Id like to put together a video for our clan and im wondering if you guys can help me find a good program for streaming so that I might be able to stream and save the footage clips from the GOIO matches that I record in. The plan is to record the streams of certain setup situations in game and then to cut the scenes together to music with the end game of having a sweet clan video to show off to people
Kinda clueless though when it comes to this since ive never done any editing before. I have tons of ideas and know how I want it in my head. I just need the tools to get me there.
So first off
1st-I need a program that I can stream and it has to be able to record those streams.
2nd- I also need a video editing program that I can use to cut and paste the previously recorded streams so that I only have the clips that I want in it.
Also is it possible to stream from a 1st person point of view? Such as if I was a Pilot or a Gunner could I record a stream as him from the helm or on a gun?
Any help here would be much appreciated and especially if you can name the 2 main programs that I need to make this happen. The last thing ill bring up for now is if the streaming program and video editor is free that would be optimal since I am poor. If you think you can help me my steam name [G] TimmyB be very grateful to anyone who can help me get started on this little project! Hope to hear from some of you with good news soon!
Thanks TimmyB