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Messages - Peppi

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The Gallery / Re: GoI Board Game
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:37:52 pm »
I looked at game Thomas created and it's incredibly impressive in its sheer size.  My game is definitely smaller in scope.  But here are the rules.

Objective:  Destroy all enemy parts to sink their ship.

1.  Each captain gets one ship, one Engineer (the wrench), one deck of shots, and 14 health points.

Place each health points according to the number on the part.

Shuffle the deck and set aside.

2. After the captains decide who goes first, he or she goes through a turn.
   A turn consists of these actions.

3. Draw and reveal three cards from your deck.  These are the parts on the enemy ship you hit.  Each card is -1 point.  If you drew a MISS card, your gunner missed the shot.  If you drew a PERFECT SHOT, you choose which part got hit.  This card is still equals -1 points.

4. Place your Engineer on a damaged part to fix it.  The Engineer can only perform one move per turn.  One move equals one movement OR fixing one part.  The engineers fixes +1 point per part.  Engineers cannot move to a part that is not connected by a bridge.

5. Put all cards back in the deck and shuffle. This ends the captain’s turn and the opponent’s turn begins.

6. If a part has 0 health, it is completely destroyed and cannot be fixed.  However, the Engineer can still move onto the part.

7. If you destroy a part in your turn, the part cards revealed still goes back into the deck.
If the opponent has a destroyed part and you reveal that destroyed part card on your turn, it counts as a miss, and the card is then removed from the game.

It's pretty basic, but it play tested well.  If I had more time, I would add more layers of depth, but schoolwork kind of gets in the way of things.

The Gallery / GoI Board Game
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:12:18 pm »
Hey y'all
In class (I go to art school), we were asked to take an existing digital game and turn it into an analogue one.  I thought it would be awesome to try to do one based on GoI. 
Here is a terrible image of the game, and for only a two week project, it worked pretty well.
I just wanted to share with people who actually played this game

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