, but i want to shed some light on russian...well...thing.
Basically, it's all thanks to a group of russian video-bloggers, who've been streaming GoI for quite awhile now. Yes, it's good for GoI popularity, but there's problem that i want to warn you about.
What you're facing right know isn't language or cultural barrier. Majority of russian crews rushes straight into enemy fire without any tactic not because they can't hear or understand veteran players, but because they're not willing to do so. Mostly they're playing GoI (well, with some exceptions ofc) because they want to meet/interact/shoot down their favourite videobloggers, and because those bloggers also pointed them out a new place for being aggressive. It's very specific (yet rather big) group of players(i mean ONLY those videobloggers followers, not all russian players, and i want to stress it out), based onto useless agression, lack of respect to anyone and, well, duh, games. I'm not talking about everyone of them, i'm quite sure there's also enough decent people there, but still... Just trust me, you don't want to learn russian.
And I'm really glad that you don't understand crew and ship names. It might cause some serious mental damage.