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Messages - kurganon

Pages: [1]
The Pit / Re: I Challenge.....!
« on: February 21, 2017, 03:51:56 pm »
I challenge ShadedExalt to read a twilight book in public and win either way.
(I don't have anything against twilight in particular, it's just an internet running gag)

The Pit / Re: I Challenge.....!
« on: February 18, 2017, 01:42:37 am »
I challenge Richard LeMoon to a sushi cookoff and win because I made sushi some times before and have the experience now.
Like this?^^'

The Lounge / Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« on: February 15, 2017, 01:04:33 am »
I rewatched the ironfork stream last week^^'

Josie: "Russ, the issue is that I can't shoot them if they're behind us and your flying style means that we spend most of the time with the enemy behind us."
Russ: "Well they are in front of us now."
Josie: "Yeah, but it's now that we are too far away, so bring us closer"
Russ: "What do you think I'm doing? I'm ramming them!"
Josie: "Yeah but that's too close. A mddleing middle ground."

(unfortunately I couldn't understand the rest of her last sentence^^')

The Pit / Re: Battlecries!
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:03:19 pm »
I am fond of the term "Brace for impact"^^

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: February 01, 2017, 07:07:05 pm »
I don't know if sharing random parts of random videos on youtube is something that Cake tolerates, but I had to think of this clan during a funny moment in Jesse Cox' and TotalBiscuits Let'sPlay of Pitpeople^^

"They killed my cake!
So everything is on fire, what is happening over there?!"

Kind Regards^^

The Lounge / Re: Am I toxic?
« on: January 30, 2017, 01:45:27 pm »
Thank you for responding thoroughly to my post^^
Also nice to hear that you cheer up^^

Now excuse me, I have an exam on friday, and I have to procrastinate by watching the video you posted.

As explained by me in one of these comments under the linked video, I wasn't in the best shape NOR form while making that video, and personally I find it my weakest of a bunch. There's a thread where I'm posting my GOIO related videos. I would recommend this one instead.

Also, yeah, welcome to the club, I have several exams coming. Instead I design system for automated, randomly generated drops from chests and monster like in Borderlands or Diablo; and I think the excuse of that system being created as a prototype for my engineer degree project in the future is not too valid, dammit. xd
Don't worry, I watched them all (at least the GoIo related videos and the "Best. Insult. Ever.") ;X
I was well entertained and laughed a lot XD (and subscribed)

Good luck with your system and your exams^^

The Lounge / Re: Am I toxic?
« on: January 30, 2017, 09:15:25 am »
I apologize for stating my opinion, but I wanted to add to this thread^^'
I only really know about you, because your words filled an respectable amount of the "Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online" Thread. And my impression is, that you tend to be aggressive, as in you don't hold back in what you say, or how you say it. But you don't seem to do that in an attempt to ruin the fun for someone, quite the opposite imo. You (seem to) make Situations and Matches memorable, make your teammates laugh in situations, where they would probably lose hope. You seem to have moments, where you might demotivate the enemies (i.E.), but you didn't say, that they are bad (or not good enough), you said, that you, the wrath of the squirrels, were just way to strong/good. It is, as before stated, a little toxic, though, but not enough or frequently (or so it seems) to make me think, that you are toxic.

[Bard member looking at our stacked team]: Dude, we are doomed
My favourite XD

Now excuse me, I have an exam on friday, and I have to procrastinate by watching the video you posted.

PS: Feel free to let me know of how little I understand how you actually are in GoIo^^

The Lounge / Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« on: December 14, 2016, 09:32:12 pm »
So I noticed a Twitch Channel streamed Iron Fork of Friday and watched the most recent of it (Nov 18, 2016).

HeavyMetalFL : I AM SO READY
HeavyMetalFL : I'm not sure what faction I'll join.

It's funny to me^^'

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: July 10, 2016, 07:31:05 am »
I visited the site a couple of times actually XD
Too bad, that the official youtube channel of Cake doesn't have too much content^^

If I get the chance I will definitely try and check the stream out, thank you^^

Thanky you^^
I ban The Mann because he hasn't seen me in The Pit before^^

I ban Skymonger for indirectly calling me a strange individual.
I made and ate baconwrapped tofu just two weeks ago~
I have no regrets, it was a good combination imo^^'

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Timer on games
« on: June 19, 2016, 09:11:38 pm »
Wouldn't it be better to compare damage to permahull? Or is it very unlikely, even impossible, that someone could take a ship with great permahull and run away until the timer runs out?

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:41:24 am »
Hello, everycake reading this^^
First off, this isn't an apply... yet. (Lack of internetspeed and necessity to study keep me from playing GoIo, right now)
This is just me expressing my hype about the Cake Clan ;X

I got hyped about GoIo again, and since I couldn't play I decided to read around in the GoIo forum, and boy, do you cakes come around. Initially I just wanted to find that quotes thread in the pit (which I saw years ago, didn't find it again), but came across a couple of funny threads, and more specificly funny posts, of which many were made by cake. For example, how you defended the word fire from being banned in the haiku thread XD

I've read through the whole Cake thread now (not in chronological order), and you guys and gals are absolutely awesome^^
I love the humor of everyone! (Can provide examples, as I save quotes, which make me laugh)
The opening post alone had me already most interested in this clan, the fun above all phillosophy is something I not only can stand behind, I also find it my goal to find fun even in the receiving end of a curbstomb, which happened and in which I found fun in. Attempting the impossible when everyone else is giving up is awesome (succeeding more so) and also cake, everyone loves cake, if not eating, than at least baking.
Your "Fly with us to join us" attitude reminds me very much of air gear, when the main character declined an Army, because he never rode with them, needless to say, I find that awesome!

Not any less awesome (or weird) is how you don't look down upon stalking, you even encourage it, that among other things shows how crazy (fun) you are XD

I may not have an oven, but I fully intent on becoming a cake, maybe not now, maybe not even this year, but one day I will be able to play, and on that day, I will hunt you down (in a friendly [fire] way) and apply to become a cake, so I hope you look forward to it and keep the clan goind until then, wouldn't be too fun joining a clan just to proclaim "I am Legend!".^^

Kind Regards,

I totally forgot my ingame name

PS: I didn't talk too much about fire, because I didn't want to write twice or three times as much ;X

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