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Messages - Eleanor Thornholt

Pages: [1]
Honestly, I think only the gunner should get that constant, passive boost if anyone.  The pilot one is unnecessary because piloting tools take care of it.  The engineering ability to better repair/buff at all is taken care of by the engineer's tools.

I actually prefered the debuffs over buffs since they don't affect balancing at all, they just give each class a better feel of their duties.

I read a lot of these posts and the idea of passive boosts doesn't seem bad. One thing that could be nice instead of passive boost items is constant boost for the class.
Example: Pilot (-5% angular drag), Engineer (+5% buff duration), Gunner (-5% recoil).

That would give the gunner a boost towards gunning that Gungineer CAN'T get.

Alternatively, debuffs towards other class roles.
Example: Pilot (-5% buff duration, +5% recoil), Engineer (+5% angular drag, +5% recoil), Gunner (+5% angular drag, -5% buff duration)

This would make the Gungineer less strong with gunning and wouldn't risk unbalancing the guns.

Please give me your point of view on this and keep in mind the examples are EXAMPLES.

So this is only a problem when the enemy comes and your ally doesn't?

It seems to me that hull camping isn't the problem, in that case. Getting 2v1ed messes you up regardless of whether anybody's tanking or not.

I agree with you that hull tanking is plain stupid from the way he pointed it out. The big issue here IMO ain't about that, but about the fact that multiple ammo types aren't needed often enough to be more useful than engineer tools. This bring the gunner class to a state where it becomes an almost useless class in a ship where you could use 3 engineers instead of 2 + 1 gunner (I said ALMOST, so please don't bring out specific situations, because both sides have these). If you read earlier posts on page 1 by "Arthem White", "Bauldr" and "Mattilald Anguisad", you can see different approaches towards the issue that make a lot of sense. I like gunners and IMO some guns have a big use in multiple ammo types, yet I must agree that a lot of times those extra ammo types have nothing on the engineer tools.

Stop focusing on the hull tanking thing, it's not the problem, the problem is that having multiple ammo types is just not useful enough.

The Gallery / Re: Anglea: Raid Logs
« on: May 18, 2013, 10:50:17 pm »
Great little captain log from a really better captain  :).

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