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Messages - Zeluk

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Achievement system flaw
« on: May 14, 2013, 09:25:23 pm »
I also agree that the current system needs to be reviewed. I'm among the newer players coming in with th Kickstarter crowd and once I figured out how the leveling system worked I was a little put off. Frankly, the achievments and leveling system aren't going to keep me from having my fun. I'm still going to utilize my free time in the most efficient way to maximize the entertainment value which in this case means disregarding the achievment system and not gaining levels. I have a lot of fun piloting Galleons and Junkers. I've tried the Goldfish, meh not for me. I'm not going to stop having fun just to progress down that achievement branch. But that means I'll gain levels at a snails pace. Now if the system could be changed where I could still gain levels to reflect my ability as a player (like many other games) and not how I spent my time pursuing tedious achievements that would increase the entertainment value for me.

So in conclusion I echo the others on this issue. A seperation of Achievements and Levels might be in order to make the game more fun for the average player.

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