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Q&A / Re: Squid Tactics
« on: October 17, 2016, 04:09:10 pm »
How exactly do I use tar and how does it behave?

Q&A / Squid Tactics
« on: October 17, 2016, 02:43:20 pm »
I've played this game in short spurts since I bought it 2-3 years ago, recently felt the urge to actually try hard and not just screw around. So I've started playing captain instead of gunner, and found a much more enjoyable, if not difficult, experience. The ship I feel most comfortable using and have done best with is Squid.

I've been running Banshee-Whirlwind-Banshee (might change that to mine) with Helium, Kerosene, and Droguechute (going to change that to tar) and my general strategy has been a sort of stealth-cruiser, attempting to get behind opponents or stay out of sight/range long enough to rush in full speed (sticking close to the ground and then using helium to suddenly appear right next to them) positioning myself so both guns can hammer at his unguarded midsection, then, if he isn't completely dead or his ally attempts to stop me, rushing away with kerosene and hiding before starting the whole process over again. I've gotten a decent amount of kills/maims and kept out of serious harm that way, but obviously i'm pretty green and there's room for improvement, so are there any Squid masters/pilots who have any advice or would play with me for self-improvement?

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