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Messages - Sir Yosh

Pages: [1]
The Gallery / Re: Tournament Logo
« on: May 05, 2014, 03:53:49 pm »
Just to give Tanya some competition ^^

Just... you know... check if I spelled hephesomething correctly.

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome Prize Submission
« on: May 05, 2014, 03:04:58 pm »
Perhaps community could design these? If we knew the specs. Ofc would have to be steampunk/dieselpunk and approved by Muse.

Do mercenaries get some badge? Perhaps some chest of shiny gold and pistols? Or do we not only don't get paid by neither Anglea nor Yesha, but also no badge for us? :P

I enjoy the games and that's what matters the most :)

We won't be able to play against Muse, but it's great that people who made this game do NOT want us to win the Adventure Mode so easily :D I think it's awesome there is a Muse team, as long as we get to destroy them ;)

Off-topic: If it's called a "league" we should have had like a football league system (European football, not that American rugby-like thing with throwing the ball) :D

The Docks / Re: Overwatch needs you!
« on: April 01, 2014, 02:27:29 pm »

Well... we don't necessarily check this thread very often ;)
For clan invite information please catch people with tags [OVWo] or [OVWn].

The Gallery / Re: Icarus Rising - 2D mmorpg
« on: April 01, 2014, 02:21:43 pm »
April Fools, though post date is 31. March for me :P

Is it possible that the number of spectators or location of players matters?
It's pretty weird how in the same lobby one match is great, 2nd with freezes every few seconds and 3rd great again.
Some kind of sync between players?

Also, possible memory leaks. Sometimes client gets "heavy" after only few big games and needs restart to play smooth again.

CRR did great, but wasn't the winner supposed to be a fraction? Anglea or Yesha + mercenaries.

Great tournament idea, great RPG elements and really good games :) Everyone had fun.

Scoring system and additional 5th round pretty confusing though. Wasn't the score difference so high that we knew the winning fraction after 3rd or 4th round? Or did rules change in the middle of event?

The Gallery / Sketch of the glorious Sir Yosh ;p
« on: March 06, 2014, 04:25:46 pm »
Not very original since pose taken from my victory screen. Something I sketched and colored a moment ago. Could have looked better if I actually gave a crap... :P

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Post level 15 log/goal/whathaveyou idea(s)
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:45:37 pm »
You can add a hat or two after every 2000 or 3000 games, but no more levels...

I enjoyed running for 15 and I feel like everything added now would be pretty annoying. I enjoy playing my main class and I don't need any complicated "win X matches vs X+ lvl enemies on map X with no deaths and at least X% hull" achievements ;)

There are still 2 classes to learn/progress in. Perhaps there could be a "all 15" reward, pushing people to try different things.

Feedback and Suggestions / New game mode - deathmatch with time limit
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:13:32 am »
There are currently like 3 game modes: DeathMatch, King of the Hill and Crazy King. The latter 2 are less popular amongst new players - you can see how many people leave lobby after The Labyrinth pops up.

What I suggested during last dev fireside was the "Time Battle" mode, where players try to destroy as many enemy ships as possible during i.e. 15-minute game.

It's perfect for people who don't like CP games, for competitive games and good against long sniping matches (these will still work in standard deathmatch).

It's also super easy to implement.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: [WANTED]
« on: January 12, 2014, 08:34:34 am »
Agreed, [Clan] Name-WANTED would be nice.

Or, if it's like TheSovietKlondikeBar says and hiding clan tag is on purpose,  then perhaps we could at least have clan tags in player's context menu, opened after clicking on player.

However, please do NOT use clan tags on the WANTED list. There shouldn't be any clan competition in this ranking.

Community Events / Re: Winterfest 2013 Prize Thread
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:16:57 am »
Name - Sir Yosh (3 points)

1x Khovansky Special Hat
1x Horologist Gray dye

Thanks !

But if you keep substituting missing players with the best ones you have then we go back to 1 elite team per clan :(

I know it's pretty chaotic thread, but I would like to add here some idea that would IMHO mix clan/team.

You register 2 crews (8 nicknames!) as team under some specific tag.
Every week you can have max 3-5 points from skrimmages. Points go to TEAM.
Every skrimmage you can substitute max 1 player per crew (perhaps excluding pilots?).
Every skrimmage you fly with team-specific TAG.
Once a player signs-up for a season of skrimmages with a specific team they can not help any other team.

If clan is small, it can have 1 team (clan name as tag).
If clan is large, it can have 2-3 teams (i.e. Duck* clan could have teams DckA, DckB), but it can NOT mix or borrow players between teams.

I don't believe anyone will have any right to be angry if some big clan will be able to create 2 different good teams, getting their points separately.
If, for example, DckA team wins the event, then we will know that the entire clan deserves respect.

What I think is perfect about this system is that clan with only 1 team has same chance of winning as many skrimmages as any team from clan with multiple teams, because there are no points for clan, only respect for clan's team(s). This also makes it possible to create inter-clan teams. people from AK, OVW, Ducks, Gent or whatever could create team [XYZ].

*Sorry for using Ducks as an example of big clan. Hope you don't mind. No Ducks were harmed while writing this post :D

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