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Messages - AlienOvermind

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I think I would prefer your 2nd gunner refusing loadouts over the gunner slot engi refusing to swap.
I wonder if you're in majority here. Becuase my suggestion vs current system in worst case is "ship with 3 engineers vs ship with 2-3 gunners". And I would definitely prefer a ship with three engineers.

I prefer 2 solutions over one.
And there are two sloutions for your second problem (which is hardly a problem actually). This second solution: swap slot system. We already have it and it works just fine. So if 2nd slot player doesn't want to be a gunner, he can easily swap with someone who does.

Therefore the gunner spot also has to accept having an engineer.
That's what I said basically:
second one should allow player to pick gunner
"Allow to pick", not "force them to be gunner". I.e. first slot — pilot only, 2nd slot — gunner or engineer, third and fourth slots — engineer only.

As for trollproof-ness... Muse would never accept fully trolproof mechanics, they have been promoting "talk over kick" mindset for too long to change it now suddenly.

especially when you get to higher levels some captains like to take more than one gunner
Nobody does that in serious matches. People only do that in the same manner as using all-harpoon ships — to fool around. So, not a big deal if they lose one opportunity to do silly stuff. After all we got similar restriction for captain/piot slot and everything's fine.

Which they decline. And refuse to leave.
Or swap classes after accepting the loadout.

Right. Also people joining mid-match. You can do absolutely nothting about them, except asking them to leave.

Feedback and Suggestions / Can we have some very simple restriction
« on: March 05, 2017, 02:20:17 pm »
I think only one slot — second one (right after captain slot) should allow player to pick gunner. Two bottom slots should be engineer only. With swap slot function it wouldn't hurt any well-organized crew, but would help new players to chose right job.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Suggestions about AI improvement
« on: July 09, 2015, 04:27:45 pm »
Muse abandoned this game and moved on another projects. And I don't need AI customization, that's why AI should be left as is.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Suggestions about AI improvement
« on: July 09, 2015, 03:46:58 pm »
We don't want to encourage players to want AI over people.
Why everyone is making this such a big problem? If AI would be customizable, like I suggested, it wouldn't be complete human substitite. Good player is always better. And if a player is less competent than AI, there's a problem in that player, not in AI.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Suggestions about AI improvement
« on: July 09, 2015, 01:39:45 pm »
AI aren't bad, in fact they're better than most new players without communication. The problem I have with AI is their behavior with manning guns, or specifically manning a different gun when their current gun has no arcs on the designated target. An extra important command that could be added is set 2 AI to attack and one on repair.

Muse wants the AI to be as simple as possible and able to function- which they do. Build your ships around AI, for example depending on how many AI I have I know which ship I'll pick. AI behavior can be improved but there likely wont be any AI customization. AI will have the same loadout and a predesignated repair cycle that works.

In the old system pre match making when there were no recommended loadouts and it was near impossible to get new crew to bring loadouts, I played with only AI for over 100 matches in ships named the AI ONLY PLEASE or DONT JOIN AI ONLY. AI work well on many ships, and I had a 43 match win streak in an AI flame squid. Flares are essential when using AI on most ships (AI don't shoot flares).

You're getting wrong idea. Yeah, AI is ok if all ship is maintained by AI and ship is build around using AI. But that use-case is kinda too weird for a normal player. AI crewmen should fill the gaps, not doing all work. And I want them to good at filling the gaps — because it's the most common task for AI.

Feedback and Suggestions / Suggestions about AI improvement
« on: July 09, 2015, 12:19:57 pm »
We all know AI crewmen are bad. Here's what I believe should be done to improve them.

We need more control over AI crewmen. I want some interface to set my own AI presets for each ship (like 3 presets per ship) and I want to be able to add my custom AI crewman on my ship in the same way as with human players.

As for customizing AI I want this:
1) Limiting devices AI crewman should interact with. For example on a Junker I should be able to set AI to interact only with "cellar" guns and main engine and I won't ever see this AI crewman running on a main deck. Or limit AI to right engine, baloon and bottom-right gun on a Mobula and he won't run around our huge deck like a headless chicken. This is the most impornant part of the plan — with just that we will organize somewhat effective co-operation of humans and AI.
2) Setting priorities. And it's not just "armor / baloon / guns", I want behavior patterns like:
  - putting down fires on <X part> (X is armor / baloon / gun 1 / gun 2 / gun 3 / main engine / left engine / rignt engine etc);
  - repairing <X part> if it's damaged more than by <Y>%;
  - rebuilding <X part>;
  - shooting the enemy with armor condition: <any / active / inactive> and hull condition: <any / mildly damaged / severely damaged> (hull condition should use the same damage stages as with ship's visual looks);
  - destroyng enemy's baloon / engines / guns.
3) Ideally I'd like to set ammo they use (one slot, like a normal engineer), engineer's kit may stay fixed at Spanner / Mallet / Extinguisher.
4) I have mixed feelings about Chem Spray — maybe it would be okay to be able to change Extinguisher for a Spray and add pattern "spraying <X part>" or maybe we should leave Chems for humans after all.

Priority patterns may seem a bit overcomplicated, but I believe, that if we limit AI operations to only 3-4 devices if would work just fine.

As for GUI. We would obviously need a new screen to edit AI presets — it should be done in the same manner as player / ship customizing screens are done. And then setting customized AI in an actual crew should be done similar to loadout recommendations — i.e. click on crewman icon and if the slot is empty you should see a window with all your Custom AI Crewmen. After you set AI Crewman this slot should be considered not empty, i.e. some random player shouldn't be able to connect there.

And the last point is some ethical stuff. I heard an opinion, that if AI is good, the captains will often prefer them to humans and that will harm the community. But I want to throw a couple of counter-agruments:
- Good AI will improve overall expirience, because matchmaking queue will become shorter and we will get less frustration about useless orange weirdos.
- Good AI will force players to learn, so they can at least play better than AI. And in the end community will benefit from this getting less powder monkeys and more competent skyriders. Also using custom AI crewmen may be banned in novice matches, so players would have a place to learn.

And that's it. Tell me your thoughts please.

Feedback and Suggestions / Slight rework for a Galleon
« on: May 24, 2015, 02:46:14 pm »
I know this ship has it's role as an amazing sniping support in 3v3 and 4v4. But I believe it's too situational. This ship really need some changes towards versatility.

And I think that the problem is not it's stats, but it's weapon mounts. So, I'm thinking about this layout to be better suited than the current one:
- lower deck: one heavy weapon and one light weapon on each side;
- upper deck: one light weapon facing forward and one light weapon facing back.

I.e. something like a fatter Junker — with less mobility and more firepower. So, do you think it would make Galleon better or worse?

General Discussion / Free-2-Play someday?
« on: August 12, 2014, 03:02:36 am »
I wonder if Muse has any plans on going f2p with current pvp-mode? How many active players are in GoI now? About 200 maybe? This game really need some fresh blood and we already have nice in-game shop, so maybe f2p is a good option?

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