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Messages - OddOstrich

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Combat Music
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:56:25 pm »
No offense but I really hate that kind of music, it will totally take the experience away bc it does sound like Nitendo music.
i think something that might work is:

Thats some sweet music OPeepi!

I was just saying if each player could customize their own combat music individually that I would put that music, not suggesting that we replace the drums with that specific music. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Heavy Flame Thrower
« on: May 16, 2013, 09:34:48 pm »
I personally am all in for that fireball spitter!

I think if this idea is implemented, the fireball would have be a firebolt. Just to fit the theme a little better. A fireball seems a little TOO anime-ish, a bolt of fire would feel more powerful as well and designing the gun might be a little easier too.

Feedback and Suggestions / Combat Music
« on: May 16, 2013, 09:24:40 pm »
You know how the drums start playing when you start getting close to the enemy?

I would love to have custom music, or even just different music choices to replace the drums. Because while the drums are good and all, having variety would greatly enhance the experience I think.

I normally like listening to other music while I'm playing an engineer so I would mute the drums. But as a gunner or pilot I know I have to settle for the drums to maximize my winning potential, and it sometimes gets old.

I know my choice for my personal custom choice for combat music would be to replace it with this:

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