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Messages - Maenorg

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Recoil & Sudden Death
« on: March 26, 2013, 03:50:34 pm »
Ok, I imagined that it would be kind of impossible, and I forgot about the problems a captain would have since I'm playing Engineer-only..
I just thought that it could be a nice implementation, but under these circumstances it sounds like a bad idea.

Feedback and Suggestions / Recoil & Sudden Death
« on: March 26, 2013, 03:04:02 pm »
Hi there!

What I'm about to suggest is more of a gimmick that gives the game a bit more feeling: Recoil.
Not only shooting the weapons affecting the weapons, but more that if a Galleon shoots a whole broadside of z.b. Manticores it shakes and gets pushed to the side a little and swings for a while.
I know that this would be a hell of work to do, implement this swinging, giving extra load to the server and so on, but this "swinging" would give more to the game in more ways.
It could also be implemented for being in a storm, or the pushing-effect of the weapons could be used as an extra navigation-tool for advanced crews (like using the side weapon on a squid to make it move sidewards.
It would add a bit more realism.

My next suggestion is some kind of "Sudden Death" Mode, where the ship wins that stands last.
All vs all and once you're down - you're down!

In the end I just want to say: thank you for this awesome game! Keep on, and I hope you'll do a good job with Online Adventure Mode as well.
I'm looking forward to see more from you guys!


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