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Messages - Seishin Ryu

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Loadouts
« on: May 15, 2013, 03:00:52 am »
I also think that this concept would do well for the role tab as well. For example if I was playing the role of main Engineer (Mallet, Spanner, Extinguisher) and wanted to play support Engineer (Wrench, Buff Tool, Chemical Spray) I could do so at the click of a button. This is also extremely helpful to gunners that hop around to different ships often. They could simply have loadouts for lets say a Galleon with Manticores to my example earlier of a Pyramidion with Mercury Field Rifles. Once again all for the convenience of the player and leading to a better game experience.

Feedback and Suggestions / Ship Loadouts
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:29:19 pm »
Hello I just have a small suggestion that I feel would make the game move a little smoother in between matches and just add another feature to the game that just makes sense, or at least it does to me and other people that I have talked to.

I think the game should have a loadout feature for ships that you can swap between in the ship customization window and save, I figure 4 for each ship would be acceptable to everyone. The reason I suggest this is because I constantly switch guns on ships and it gets bothersome to do so and at times the lobby loads into a game before I can even get all my guns set up so then I have a bunch of mixed guns that might not work together as well as one would like.  An example would be when I run with the Pyramidion and I have a general medium range setup but sometimes when I enter a lobby and see the enemy team has 2 Galleons with 4 Manticores on each one I like to switch to having Mercury Field Rifles as my front guns and play a safer game from a range.

My suggestion isn't anything super big, it's just a suggestion for an ease-of-use feature to the game.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and hope that everyone at Muse is enjoying themselves and gives themselves a pat on the back for creating such a unique and fun game.


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